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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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So last night I went out for some tea / dinner (dependng on where you're from!) wth my sisters at a local pub grub style place.


There's this guy who works there who is completely and utterly :love:.

I've seen him there before and each time I've been we've kinda had a little look, well I have :heh: but kinda got the impression he may have too.


Like each time he walked past the table he always looked, or if he was by the till (where we were sat) he would look over.


At one point he walked past the table with another waitress and I heard him say to her "this guy..." to which I heard her say, "oh really? No not for me..." to which he said "well I did't mean the girl!" Or something like that. I didn't get the last bit properly though.


Now this may just be me reading into things as usual, but you know when you just get the impression that someone else is kind of looking at you as much as you're looking at them?


I don't really know why I'm posting either :laughing: coz it isn't like I can do anything about it. Nor would I necessarily know what to do about it.


To add a further twist, I know his name as he is a mutual friend of a lad who goes to my gym. He was tagged into a photo with him the other week and I knew I recognised him but didn't twig until last night that it was him.


So yeah. Pretty pointless post. Apparently we're going to this place again on Sunday for a roast dinner. So that'll be interesting. :wtf:

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So last night I went out for some tea / dinner (dependng on where you're from!) wth my sisters at a local pub grub style place.


There's this guy who works there who is completely and utterly :love:.

I've seen him there before and each time I've been we've kinda had a little look, well I have :heh: but kinda got the impression he may have too.


Like each time he walked past the table he always looked, or if he was by the till (where we were sat) he would look over.


At one point he walked past the table with another waitress and I heard him say to her "this guy..." to which I heard her say, "oh really? No not for me..." to which he said "well I did't mean the girl!" Or something like that. I didn't get the last bit properly though.


Now this may just be me reading into things as usual, but you know when you just get the impression that someone else is kind of looking at you as much as you're looking at them?


I don't really know why I'm posting either :laughing: coz it isn't like I can do anything about it. Nor would I necessarily know what to do about it.


To add a further twist, I know his name as he is a mutual friend of a lad who goes to my gym. He was tagged into a photo with him the other week and I knew I recognised him but didn't twig until last night that it was him.


So yeah. Pretty pointless post. Apparently we're going to this place again on Sunday for a roast dinner. So that'll be interesting. :wtf:


Ask him out.


Say "You alright, sweet cheeks? How's about we have a bit of dinner, go out and see a movie or something and then go back to yours for a coffee session!" and then give him a cheeky wink and a pat on the arse!


Works for me all of the time! :indeed:

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Now this may just be me reading into things as usual, but you know when you just get the impression that someone else is kind of looking at you as much as you're looking at them?


Yeah, I know what you mean. Happens to us all! I suppose it's when you get two shy people (no offence intended) it can be a bit confusing.


There is a girl I see in three places - where I work, where she works and in the gym. When we're in the gym, I see her looking at my back every time I'm up against the mirror. If I try to smile at her she looks away, but then I go and do another exercise and I see her looking over again! When I see her at her workplace, she pretty much ignores me; whereas when she comes to my workplace she ignores me if she sees me trying to smile at her, but last time she came in she called out "hello" to me with a massive smile.


I'm knowing I'm being a massive wuss, but I get on with flirty girls really easily. As I say, it's when you get two people who are more introverted. They say opposites attract, but you can be physically attracted to any type - it's just the opposites who actually get together!

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Yeah, I know what you mean. Happens to us all! I suppose it's when you get two shy people (no offence intended) it can be a bit confusing.


There is a girl I see in three places - where I work, where she works and in the gym. When we're in the gym, I see her looking at my back every time I'm up against the mirror. If I try to smile at her she looks away, but then I go and do another exercise and I see her looking over again! When I see her at her workplace, she pretty much ignores me; whereas when she comes to my workplace she ignores me if she sees me trying to smile at her, but last time she came in she called out "hello" to me with a massive smile.


I'm knowing I'm being a massive wuss, but I get on with flirty girls really easily. As I say, it's when you get two people who are more introverted. They say opposites attract, but you can be physically attracted to any type - it's just the opposites who actually get together!


Ooh this sounds promising though Grazza! Do you like her - as in physically? I guess that's all anyone has to go on for a first impression unless you actually speak to them.


With this guy, I felt like we were both checking each other out. How horrible to be completely wrong though. That would suck!


I am really tempted just to go this place again for drinks with a friend. There is a bar area where you can just grab a drink, so it wouldn't be too our of the ordinary.

Also, I noticed he worked on the bar sporadically last night too, so maybe I could ask for a SEX... on the beach, or something if he serves me. :heh:


We'll see. Who knows, maybe something will come of it. Beats wondering what if I guess.

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The Tinder girl hasn't responded to my latest text, yet. I kinda hate trying to have a conversation via Tinder. :blank:


I might just go for the Hail Mary Pass and ask whether she'd like to have my number so we can communicate easier (via WhatsApp or something).

I'd also have a bit of clarity whether she's interesting in keeping the conversation going or not :)

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Ooh this sounds promising though Grazza! Do you like her - as in physically? I guess that's all anyone has to go on for a first impression unless you actually speak to them.


Yeah, definitely! To be honest, I suspect it's a case of mutual attraction, but neither of us too serious about anything else. I mean, she looks 18 and I'm 36 - exactly double! - plus she's often with a boyfriend her own age!


Not necessarily saying I want to ask her out, just that I think there's definitely a physical attraction between us.


Also, I noticed he worked on the bar sporadically last night too, so maybe I could ask for a SEX... on the beach, or something if he serves me. :heh:


Nice and subtle. :laughing: I normally get a restraining order for that sort of behaviour!

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I might just go for the Hail Mary Pass and ask whether she'd like to have my number so we can communicate easier (via WhatsApp or something).


Soooo, I did. Went for (roughly translated): "I find it difficult to communicate properly via Tinder, so if you want I can give you my number so we can chat on WhatsApp."


And her response...


"Sure :) [her number]"



It's that simple, guys. : peace:

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OK. I think I have a good chance of talking to bus girl again/finally asking her out.


Question is, should I do it?


No. Continue to beat yourself up and don't take this chance.




YES. Do it! If you don't, I'll kill you.

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