Diageo Posted January 4, 2015 Posted January 4, 2015 I kissed him back yeah, and he kissed me again the next morning after the party. So maybe he wants to do something, I invited him over today and he said he was busy and didn't seem that interested so I might just leave it.
Cube Posted January 4, 2015 Posted January 4, 2015 So, I asked the girl I like out. She said she isn't interested dating anyone at the moment. I think I would have preferred it if she had said that she wasn't interested in me.
Grazza Posted January 4, 2015 Posted January 4, 2015 Cube said: So, I asked the girl I like out. She said she isn't interested dating anyone at the moment. I think I would have preferred it if she had said that she wasn't interested in me. Why's that? She may well have been telling you the truth. Well done for asking anyway.
Rummy Posted January 4, 2015 Posted January 4, 2015 Grazza said: Why's that? She may well have been telling you the truth. Well done for asking anyway. Because when/if she does and it's not with him it's could be a little annoying? It sounds weird, cos the 'it's not you it's me' is a classic cliche, but I can kinda see where Cube's coming from. Tbh when I told my friend about how I felt, she essentially said the same thing but even had an audacity* to say if I managed to change her mind then props to me!! What a killer. (*She wasn't really being audacious, just fumbling I think. And no, she definitely didn't mean anything with it either :p)
Cube Posted January 4, 2015 Posted January 4, 2015 Part of the problem is not knowing. With a "no", I can accept it and in turn move on. This is pretty much a "maybe later", and doesn't really answer the question. We're still talking to each other (just not about that) and she's happy to be friends, which is better than nothing.
Rummy Posted January 4, 2015 Posted January 4, 2015 Cube said: Part of the problem is not knowing. With a "no", I can accept it and in turn move on. This is pretty much a "maybe later", and doesn't really answer the question. We're still talking to each other (just not about that) and she's happy to be friends, which is better than nothing. Tbh man I'd say take it as a solid no now and move on. I mean, my friend as I said was pretty much the same(not really thinking of dating anyone atm etc) and I think I have to take that and go on with stuff. I'm maybe a little diff to you, and I don't know your friend or what the conversation was like, but trust me when I tell you to not dwell or hold out on this one; it could really waste a lot of time you might regret later. Also big props for actually saying something to her sooner rather than later too.
Ramar Posted January 4, 2015 Posted January 4, 2015 Cube said: Part of the problem is not knowing. With a "no", I can accept it and in turn move on. This is pretty much a "maybe later", and doesn't really answer the question. We're still talking to each other (just not about that) and she's happy to be friends, which is better than nothing. It's definitely a no mate. Just a really crap way of putting it.
Sheikah Posted January 4, 2015 Posted January 4, 2015 Ramar said: It's definitely a no mate. Just a really crap way of putting it. Have to agree here. Definitely a no, she just bottled telling you.
Magnus Posted January 4, 2015 Posted January 4, 2015 Boy, will your faces be red when she tells him she's finally ready to date again a couple of months from now.
Serebii Posted January 5, 2015 Posted January 5, 2015 Magnus said: Boy, will your faces be red when she tells him she's finally ready to date again a couple of months from now. If that happens, then yay. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. @Cube, don't let yourself be hung up on her now thinking it's a "maybe later". Move on and, if it happens in the future, then huzzah, but if not then you won't have wasted any further time.
Cube Posted January 5, 2015 Posted January 5, 2015 (edited) I'll try to move on, but I don't think it's quite a simple at that. I'm going through some other stuff right now so it's just a mix of thoughts and feelings in my head at the moment. It was probably a really stupid time to ask her our due to the other stuff, but I just had to. I may go into further detail about that other stuff later today (in a different thread) as I haven't spoken to anybody about it and I should probably get it off my chest. Edited January 5, 2015 by Cube
drahkon Posted January 5, 2015 Posted January 5, 2015 Rummy said: Because when/if she does and it's not with him it's could be a little annoying? Urgh that's the worst. And that's someting that may (eventually will) happen with me and a lady I know. We made out yesterday and it's clear that there's something there between us. We both even said so. However, she doesn't want a commitment right now. In the end we decided to be friends-with-benefits and just continue treating each other like we have done in the past few months (i.e. we just click. It would be the fucking perfect match if she wanted to be in a relationship). Thankfully I'm able to put my feelings aside for quite a while, so I'm happy with our arrangement. As soon as my head loses against those ugly little suckers called "feels" I'll have to stop. Anyway. I'm rambling about myself again. Cube said: I'll try to move on, but I don't think it's quite a simple at that. It's never simple. Especially when there's something else going on in your life. However, you will be able to move on eventually.
MoogleViper Posted January 7, 2015 Posted January 7, 2015 Almost had a date for tomorrow, but she's working. However she did offer alternative arrangements so I've not been blown off. Fingers crossed.
MoogleViper Posted January 8, 2015 Posted January 8, 2015 Dr. bob said: Fingers crossed you do get blown off, you mean?
MoogleViper Posted January 11, 2015 Posted January 11, 2015 (edited) MoogleViper said: Date went pretty well I think. MoogleViper said: I think it went well. MoogleViper said: It was nice, we get on really well. MoogleViper said: it went pretty well. I've said it before, and I'm saying it again: I think the date went pretty well. MoogleViper said: I've said it before, and I'm saying it again: I think the date went pretty well. Hahahahahaha Edited January 11, 2015 by MoogleViper Automerged Doublepost
drahkon Posted January 12, 2015 Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) drahkon said: However, she doesn't want a commitment right now. In the end we decided to be friends-with-benefits and just continue treating each other like we have done in the past few months (i.e. we just click. It would be the fucking perfect match if she wanted to be in a relationship). So, this woman... She and I have the same sexual needs. We like it rough, dirty, a bit painful (you should see my arms, belly, neck...bruises, bite wounds, scratches...). We couldn't even imagine how much we would like it. Last Friday she spent the night at my place and we didn't sleep one second. We put on music (IAMX - that's all you need - e.g. Audio the lyrics aren't exactly 'sexy' but the track itself) and we just let ourselves go. I won't go into detail. it was incredible :p Now, why did I share her and my needs? :p As I've mentioned, we decided to be friends-with-benefits (she doesn't want to commit to a serious relationship) and I'm perfectly fine with that since I'm able to lock my feelings away for some time. However, between the sex she was so different to what I came to expect from someone who just wants to get laid. She wanted to be near me, she kissed me in a way that should be reserved for a significant other, she said she's comfortable around me, she told me she didn't want to leave the bed, she even 'forbade' me to leave in order to drink something, she didn't want to leave next morning. It just feels weird considering the arrangement we have. Oh and did I mention that weird hug when she left? Both of us had no idea how to handle it. I felt like a 14 year old boy and I could see in her eyes that she was a bit unsure, too I get that hormones and emotions go crazy during and after sex (especially when it's the first time you can really live out your fantasies), but I can't help but think about those mixed signals. Well, even though all that happened I'm glad I'm still able to put my feelings aside and simply enjoy all of that. There's a little hope that I may be able to change her mind, though. Edited January 12, 2015 by drahkon
Rummy Posted January 12, 2015 Posted January 12, 2015 Sounds like you'll be in a relationship again soon drahkon :p I saw the girl I was crushing on when I was like...12 til a while on Friday. She basically spent the first 20 minutes of seeing me telling me how she'd kicked her boyfriend out for being shit and how she was doing well and wouldn't leave me alone for a while. She's still as gorgeous as I ever thought too. She was one of my first proper 'girl' friends when I was younger and it was just kinda...I dunno, weird seeing her? I never said it but I think it was commonly held assumption by like...everyone when we were young that I liked her. I had driven into London Friday though so was relatively sober and well behaved(she seemed drunk fo' sho'), but I found myself feeling pretty wary of myself in a sense of feeling like a little fucking schoolboy all over again. Thinking about getting properly in touch with her and hanging out at some point, but I dunno...something about it's kinda niggling at me and I can't place it. Saturday I went uptown for an internetty meet, then went to my cousin's birthday after as he was having a little shindig with a few folks. I recall meeting one of his friends at his wedding that I kinda liked, but didn't really speak to her, and had half decided before going on Saturday that I'd probably say something to her. She's pretty cool, but I was very drunk, and didn't speak to her as much as I probably could have, but just as I had to leave(lift was waiting outside) I asked her out. However being drunk, I can't recall what exactly I said, or she said, except me telling her she was fantastic, then I think she was sort of seeing someone atm and I was rather flippantly just like 'ok cool well if that doesn't work out then hit me up!' then I realised I forgot my bag and jacket, ran out of the hallway to grab them, and ran out of the house. Looking back it seems like I asked her out rather nonchalantly, then just ran away, so I feel a bit of a ninny now. I'm probs gonna get in touch with her in a day or two though and explain myself a bit better, and possibly still see if she wants to go out sometime even just as mates, cos she's pretty funny. Tbh I'm quite glad I at least said something regardless.
ReZourceman Posted January 12, 2015 Posted January 12, 2015 Rummy said: Saturday I went uptown for an internetty meet, I'm sorry. Whut.
Cube Posted January 12, 2015 Posted January 12, 2015 ReZourceman said: I'm sorry. Whut. Did you not get the invitation? We were all there.
Rummy Posted January 12, 2015 Posted January 12, 2015 ReZourceman said: I'm sorry. Whut. I'm glad you're sorry, because I've moved on ReZ! (twas some facebook group thingy my friend was going to, I went for a bit of moral support/chuckles, interesting enough we found someone who lives down his very same road and knows a few people I know)
MoogleViper Posted January 12, 2015 Posted January 12, 2015 Why do I always find the weird ones? (cus all women are weird, hurr hurr) So we went out Saturday night, as I said, it seemed to go well to me. Then on Sunday I text her and got a reply saying "had fun... great guy... I didn't feel the chemistry between us so best to leave it at that". I was somewhat disheartened to say the least, but I've come to expect that sort of text. We've become almost friends, but the sort of friend you hate but can't seem to get rid of. However today I get another text saying she's been thinking about it, changed her mind and would like to meet up again. I said yes, and asked her what changed her mind. She just said she realised she had fun and hadn't given it much chance. So it looks like I have a second date. Either bitches be crazy, or Moogle be crazy (and not sane enough to know it).
Aneres11 Posted January 12, 2015 Posted January 12, 2015 I've just been watching The Undateables, and it alarmed me that the woman who narrates the show often describes my love life (or lack of) with her introduction of the candidates. For instance. "(insert persons name) is 27 and has never been in a serious relationship..." Ok, well I'm 26 and the same applies to me. "(insert undateables name) has never been in love before..." I thought I had been, once - many moons ago. I wasn't. I was just young and stupid. "(insert undateables name) has never been a hit with the opposite sex..." Be worried if I was, being gay an that but even the SAME SEX DON'T WANT ME. I'm signing up for the next series. Anyway. I've decided to get myself on POF in the hope that I can at least try to change all of this. I had 6 dates in the space of 3 months earlier last year from POF, and 5 out of the 6 wanted to see me again and pushed for date 2. I didn't feel anything worth pursuing with them though, so told them how I felt (nicely!) and that was that. The one I would see again told me no when I pushed for date 2. Cruel world. So I'm back on. I shall post with my tales of woe, I'm sure. But wish me luck fellow love seekers! Gonna need it.
MoogleViper Posted January 12, 2015 Posted January 12, 2015 Aneres11 said: Cruel world. I bet that's how those other 5 guys felt.
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