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I'll just leave the following What'sApp conversation I just had here (not verbatim, but pretty close):



Female friend: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Me: "Hi, drinking beer, playing video games."

Her: "cool, mind if I come over?"

Me: "Not at all"

Her: "Great. By the way: I want sex."

Me: "You ain't getting any, though."



I think you can guess my response.


Beginners luck, right?


No, you're awesome!

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I wonder when @nightwolf will arrive.




Double post. : peace: Edit: Automerge : peace:


Well, that was a waste of time.


Nah, she came over, we talked. Strangely we talked about her guy-issues. Then we kissed, and she said "Sorry, but I have to go."


I think she really has a thing for that guy we talked about, so it's better that nothing happened.

Well...better for her :p

Edited by drahkon
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My money's on you getting a response, possibly a no response, but getting one later on. You've taken her a little bit by suprise and she doesn't know what to say without being too harsh too fast.


Or she is in fact just choosing to ignore it, in which case she's a slightly shit person. Question though - why block her if so anyway? Presuming this is a facebook friendage/message dealie?


It's a Twitter thang, brah! We were Direct Messaging (massaging! LOLZ) and we got to talking and I just thought "I'm going in for the kill, I'm doing it for the thrill" and did it.


She didn't reply to me in the end. She's tweeted quite a few times and she's not mentioned me in a tweet or anything. I asked if she got my message, still nothing. It's actually surprised me, actually. Me and her got along brilliantly and were always straight-forward. I would have thought she'd have been straight with me on this. I'd have rather have had a "no" than just be blanked. I think less of her now.


I haven't blocked her and I wouldn't have done either. It's just something I said to myself if worst came to worst. Like, if I felt really awkward or whatever, I told myself that I always had that option. 90% I wouldn't touch it anyway.


Funniest thing happened though. I was in Morrisons today and I went to the self-checkout part and I scanned a few items through when one of the items wouldn't scan properly. Anyway, this girl helped me with it and she was beaming at me. She was like "Bloody machines, always playing up". I said "I know, tell me about it. I have a card machine at work and it tells me there ain't a card in there when there blatantly is" and she was like "Oh my God, the same thing happens on this one! Annoying, isn't it?" and I was like "Yeah, totally" and she was like "Ah, you just needed to put it in the bagging area". I was like "...excuse me?" and she was like "The chicken...you need to put it on that weight thing there" and I were all "Oh...yeah, course". I laughed, she did and I said "See you again" and she said "See you later"


She's awesome. So now I have a pissing crush on her! This time, I'm going to do it right! I plan to ask her out in two weeks' time...if she's there!


Gay males of the forums. What are you supposed to do at the end of a date? A handshake feels weird, especially if you've just been making out for ages, and a hug seems too friends-y, but then a kiss in public is awkward because most gay people don't like to do it, including me. I dunno. I was so confused I gave a guy an awkward sideways hug and then ran away to catch my bus.


Honestly, I'm probably naive or whatever but I didn't think gay dates were any different from straight dates...well, except for the obvious. A date is a date, isn't it?


Anyway, I asked my gay best friend and he just said "Fuck it". I said "He might not be that type of guy though!" and he said "NO! I mean, just kiss him. At least he'll know he's keen on seeing him again. Or if you know for sure he's interested, make him wait"


You have feel sorry for people like her. Brought up with absolutely no sense of decency or courtesy. If someone asks you to do anything you reply to them even if it is just to say no. If someone asks you out which you should know takes more guts then you should definitely be replying.


Yeah, totally! I'm glad in a way because at least I know how she really is. I can't be arsed for these dating rules. Like the whole "wait three days" shit. Fuck that! If she's interested in me, I want to know. I'd do the same. Bollocks to those rules, who even invented them?




I wonder when @nightwolf will arrive.




Double post. : peace: Edit: Automerge : peace:


Well, that was a waste of time.


Nah, she came over, we talked. Strangely we talked about her guy-issues. Then we kissed, and she said "Sorry, but I have to go."


I think she really has a thing for that guy we talked about, so it's better that nothing happened.

Well...better for her :p


Damn, sorry about that, dude.

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I plan to ask her out in two weeks' time...if she's there!





You don't plan to do it, you motherfucking do it! :grin:


Bollocks to those rules, who even invented them?


What do you think? Women did!


Damn, sorry about that, dude.


Nothing to be sorry about. There's much more to life than sex. And it would have been only that: sex.

Two scenarios: She thought that, for me, it would've been more or she just didn't want to do it because of the other guy.


If the former is true: Well, it wouldn't have been more for me, so her loss :p

If the latter is true: Good for her, and good for him. :)



In other news: My very first girlfriend (from 5 years ago) wants to have sex with me again.



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Met the turtle again yesterday (his name is Raphael) and we ended up going to Shoreditch looking for googley eyes (failed) and hooks (failed) (we weren't really trying too hard), then went for some food and tried to go for a drink, but it being Saturday night it was rammed with orange people. So we went back to his instead and just got home...


Getting a bit more used to this PDA thing too.

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Ugh. So they started doing roadworks before the bus stop this week and the bus driver either told the girl there would be roadworks or the bus stop was closed.


I had to ask her what was going on, but apparently my brain went to mush and I can't remember what she said.


I doubled checked the signs (which they only put up today) at the stop later on and it doesn't say the stop is closed, just extra buses are stopping there because their's is closed. Hoping she realised this as she had read the sign.


So yeah, kinda worried if she thinks the stop is closed when it isn't, the road works are apparently going to last 10 weeks, the stop before seems to have been though. Not sure if she told me the stop would be closed or that there was just going to be road works so I'm annoyed with myself as well. I should have read the sign this morning. :/ Might be worrying for nothing though.


Not really sure why I'm even posting this. Got to talk to her, but not about what I would have liked. :p Had to a good chance to talk to her today but I didn't like an idiot, I would have if I knew this was going to happen.

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Ugh. So they started doing roadworks before the bus stop this week and the bus driver either told the girl there would be roadworks or the boss stop was closed.


I had to ask her what was going on, but apparently my brain went to mush and I can't remember what she said.


I doubled checked the signs (which they only put up today) at the stop later on and it doesn't say the stop is closed, just extra buses are stopping there because their's is closed. Hoping she realised this as she had read the sign.


So yeah, kinda worried if she thinks the stop is closed when it isn't, the road works are apparently going to last 10 weeks, the stop before seems to have been though. Not sure if she told me the stop would be closed or that there was just going to be road works so I'm annoyed with myself as well. I should have read the sign this morning. :/ Might be worrying for nothing though.


Not really sure why I'm even posting this. Got to talk to her, but not about what I would have liked. :p Had to a good chance to talk to her today but I didn't like an idiot, I would have if I knew this was going to happen.


Damnit @Ike. I want some serious progress this week. Name by weekend!

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My relationship is becoming rather... odd. I feel like I'm the man/trousers of the relationship. I drive to him most of the time, i drive us places when I do go to see him, I am the "decision maker" and the breadwinner (by a considerable amount) and I'm always looking after him. And I'm the one that always wants sex....he's the one that says he's tired.... And he's the mushy one that likes hugs and I'm the one with the sore shoulder... I'm not sure how much I like it... I'm by no means a controlling person, quite the opposite... :/


What dooo I doooooo forum?

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My relationship is becoming rather... odd. I feel like I'm the man/trousers of the relationship. I drive to him most of the time, i drive us places when I do go to see him, I am the "decision maker" and the breadwinner (by a considerable amount) and I'm always looking after him. And I'm the one that always wants sex....he's the one that says he's tired.... And he's the mushy one that likes hugs and I'm the one with the sore shoulder... I'm not sure how much I like it... I'm by no means a controlling person, quite the opposite... :/


What dooo I doooooo forum?


You have two options:


Gently coax him out of his shell, and through a series of small changes over time he will become more dominant.



Handcuff yourself to the bed and let him go to town. Once he has a taste, he'll get his act together.

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