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Kurtle Squad

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I swear I'm my own worst enemy. Whilst I'm far from a Casanova (as anybody who visits the forum user photos will attest), I don't do too badly. I've had a few girls like me, but they're not usually girls that I like (I'm also terrible at doing something about it, but that's a separate issue).


However there's a girl in the office that I like, and she likes me. It's gotten to the point now where I could take the next step.


The problem? She's here temporarily, and will be going back to India in two weeks. Fuck.



I know there's the option of a long-distance relationship. But 6000 miles between us, when we'd have only been dating for around a week, isn't exactly a recipe for success. (There's also the issue of me taking way longer than two weeks to actually do something.)


Anyway that's my dose of self-commiserating crap. As you were.


Could you maybe have a short fling with her, or is she longer-term material? If she likes you, she probably wouldn't say no to a bit of fun before going back to India.

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Could you maybe have a short fling with her, or is she longer-term material? If she likes you, she probably wouldn't say no to a bit of fun before going back to India.


She's more longer-term material. Also I've never been into flings. I don't really like the first few weeks of a relationship (well you have the awesome honeymoon period, but then you have the incredibly awkward period where the honeymoon has ended, but you aren't yet comfortable with each other, so you have to make excuses to leave her place so you can go home and have a shit at your own place... what was I talking about?).

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I'm not quite sure you understand how this works.


(jest, sucks brah - whats the sitch?)


Long story short, I let a situation get in the way of me making a move. Let it drag on too long and by the time I thought things started heading in the right direction, I get the "as a friend" text.


Normally I wouldn't let it get to me, but all I've been hearing from people the passed few months is that this girl was interested.

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Oh, well. So I messaged the girl I've been having a crush on, asking if she'd like to go for coffee sometime. She said it sounded nice, but that she thought we should stick to having a beer at the uni gatherings. I can't help but admire her graceful rejection, but it still doesn't exactly feel good. I suppose getting over her will be easier, considering the short time we've known each other, so that's a plus, I guess.


And now I've become sick in the middle of my holiday as well. This is just great. :heh:

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I really can't be bothered with relationships at the moment, the first couple of weeks after my three and a half year relationship ended I was essentially numb to everything for a while, but now I'm just actually enjoying being single again :) and while I don't resent the time we both shared together - we actually had some really great times - you don't actually realise how much time you really have until you're alone again.


Now I have more time to do what I enjoy, playing/reviewing games, catching up with dvd/blu-ray box-sets, practising my artistic 'skills'... but more importantly I have more time to just reflect, to think about things which I believe is something that you perhaps don't tend to do as much when you're in a relationship as you're always thinking about that other person to a degree.


Of course I still think about her, we still talk in fact just not as frequently as it was a long-distance relationship but things ended mutually so I still have her as a friend which I'm very grateful for. :smile:


But for now I'm just focusing on 'being' ensuring I do small things to try and improve each day, literally just things which would seem insignificant to most but that mean the world to me.


Yet I still wonder... is it ok for me to be happy? It's a relative term because I am actually quite content in just living within my daily routines right now and I realise that much of what I do is to fill a 'void' for something which isn't in my life at this point in time, obviously I don't want to be single forever but right now I think it's good for me to just be myself and not feel indirectly 'guilty' about it. :indeed:


I am me... this is a good thing. : peace:

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Normally I wouldn't let it get to me, but all I've been hearing from people the passed few months is that this girl was interested.


Ahhh yeah! That's the biggest fucking ballache, other people getting involved. I once asked out one of my now friends, and we quite quickly cleared it up, but then we were always a bit flirty and stuff and everyone was like 'omg dude she likes you' whilst i was like 'no we've covered that already' and they kept going on and on so then I had to make myself look a bit desperate/dense by trying to double-check. Things were, in fact, exactly as I knew they were. Then we even got less flirty and that's no fun :(

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@Frank yes I love that movie (and the sequel - not yet seen the threequel!) @non it's ethan hawke, getitright. Frank, how can that be your existence? Are you saying you're stuck in talky mode?


That's the most negative typo i've ever had :-(


Which is the one where Owen Wilson keeps getting sent back in time while staying in Paris?

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That's the most negative typo i've ever had :-(


Which is the one where Owen Wilson keeps getting sent back in time while staying in Paris?


That's not Owen Wilson that's Michael Keaton in Groundhog Juice.


Truly a disturbing movie.

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Oh, well. So I messaged the girl I've been having a crush on, asking if she'd like to go for coffee sometime. She said it sounded nice, but that she thought we should stick to having a beer at the uni gatherings. I can't help but admire her graceful rejection, but it still doesn't exactly feel good. I suppose getting over her will be easier, considering the short time we've known each other, so that's a plus, I guess.


And now I've become sick in the middle of my holiday as well. This is just great. :heh:


Good effort for asking her out and you're right, she let you down really well, exactly how it should be done. Not harsh, not shooting you down, but you both know the score.

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@Frank yes I love that movie (and the sequel - not yet seen the threequel!) @non it's ethan hawke, getitright. Frank, how can that be your existence? Are you saying you're stuck in talky mode?


It began 3 months ago when I visited Budapest, basically I had a night that was scarily similar to the entire film except replace the meeting on a train with outside a hotel (sounds creepy but it was, like, 2am and in an attempt to escape the horrible noisy hostel I bumped into that guy smoking outside and we decided to run away together). The most hilariously silly & OTT thing ended up being us accidentally bumping into a Hungarian musician on top of Budapest and he decided to serenade us with a rendition of La Vie En Rose while we danced.



As for this week, well I've actually moved to Vienna for an entire year for my studies. Somehow bumped into quite a stud and we had another night like Before Sunrise. [Walked around the city, played games in a bar, drank wine by the Danube and snuggled at 3am to protect from the cold and then the inevitable Kiss (Gustav klimt style). etc. etc. ]. We just had real conversation, the sort not plagued with bullshit. We know we probably will not see each other again but that night, Vienna was ours. We also were both familiar with the city so we jokingly acted some stuff -- NATURALLY I was the sexy French girl.


My time here has been already so interesting.

Edited by Frank
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There's a music festival in Oxford tomorrow. A few friends are going. I asked the girl I like if she was going and she said she would if I was. I'm not that bothered about the festival itself (costs £31 for a bunch of shit bands) but I was planning to make a move.


Aaaaaand the tickets have sold out.


so... yeah...



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Now you can ask her to do something else instead without having your friends cramping your style ;P


Without trying to sound like a whiny little bitch (and failing miserably) I can be a pretty charming and funny guy when in a crowd, but on my own I just can't keep it up 100% of the time. And as soon as it starts to drop, I start panicking and things get way worse.

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