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England Riots


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Well, I can't say I'm not surprised that St Pauls & Gloucester Road were the major riot areas in Bristol.


They smashed a jewellery shop in Cabbot Circus too, Thankfully I live a good 10 miles away from all that trouble!






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No, it's pretty clearly a reaction to racist police stop & search practice. All the original riot areas: Tottenham, Enfield etc etc are predominantly black. It's poor youth-police relations. Why would you not loot and riot if the whole of society is stacked against you?


That doesn't make any sense considering the original 'reason' for this was because a police officer defended himself and shot a black guy after the black guy shot at him first. I still don't understand the need for all of this, it's dumb playing the race card considering the black guy shot the police officer first, what did people want him to do, stand around and not shoot back?


I don't like people playing the race card and this is definitely the rioters playing it. As far as I'm concerned, this isn't anything to do with race or police brutality, this is more to do with someone defending themselves against an attack. There would be more of a point if the person did nothing and the police shot him anyway but considering the guy attacked first...


I'd argue that most of these people are fuckwit delinquents who like to smash shit up at any opportunity. Otherwise known as black men.


You say that yet I've seen quite a few white men on the news yesterday smashing up betting shops and throwing planks of wood at the police so singling it out to one race is both quite irrelevant and quite offensive.

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Before I say this, I'd like to note that I do not condone violence, unless in the name of fighting oppressive forces or preventing harm, and even then only the minimum necessary force.


But to all of you talking about gas and dogs and guns and more cops and powers and cracking skulls....


be careful what you wish for, it might just come true.


Yes, I hope they really do crack the skulls of the scum that are rioting.


Yeah, maybe we should have more cops with guns, that would prevent this kind of thing. Oh wait did I say prevent? I meant cause!


Yes, when innocent lives and businesses are at risk, we do need police who are equipped to handle it.

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What a joke. This country needs to man up. Violence begets more violence so i say visit it back on them. Tear Gas, water cannons the lot. It is a minority making a massive mess of the country.


1. "Violence begets more violence"


2. "so i say visit it back on them"


3. ??????


4. Profit!




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Edited by Yvonne
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This was on tumblr this morning:







My Dad told my mum stupidly last night that he was on the same road as the stuff going on, so of course my mum and I didn't get much sleep.


He's fine, but a bit worried about tonight, I really hope everyone in London is ok! Plus the other areas Birmingham, Nottingham etc.

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So now I've been hearing that it was police bullets that have only been fired. I'm not exactly sure if this is true but if it is, it's no wonder there's a riot if the police acted that way. I'm not condoning it but I can see why there's massive upset. I just can't see why everyone else (Birmingham and Liverpool) got into it as well. I guess they saw a window of opportunity and decided to trash the place for fun?






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That is disgusting. How can people have so little sense of morality or compassion? They really don't care who the victim is. This violence and vandalism, petty theft and looting is not directed at anyone it really is just a big group of cunts out for themselves. I have no respect for any of them and I hope they are jailed for an incredibly long time.




On the other end of the scale, you have this class of genius:


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I wish this was unbelievable but unfortunately this is how it is.


Just goes to show that it is not only Black Men as stated earlier.


I can't think of any reason why this rioting could be condoned. No matter who shot first.


The guy was a cocaine dealer he had a gun and was threatening to shoot. Not sure if he actually fired. In my eyes the police could have shot to injure but that is a different matter.


How many people are now injured? 2 police in ICU countless more injured. People losing their businesses and houses.


There is no excuse. Police should use what ever means necessary to bring these animals under control.

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I can see why there's upset but I can't see why everyone else is doing it. If this is making some kind of statement, I can't see what it is because it's all just rumours right now. I think it just started just for the reason of starting one with no reasoning behind it. At least in the 80s riots, there was a reason.

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I can see why there's upset but I can't see why everyone else is doing it. If this is making some kind of statement, I can't see what it is because it's all just rumours right now. I think it just started just for the reason of starting one with no reasoning behind it. At least in the 80s riots, there was a reason.


The reason is they're unemployed, uneducated, uncontrollable and every time the police do something bad, we put them on the front of the newspapers and slap their wrists and now they're too scared to do anything.

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I can see why there's upset but I can't see why everyone else is doing it. If this is making some kind of statement, I can't see what it is because it's all just rumours right now. I think it just started just for the reason of starting one with no reasoning behind it. At least in the 80s riots, there was a reason.


''Copycat'' basically it seems people are doing it just because they now feel they can.

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There is no reason to riot. The law is the law. If the shooting was illegal then it will be dealt with.


What is wrong with peaceful demonstration? If there had been peaceful demonstration the last 2 days the police would be under alot of presure. Now people are against the rioters and the shooting is taking a back seat and will be swept under the carpet.

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They're doing it because of the crowds effect Yvonne posted but didn't bother to explain. Ever see the place being taped off and people being kept out of shouting distance when someone is on a ledge threatening suicide? That is because police/firemen are well aware that if a crowd gathers there is a good chance they will tell him to jump. With a crowd people feel anonymous and lose their sense of self. As long as you are anonymous, in a large group and get annoyed or disturbed by something it doesn't take much to set them off. It won't happen to everyone, but it is possible it could happen to anyone here.


That said this still needs to be stopped, and seeing that kid being beaten and robbed makes me very angry...

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