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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Still go for it, it's not like you could have known.


It'll always be a funny story you could tell if things go south


You did read the bit where I said she was "God damn purty" and into photography right? Of course I'm going to go for it!


I'm just waiting for the day I can meet Niall and ask "So... did your sister say anything about me?"

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If not, go hunt in the grass for a little bit longer.


Finding a woman is a lot like hunting in the safari zone. You need to slowly gain their trust, luring them in with bits of bait and all that, but inevitably you need to make that aggressive move and start throwing your balls at them.

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Yeah could have been. Not sure how much I share on Facebook though.


Come to think of it, I did send her a link to my RedBubble as she asked to see some of my photos. I think I might have my friend on that too, so she might have seen him there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mega awkward moment win/fail.


Went to a gig that the drummer girl I mentioned a while back was at. I'm friends with the guitarist of the band and it was the final of a competition they were in so I had to go and show support. Plus I like their music.


We all went to get something to eat. Ended up in small fish and chip shop with a few tables. Ended up sat directly opposite her on a very small table. Turns out she's quite shy and so am I when sat directly opposite someone I've asked out and who has made it painfully obvious that she's not interested. Who knew?


I would have been more comfortable if it were just me and her. At least that would force me to make conversation. We were sat on a table of four and no one was talking. I spent most of the meal trying to avoid eye contact with everyone and the other half trying not to laugh at how funny it all was. I must have looked mental.

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As in I met her at something, saw her a few times, and she has now moved to Reading for a job. We had a running joke of playing Chess and have been doing so over Facebook / text, and I'm realising that its kinda becoming a proper relationship. I'm gonna have to just man up and talk to her about it, and how I don't like long distance crap and see what happens from there. Ideally I'd like to leave it as an open kinda thing, whereby if she's ever back up (or for any reason I'm down her way) we can meet up, but that its not a particular exclusive sorta thing. Which will probably be fine, its just that I hate having "the talk".

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As in I met her at something, saw her a few times, and she has now moved to Reading for a job. We had a running joke of playing Chess and have been doing so over Facebook / text, and I'm realising that its kinda becoming a proper relationship. I'm gonna have to just man up and talk to her about it, and how I don't like long distance crap and see what happens from there. Ideally I'd like to leave it as an open kinda thing, whereby if she's ever back up (or for any reason I'm down her way) we can meet up, but that its not a particular exclusive sorta thing. Which will probably be fine, its just that I hate having "the talk".


Every man's worst nightmare. Good luck man!


So my love life has taken an interesting turn. Remember the ex i mentioned a while back who broke up with me after we finished Uni for summer (she graduated and is going travelling in January, I've got a year or 2 left of my degree). Well, we've been keeping in contact here and there since we broke up, usually her texting me to see how my summers going and just stuff like that. Well, we spoke a few times on the phone last week, normally in the evening as we both work full time, and each time we were talking until 11/12. Anyways, she skyped me the other night and we just talked for ages, it was really good. Then out of nowhere she tells me she is still in love with me.


Like whattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt?!?!


I mean, i'm not annoyed. Infact, i'm not even surprised, I knew she still loved me from the way she spoke to me, and of course when she said it, I told her loved her too. Because of course I do, we ended on great terms and it really was just circumstance. I'm seeing her in nottingham in a few weeks and no doubt we'll hit it off. It's just, eugh, it hasn't really changed anything, has it? She is STILL going away to travel for 7-8 months, and then she'll be starting a proper job whilst I'll be at Uni.


So frustrating. Women.

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Thats like a horrific version of my situation. Though obviously you guys are way more serious, its a case of circumstance not allowing things to happen as they should have. Frustrating isn't it!


Yeah it's so fucking annoying. Oh well. I have no doubts if we were together it would last a good deal of time. Obviously i'm silly enough to suggest she's the one but it could be a proper good relationship.


It's annoying as I was kinda trying to get in with this girl at work, even went out with her on friday night for dinner and a film, but this situation has basically got me thinking 'YOU LOVE JAIYAAAA YOU FOOL' all the time. FML.

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