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  Serebii said:
Couldn't have done it without all of you pushing me, so thank you.


You guys pushing me is what helped me with the decision to go to the UK Pokémon Nationals which is where my confidence boosting began and it has come from there.


Let's just hope I don't fall back into my rut after the game coverage in November, since I will be without social contact for a couple of weeks.


Aww, mate. I'm well chuffed for you. And you won't fall back into a rut, dude. Just remember that braveness and courage again that you had when you went to that Pokemon convention and things will turn out awesome again!


Everybody has courage within them, it's just doing something about it and obviously, you want to do something about it so don't sweat it. :)


If you are afraid you might do, we're here. Just say hello to us and then bugger off if it's absolutely necessary.


Just make sure you have something planned for after. That way you have a target to reach for, rather than waiting for it to be other then trying to find something.

Posted (edited)
  Cube said:
On the flip side, over the past few weeks I seem to have just completely given up looking.

As have I, ever since dating sites gave me an awesome match, but with someone who lived far enough away to warrant a plane flight. Felt like they were trolling me.


I'm just pushing forward with confidence building now, and will worry about finding someone come January when ORAS is behind me and before Game Freak decide to throw another game at me.

Edited by Serebii
  Serebii said:
As have I, ever since dating sites gave me an awesome match, but with someone who lived far enough away to warrant a plane flight. Felt like they were trolling me.


I know the feeling. I hate it when you have a psychological yardstick based on somebody else.


Well my online dating seems to have come to an end for a bit as well, the one person who I've been interested in on there - I know, don't get hung up on one person but whatever, she seems really nice - is currently meeting someone else for a second meeting though even she admits that they might end up just being friends so all is not lost I suppose. :)


Anyway I wished her the best of luck and all that, just said that if things don't work out then I'd still be happy to meet up with her so we shall see, it was just really nice that she was honest enough to let me know as opposed to a lot of women on there who either don't bother replying or just vanish. :indeed:


Looking elsewhere though, I get the feeling that at least one or two people at work could potentially be interested in me, had some nice conversations with people who I served today, though obviously that's difficult territory when you work in retail as you have to try to remain 'professional' etc and all that stuff. :heh:


So currently I'm not really 'looking' as such but am just happy enough to see what happens, I've got enough to keep me occupied at home in any case right now so all is good. : peace:


Well I'm back on single street.

I decided to break up with my GF of 5yrs. Was fun for about 4yr but then I just didn't see us moving onwards. T'was just...flat in the end. It was almost like a suitable relationship while we went through career changes/back to Uni but yeah...kinda gutted I didn't feel anything major after so long. She was devastated and it felt awful to do. Tough. :shakehead


I've since added myself to some dating sites / apps (not a fan so far) and trying to build my social life back up. Not really into clubbing these days (I'm 31 and friends have all settled). So yeah...ugh.


Made an 'action plan' of sorts for getting out there to try to be positive.


Looked at a salsa class (cliche - yep) debating if I should go on my own ::shrug:

Looking at a part-time college course & singing lessons (self development is always good) :awesome:

Have started to write songs again :yay:

Bury mind in my business promotion and projects :geek:

Bury mind in job :zzz:

Have a married woman messaging me on FB - outrageously flirting asking about being single. Gonna tell her not interested quickly. :shakehead



Forgot how exhausting being single can be! The older you get...it does seem harder as everyone is settled down with families. :blank:


I think you may all remember my ex from last year, the abuse victim, etc. Well, towards the end of that relationship his ex had been sniffing around while I was still on the scene. After the breakup we decided to be friends.


Get a message on facebook from him saying that he is now in a relationship with said ex.... After all the bullshit saying he could never love anyone and never have sex, that even the thought of watching porn was a complete turn off. After all I did for that fucker. When I cried my eyes out as he told me he had to be alone and the first thing I said was - "you're going to get back with her, aren't you?" So I told him to go fuck himself and did a block/delete.


Talked to our close mutual friend and told him the WHOLE story. He thought I was a mental jealous ex. (but realised that i'm not after the explanation) Thing is I actually DO NOT want him back, I'm happy with my new boyfriend. I just couldn't get over how he has stabbed me in the back over the whole thing. When he couldn't even hug me, or sit next to me, and hold my hand. Our friend told me that he was having sex with random people every other day almost as soon as we had broke up.


I finally have closure :)

  Raining_again said:
massive massive twatbag who thinks he can do anything cause he has an 8.5 inch dick.


Wait, you can't?


I should go put these swans back before someone notices...

  Raining_again said:
Goaf love, I said 8.5 inches, not cm ;)[/color]


My mistake.


To avoid further comminication fails on my part, we are talking girth right?

Posted (edited)

It sounds like this guy just used you for the emotional side of the relationship, including the friendship that comes with it because he enjoyed your company but used excuses to avoid the physical side and had probably been getting his fix for that elsewhere, given what he's been getting up to since the split.


Better off without an arsehole like that and it's good that you don't have any feelings at all of wanting to get back with him.




So, my tragic dating life, here's the update:


Girl A - if you recall was a total loon that looked nothing like her pictures and wanted me to cut her with razor blades... binned.


Girl B - had a great time, was really looking forward to seeing her again. Unfortunately she's managed to get an infection in her lungs and it's not good, will be in and out of hospital for a couple months at least so she's not in a place to date, although we're still chatting (she's lovely and I do hope to see her again).


Girl C - had a good time, we arranged to meet again but she pulled a sickie and has since dropped off the radar, cheers love!


Girl D - she may well have been able to move her lovely ass on the dancefloor but having spoken to her a little more, she's not for me... binned.



So, so far it's been a bit poop. I've chatted to and arranged a date with a girl for this Thursday and I'm looking to get another this weekend with another girl. Let's see what tragedies befall me this time.

Edited by Kav
Posted (edited)
  Serebii said:
Another instance of me messaging, getting a response, send a response and receive nothing back.


Dear lord.


Don't worry. Happens to me a lot these days...

Even when I get phone numbers...we text a bit and then suddenly the girls stop replying.


They aren't worth the trouble.


Keep going : peace:

Edited by drahkon
  drahkon said:
Don't worry. Happens to me a lot these days...

Even when I get phone numbers...we text a bit and then suddenly the girls stop replying.


They aren't worth the trouble.


Keep going : peace:

Just annoying, especially when

a) similar interests

b) attractive

c) all of the above

  Serebii said:
Just annoying, especially when

a) similar interests

b) attractive

c) all of the above


I think the main problem is me is that I lack b).


Also, my text-based conversation skills are utterly dreadful. That may be the main thing.

  Serebii said:
I didn't even get to the "Pokémon Master" bit :(


Lead with that.


"Hey cutie, aren't you glad you met the Pokémon Master? I have balls filled with creatures that are desperate to get out."



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