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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I know the feels Aneres. I met this guy that I thought was great looking and we had so much in common we were nearly the same person. So I added him on Facebook after having good friendly chat with him and others. There I saw the dreaded relationship status. With a girl no less (gaydar was going off like crazy, my friends even said he has to be at least bi).


But yeah, try the facebook route. I don't see how that wasn't your first thought. But if that doesn't work, sneak it into conversation like everyone else says. I like the "My last [partner] didn't like me playing games so much. You ever get that?" question.


Good luck.

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I know the feels Aneres. I met this guy that I thought was great looking and we had so much in common we were nearly the same person. So I added him on Facebook after having good friendly chat with him and others. There I saw the dreaded relationship status. With a girl no less (gaydar was going off like crazy, my friends even said he has to be at least bi).


But yeah, try the facebook route. I don't see how that wasn't your first thought. But if that doesn't work, sneak it into conversation like everyone else says. I like the "My last [partner] didn't like me playing games so much. You ever get that?" question.


Good luck.


Thanks Diageo.


Like I say, I would not class him as gay at all and that's usually my problem in that I tend not to be attracted to the gays... haha. Which really isn't helpful for myself!


I'll maybe try and drop something in next time (prob see him down at club morning tomorrow) so will report back then. Don't usually get much time to speak on a Sunday though, as I play 2 hours before club morning stats at 8 so when he arrives at 10 I'm usually just coming off to leave.

Oh and I don't know his surname - so FB is out for a min. Plus I'd feel a little bit like a stalker :p ha.


See what happens.


Oh and Rez - I admitted I had never played them but did mention DKCR and how it's made me wanna play through them!

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There's a very delicate move of resolution to that problem.


Add him on facebook. Just be like 'yo what's your facebook I'll add you'. Then you stalk him. Like a stalker. Only not like a real one, just a facebook one.

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Age wise - no.


The fact they are your manager - yes.


Mostly because the second one could see you into unemployment.


They're not actually my manager. They're in the same office, but in a different team. I'm pretty certain she has no say in my employment.

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Update from me.


Tennis guy turned up this morning.

We were playing against each other in doubles and he called for new balls - so as per your advice Ashley, I whipped mine out and offered them.

Now I've been put on a list. So cheers for that. :angry:


No, seriously this is what really happened...


Played tennis this morning. The guy showed up just as I was brewing up in the club house (I'd been playing for 2 hours). Club sessions are doubles, and there was already 4 people who had just turned up and gone on to play, so he was sat in the club house waiting for people to show.

Anyway, as per usual the turn out was shit and no one arrived, so I offered to have a hit with him like we've been doing on a Friday evening.


He had to stop as he was having some foot trouble, so we had a lengthy chat for a while. We got talking about tennis and how he'd been to Wimbledon and he started saying how much he enjoyed some of the female players - and I don't mean watching them play. :blank:




I just laughed along and died a little bit inside. Haha.

Curse me and my attraction to straight people!! :nono:


I'm havin a sex change.

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How exactly do you think that will go down?


"Hey, it's me. I've had a sex change. I'm a woman now, we can finally be together..."


That's exactly how it will be, obviously.




And Dannyboy - I dunno tbh but it's cool either way. The only reason I mentioned it in the first place is because we seemingly get on really well and have loads in common. It's like the click that you experience when you meet someone on a date as weird as that sounds! It's just typical that I have been looking for someone like that for ages and they've never been right, and this guy appears!

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Update: Wrote the lady a message on Monday ("Want to go see a movie with me, blablabla?").

Still no response.


Got a response yesterday: "Cinema? With this weather? The weather is too nice for that."


Pff, so I went all out: "How about dinner at Purino (a restaurant in my town), then? It's a nice place to sit outside and enjoy the sun."


Let's see when she'll answer :D

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Got a response yesterday: "Cinema? With this weather? The weather is too nice for that."


Pff, so I went all out: "How about dinner at Purino (a restaurant in my town), then? It's a nice place to sit outside and enjoy the sun."


Let's see when she'll answer :D


I absolutely love your attitude.


Straight to the point - no fuckin about! How it should be!


Good luck!

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I absolutely love your attitude.


Straight to the point - no fuckin about! How it should be!


Good luck!



I'm tired of beating around the bush. No use in saying: "Well, would you...like...you know...maybe, do something...sometime?"


Noooooo. Never again.


"You, me, dinner?"

Like you said, that's how it should be done.

And if it doesn't work out. Well, then it just wasn't meant to be.

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Got a response yesterday: "Cinema? With this weather? The weather is too nice for that."


Pff, so I went all out: "How about dinner at Purino (a restaurant in my town), then? It's a nice place to sit outside and enjoy the sun."


Let's see when she'll answer :D


Brilliant if you ask me, cut right to it!

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I played tennis this evening.


The guy arrived shortly after and we played together for a set and then it was time for me to go.


When we came off we were sat chatting as usual, talking about random stuff and he just came out with:


"We should go for a pint some time soon"


I was like 'oh shit son!'

But said it'd be cool to chat more about video games and shit. Which it definitely would be!

It's great that he offered to do that (and I'm not thinking anything of it other than what it is - a friendly gesture), but I would hate for me to start liking him more if I was spending time with him away from the tennis. That would be pretty shitty.


I hate that I like him as it could be the start of a great friendship and I really don't wanna ruin that!


I proper fancy him though.

FML. :woops:

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