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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

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Why do I always find the weird ones? (cus all women are weird, hurr hurr)


So we went out Saturday night, as I said, it seemed to go well to me. Then on Sunday I text her and got a reply saying "had fun... great guy... I didn't feel the chemistry between us so best to leave it at that". I was somewhat disheartened to say the least, but I've come to expect that sort of text. We've become almost friends, but the sort of friend you hate but can't seem to get rid of.


However today I get another text saying she's been thinking about it, changed her mind and would like to meet up again. I said yes, and asked her what changed her mind. She just said she realised she had fun and hadn't given it much chance. So it looks like I have a second date.


Either bitches be crazy, or Moogle be crazy (and not sane enough to know it).


I'm gonna be a cynical bastard and say keep your wits about you. How did you meet her? She may possibly be either seeing/thinking about someone else or just kinda not sure on what she wants but being kinda flippant about it and taking you while you're there. Not that you're not an absolutely sexy beast, it's just quite reminiscent of something my mate went through recently.

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Sounds like you'll be in a relationship again soon drahkon :p


I really don't know :laughing:


Spent last night at her place, just came home. The night was kinda similar to last Friday.


Anyway, not thinking too much about it and just having fun. It's the best I can do right now.

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I'm gonna be a cynical bastard and say keep your wits about you. How did you meet her? She may possibly be either seeing/thinking about someone else or just kinda not sure on what she wants but being kinda flippant about it and taking you while you're there. Not that you're not an absolutely sexy beast, it's just quite reminiscent of something my mate went through recently.


I met her online.


Her seeing somebody else did cross my mind. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now though. What else have I got to lose?

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Right so you guys remember the girl I'm talking to online, right? I know something just isn't right with her but I can't put my finger on what it is. It's kind of like everytime I'm available, she isn't and everytime I'm not available, she is. There's that and the fact that recently, she's called me at around 4am after she's been out for the night and yet when I try ringing her, she never picks up the phone even though she messages me 10 seconds ago. There's that and the fact she responds differently to jokes now and stuff. Like before, we'd joke about sex and stuff and now she does but then after she's all "That sounds dodgy =/" and it's sort of like WTF.


Obviously with this, I don't think there's a future. It's just been way too long but you know when you're so curious, you want to get to the bottom of the riddle? I feel so much like Nev right now, @Josh64 can be Max! Catfish!

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I hear Max might not be in the new series @Animal so nows my chance to do it, to be Nev's partner in crime... :heart:


But yeah, is this the girl from like October/Novemeber? I remember thinking back then things didn't sound quite right but if she's still acting funny (if not more so now) then you need to get things sorted.


Just be straight with her now, you've been chasing her long enough. Say outright you need to know what's going on and tell her what seems odd to you. Why won't she meet up? Why won't she answer your calls? Ask her and say you deserve a straight answer at this point.

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I've just been watching The Undateables, and it alarmed me that the woman who narrates the show often describes my love life (or lack of) with her introduction of the candidates.


For instance.


"(insert persons name) is 27 and has never been in a serious relationship..."


Ok, well I'm 26 and the same applies to me.


"(insert undateables name) has never been in love before..."


I thought I had been, once - many moons ago. I wasn't. I was just young and stupid.


"(insert undateables name) has never been a hit with the opposite sex..."


Be worried if I was, being gay an that :heh: but even the SAME SEX DON'T WANT ME. :angry:


I'm signing up for the next series.


Anyway. I've decided to get myself on POF in the hope that I can at least try to change all of this.

I had 6 dates in the space of 3 months earlier last year from POF, and 5 out of the 6 wanted to see me again and pushed for date 2. I didn't feel anything worth pursuing with them though, so told them how I felt (nicely!) and that was that. The one I would see again told me no when I pushed for date 2. :heh: Cruel world.


So I'm back on. I shall post with my tales of woe, I'm sure. But wish me luck fellow love seekers!

Gonna need it. :)

My friends keep suggesting I go on it, so I feel the same haha.

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Right so you guys remember the girl I'm talking to online, right? I know something just isn't right with her but I can't put my finger on what it is. It's kind of like everytime I'm available, she isn't and everytime I'm not available, she is. There's that and the fact that recently, she's called me at around 4am after she's been out for the night and yet when I try ringing her, she never picks up the phone even though she messages me 10 seconds ago. There's that and the fact she responds differently to jokes now and stuff. Like before, we'd joke about sex and stuff and now she does but then after she's all "That sounds dodgy =/" and it's sort of like WTF.


Obviously with this, I don't think there's a future. It's just been way too long but you know when you're so curious, you want to get to the bottom of the riddle? I feel so much like Nev right now, @Josh64 can be Max! Catfish!


Have you still not met her?


Have you actually seen pictures of her that you can verify are her?


I thought it sounded really weird at the time. You just need to tell her in a blunt way that you're sick of her games and you're done. Then take control and resist the urge to contact her.


If she gets in touch with you, be cold and tell her you're done with games and if after all this time she can't find an afternoon to meet you then she isn't the one for you.


When birds say "I'm too busy" or "I haven't had time to text you today" or make other such excuses always think about things from a personal perspective. If you met a stunning girl who you really wanted, would you be able to find the time to meet or send regular messages to? Of course you would.


If people care about one another they always make time.


It's the same when they say lame things like "I'm not ready to date" or "I just don't want want a relationship right now." It's garbage, everyone is ready to date if the right person comes along, they're just bottling telling you that they don't want to date you.

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Right so you guys remember the girl I'm talking to online, right? I know something just isn't right with her but I can't put my finger on what it is. It's kind of like everytime I'm available, she isn't and everytime I'm not available, she is. There's that and the fact that recently, she's called me at around 4am after she's been out for the night and yet when I try ringing her, she never picks up the phone even though she messages me 10 seconds ago. There's that and the fact she responds differently to jokes now and stuff. Like before, we'd joke about sex and stuff and now she does but then after she's all "That sounds dodgy =/" and it's sort of like WTF.


Obviously with this, I don't think there's a future. It's just been way too long but you know when you're so curious, you want to get to the bottom of the riddle? I feel so much like Nev right now, @Josh64 can be Max! Catfish!


I'd been wondering about all that when I made my last post, but assumed it just fizzled or you wouldn't have posted. I'm with the others - it's been too long, cut contact, move on. No matter what she says, just let it go.


Where are folks meeting people online btw? I'm thinking I might give a bit of the online dating a whirl and see what comes of it, even if it's just meeting cool new folks.

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Just want reassurance that it's not cool to send someone you cancelled meeting 3 times for financial reasons, a message saying:


"Hey gorgeous, how are you today? Working? Having a decent weekend I hope! I just scrubbed my entire house and then went beer shopping ;D Decided to be a lazy bugger and watch netflix and chill with pizza! Wish you were here to share!!! xx”


He's cancelled meeting me 3 times cos he can't afford it, but he's got money for beer/pizza/Netflix? Dafuuuuuck! He only lives 14 miles away, the bus fare wouldn't cos a fortune surely, jesus. But apparently he'd rather buy beer. :(

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Eurgh calling someone gaaaaawjus is cringe. I agree, sounds odd to be doing that saying wish you here to share....


I am booked in for a third date with a girl who is lovely and have a lot in common with. However, also trying to sort out feelings for coworker who ended it with me because wasn't sure still liked the ex that ended 2 weeks before me (didn't know) and got back with him but now says she thinks regrets her decision.


I don't want to be like second choice but I like her a lot even after she messed me about.

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I know the feeling @Pancake , I once broke up with someone because they kept saying that travelling over was a lot of effort. If they don't think the effort or finance is worth seeing you, then they're not really worth it.


I was seeing this guy that I met in town and things were going great. We were having great chats in person and over text and sparks were flying and such. But ever since my friend (that I previously mentioned) kissed me at that party I could only think of him. Every time I got a text from the other guy I'd be disappointed because it wasn't a text from the friend. Then there was another party and we went a bit further than kissing, and I started to really really like him. But then he says he wants to just be friends because he doesn't want to risk losing any more friends (this has apparently happened before). So then it took like 3 days of being miserable to feel better again, but still lost all interest in the other guy and trying to build that up. Every now and again though I just get sudden feelings for the friend creeping back in to distract me while I'm trying to study for exams (which my job depends on) or chat with the other guy.


It's really annoying and it's like I predicted just after the friend kissed me. Things with the friend won't work out and I'll be too swept up by that and lose the other guy too. And it feels like that's happening.


Just when one good thing shows up you get another good thing and boom, they join together to make one big bad thing.

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I swear to God if this doesn't work out then I'm going celibate. We had a great date, laughed all through it. Then at the end I went in for a hug, as I was pulling away she pulled me back for a kiss. Then she said, "I'm glad we went on a second date".


Now unless she meant, "I'm glad we went on a second date... because this is a much better way to end things/because now I'm certain it's over" then I better get a third.


I don't know.


Watch this space.


If not Imma cry and masturbate.


I'll probably do that anyway.

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Just want reassurance that it's not cool to send someone you cancelled meeting 3 times for financial reasons, a message saying:


"Hey gorgeous, how are you today? Working? Having a decent weekend I hope! I just scrubbed my entire house and then went beer shopping ;D Decided to be a lazy bugger and watch netflix and chill with pizza! Wish you were here to share!!! xx”


He's cancelled meeting me 3 times cos he can't afford it, but he's got money for beer/pizza/Netflix? Dafuuuuuck! He only lives 14 miles away, the bus fare wouldn't cos a fortune surely, jesus. But apparently he'd rather buy beer. :(


He sounds like a waste, and probably a sponge as well, I wouldn't bother wasting time with him after all that.


I swear to God if this doesn't work out then I'm going celibate. We had a great date, laughed all through it. Then at the end I went in for a hug, as I was pulling away she pulled me back for a kiss. Then she said, "I'm glad we went on a second date".


Now unless she meant, "I'm glad we went on a second date... because this is a much better way to end things/because now I'm certain it's over" then I better get a third.


I don't know.


Watch this space.


If not Imma cry and masturbate.


I'll probably do that anyway.


Is this the girl who didn't think she wanted to see you again but then changed her mind? Hoping it works out for you!


I hate emotions at times. I was off work ill yesterday and spent most of the day thinking about the girl I asked out. I wish I could erase the feelings.


On a somewhat related note, she's ginger.


Don't worry man, it always takes a while for shame to go away.

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