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Kurtle Squad

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Sorry, I mis-spoke.


What I meant is that therapy would solve nothing for me.


1) Be careful what you say as it isn't the first time you've made this kind of mistake

2) What makes you so sure of this? What if before your weight loss you decided "exercise isn't for me"? Why have you written it off without trying?

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1) Be careful what you say as it isn't the first time you've made this kind of mistake

2) What makes you so sure of this? What if before your weight loss you decided "exercise isn't for me"? Why have you written it off without trying?


Because he doesn't want any help and he just wants attention from us.

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Because he doesn't want any help and he just wants attention from us.

I didn't ask for this. All I said was:

As I'm nearing my 28th birthday, I figure I may as well try to rewrite my profiles on dating sites to see if that garners any success.


Fingers crossed.


Probably pointless anyway as I have to disappear in early November until January, but never know...could find someone accepting of that.

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Go and watch The Sopranos.

Maybe the reason he knows that therapy isn't for him is that he used to go to therapy, then after seven years his therapist stood up, said, "never mind, you're a sociopath, please leave" and pointed at the door.

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Because he doesn't want any help and he just wants attention from us.


Very much so. I think he enjoys the attention and has no intention of taking advice from people who have more success with the things he's struggling with. He always has a reason stored up as to why he won't follow people's advice.

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You need a wake up call, and I really hope you get one sooner rather than later for your own sake.


I couldn't agree more.


I had avoided posting but the topic's gone essentially to what I was thinking. The problem is Serebii himself. I've nursed mentally ill people in the throngs of mania and psychosis who have still managed to demonstrate more insight into themselves and their problems than Serebii seems to, and that's the biggest key here. Jay was right with his original post to give up, because without any insight or willingness to change you're going to make absolutely no fucking progress. My advice is the same as others for Serebii - get some therapy. More therapy if you've already had some, and consider medication and other things to help it along too. My advice to everyone else - you're wasting your time right now.


Can't we just get back to drahkon getting laid and Moogle meeting ladies in Borton??

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This seems to have become an outlet for people to post aggressive statements about Serebii. When did he becomes the forum whipping boy? I thought that was ReZ.


It's hardly fair to call him an attention-seeker. He doesn't post that often here. Interestingly, the ones calling him an ttention seeker seem to be the ones who were first to start the whole "Serebii you're wrong, you need to do this..." that actually started all this attention on him.


I find it pretty laughable that people are acting so high and mighty, telling him exactly what he needs to do, and performing an in-depth analysis on his entire personality, all based on a few forum posts. Yes we should give advice, that's what this thread is for, but this isn't advice, it's preaching.

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This seems to have become an outlet for people to post aggressive statements about Serebii. When did he becomes the forum whipping boy? I thought that was ReZ.


It's hardly fair to call him an attention-seeker. He doesn't post that often here. Interestingly, the ones calling him an ttention seeker seem to be the ones who were first to start the whole "Serebii you're wrong, you need to do this..." that actually started all this attention on him.


I find it pretty laughable that people are acting so high and mighty, telling him exactly what he needs to do, and performing an in-depth analysis on his entire personality, all based on a few forum posts. Yes we should give advice, that's what this thread is for, but this isn't advice, it's preaching.

And interestingly, it's typically the same people who attack me when I stand up for Nintendo.

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And interestingly, it's typically the same people who attack me when I stand up for Nintendo.


Lol, noob. Nintendo sucks :p



I read that someone wants to get back to me getting laid? I got a blowjob this morning from my friend-with-benefits. Nothing special, I know;


If your lady friend wants to go down on you ask her to also put one or two Tic Tacs in her mouth.


My roommate gave me this advice and I told my lady to try it out. It's fucking amazing. The menthol really adds to it :D


@Animal I had sex again.

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Lol, noob. Nintendo sucks :p



I read that someone wants to get back to me getting laid? I got a blowjob this morning from my friend-with-benefits. Nothing special, I know;


If your lady friend wants to go down on you ask her to also put one or two Tic Tacs in her mouth.


My roommate gave me this advice and I told my lady to try it out. It's fucking amazing. The menthol really adds to it :D


@Animal I had sex again.

Try popping candy next time :p

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Why is it laughable, telling him what he needs? Is it ridiculous to suggest a man in a desert needs water? Even he has admitted to having issues (unsuccessful on dating sites, mental issues). People on here can relate to when they had those same or similar issues and either solved or managed them (e.g. via therapy) so are challenging his statement that therapy won't work for him.


Most of all I agree, though, that we shouldn't telling him what he needs. Not because it isn't useful advice, but because he just disregards everything.

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Except he is all three of those people, is insane, has multiple other personalities, stalks, tried to get Yahoo Answers to hack my e-mail account, has been trying to evade bans for 8 years, goes on to many places where I go, just to harass me.


I had another crazy want to "send me a gift as thanks", then found my facebook, tried to add me and threatened to send horrific stuff to everyone on my friend list if I didn't comply.


Wait, was he?! No way! I was confused with the whole thing but damn. Even though I can see why you'd have hang-ups and doubts about it, you can't say everyone will be like that though. I mean, we aren't like that and we're people you've known online. I've met a couple of people who were online and have become mates. Granted we hardly talk anymore but that's only because of circumstances, nothing to do with any falling out or anything like that.


All I'm saying is don't let one (or even several) bad experience(s) put you off because there are some awesome, amazing people out there that may even change your life and the way you think forever, even if it is for a short period of time.


Because he doesn't want any help and he just wants attention from us.


I'll be honest, I'm finding it a little unfair now. I honestly see points from both sides but to say he is an attention-seeker seems a bit excessive. A man has a genuine problem with anxiety, interacting with people and whatnot and he's come to us with his problems and updates. He's trusted us. He probably doesn't tell everybody what he's told us.


As I've said before, he may very much realise changes need to be made but when it's hard to change something that is natural and instinctive to you. I'm sure he's trying. These things take time. Some it can take weeks, months or years. With Serebii, it's taken years but he's said he's made progress. He spoke to a stranger about something (if I recall the other day's post correctly) and he even said he'd have never done that before. It just shows he's obviously getting better. Progress is progress and that's good. At least he's trying. It took me years to actually stand up to people. I was a bit outspoken but not as much as I am now.


@Serebii, keep on making that progress. You're doing well but at the same time, take everybody's advice on this thread and use it to your advantage because this is some golden advice. Look your fears straight in the eye and kick it hard in the bollocks!


This seems to have become an outlet for people to post aggressive statements about Serebii. When did he becomes the forum whipping boy? I thought that was ReZ.


It's hardly fair to call him an attention-seeker. He doesn't post that often here. Interestingly, the ones calling him an ttention seeker seem to be the ones who were first to start the whole "Serebii you're wrong, you need to do this..." that actually started all this attention on him.


I find it pretty laughable that people are acting so high and mighty, telling him exactly what he needs to do, and performing an in-depth analysis on his entire personality, all based on a few forum posts. Yes we should give advice, that's what this thread is for, but this isn't advice, it's preaching.


I couldn't have put it better myself.

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And interestingly, it's typically the same people who attack me when I stand up for Nintendo.


Let's not play the victim now. There are a few preachy posts (in between you not wanting to try therapy and some reasons why it might be a good idea), but the majority of the Nintendo discussion is balanced, I'd say. Good points from both sides. "Attack" should not be used as a substitute word for "disagree with".


@drahkon, tic tacs, eh? Interesting.


It's very different to the tip I was given by a mate in my first week at Uni. A friend I lived with had a pack of flavoured condoms and recommended the blueberry flavour. I thought...alright, let's see what the woman says. (this was pre-Ine, thank god, horrific really)


So, we get down to it, I whip it out...then I blueberry myself up. The smell was disgusting before any action happened. It was so strong! The colour was hilarious, it really was something, just a dark bluey-purply abomination. So, we get down to it, after about 5 seconds of her and the beast eyeing each other up and then another few moments, we both stopped as we realised that we couldn't continue. It was awful. From what I was told, the taste was vile.


Put me off blueberries for a long time, that did. Not sure if my friend was trying to stitch me up, but it worked a right treat. Which is more than can be said for...that.

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Lol, noob. Nintendo sucks :p



I read that someone wants to get back to me getting laid? I got a blowjob this morning from my friend-with-benefits. Nothing special, I know;


If your lady friend wants to go down on you ask her to also put one or two Tic Tacs in her mouth.


My roommate gave me this advice and I told my lady to try it out. It's fucking amazing. The menthol really adds to it :D


@Animal I had sex again.


And I hate you again! :p


By the way, Extra Trebor Strong Mints do SO MUCH MORE! It works for either going down on either. Leave the mint on your tongue for five minutes, chew it and go down on her straight away. Same goes for girls going down on boys but trust me, you do this if it's your turn to go down and she'll really appreciate you! ;)


Adding on to that, Fisherman's Friend isn't bad either but if you want the full effect, go Extra Trebor Strong Mints.

Edited by Animal
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Why is it laughable, telling him what he needs? Is it ridiculous to suggest a man in a desert needs water? Even he has admitted to having issues (unsuccessful on dating sites, mental issues). People on here can relate to when they had those same or similar issues and either solved or managed them (e.g. via therapy) so are challenging his statement that therapy won't work for him.


It's laughable that you think you know exactly what it needs.


It's laughable that you think by berating him you're doing him a favour.


This isn't a case of "Have you considered this?" or "I think this could help". Or even a case of elating to your own experience.


It's purely just "You're fucked up and need this. But you're too fucked up to do it so go fuck yourself".

Edited by MoogleViper
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And I hate you again! :p


By the way, Extra Trebor Strong Mints do SO MUCH MORE! It works for either going down on either. Leave the mint on your tongue for five minutes, chew it and go down on her straight away. Same goes for girls going down on boys but trust me, you do this if it's your turn to go down and she'll really appreciate you! ;)


Adding on to that, Fisherman's Friend isn't bad either but if you want the full effect, go Extra Trebor Strong Mints.

That reminds me. I have a night out on Saturday for my birthday, best grab some mints.

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It's laughable that you think you know exactly what it needs.


It's laughable that you think by berating him you're doing him a favour.


This isn't a case of "Have you considered this?" or "I think this could help". Or even a case of elating to your own experience.


It's purely just "You're fucked up and need this. But you're to fucked up to do it so go fuck yourself".


I want to know why it's laughable to say that someone who has confessed to having mental health issues should get therapy or see a therapist?


Is it also laughable to say someone who has hard their arm blown off should go to a hospital?


And if you're wondering about the tone, it's because he has posted his issues many times, people have spent their time posting his advice, and he never tries any of it. It's bound to annoy people.

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I almost agree that the advice to Serebii may have gone a little too far.


I would suggest that people stop posting about aspects of their lives in this thread and the bad stuff thread if they are not wanting the posts to be commented upon.

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