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[Spoiler-Free] Zelda: Skyward Sword


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It's the reason people pre-order online though. If it was guaranteed for release day or later, with post as it is, people would just not bother and go down the shops and get it earlier


The cheaper price and not needing to go massively out of my way to a shop (that's if Game/GameStation are open after 5PM) are why I pre-order online.

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It's the reason people pre-order online though. If it was guaranteed for release day or later, with post as it is, people would just not bother and go down the shops and get it earlier
I don't... I pre-order online for the cheaper prices, online bonuses and the fact that I get the game delivered to me on launch day, so I don't have to pay for petrol etc...
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That's the thing i've never had an issue with just collecting it at the end of the day. Usually it says wait 8 hours. Not frigging 24! I'm going to try my luck after work anyways.
Typically they say 48 or 72 hours whenever I get them, so count yourself lucky.
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It's the reason people pre-order online though. If it was guaranteed for release day or later, with post as it is, people would just not bother and go down the shops and get it earlier


No.. I'm pretty sure the main reason people shop online is to get stuff cheaper. When it comes to games though, you take your chances. You might get lucky, you might not, but at least ordering on ShopTo nets you some compensation if your order doesn't arrive on release date.


Complaining you didn't get it a day before launch just comes across as "I want it before the majority of people get it!"


Good to see hear you've finally received it though!

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Apparently mine's arrived at home! I started working! Gaaaaaaaah! Just told my manager I'm gonna finish up and go cos I have something to do at home lol, quite ominous in her eyes(going home to play video games is hardly something I wished to say). So yeah...hopefully playing this sooooon!!!

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Mine hasn't arrived from shopto. The postie came earlier but it's more likely it'll come in a van later, or tomorrow.


I'm actually kind of hoping it doesn't come today, as I want to have a good go of Uncharted 3 tonight.


Probably so, mine apparently arrived at home an hour ago, which is much later than the postie's usual offerings.

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Well, my guide arrived.


I order online because it's cheaper and more convenient. Arriving early is a bonus. 1st class usually takes 1-2 days to arrive that's why orders are typically sent on Wednesday to take into account for the extra day but they normally only take 1 day to arrive. I had an order from Amazon sent first class on Tuesday but arrived today.


Of course with a big game like Zelda, you can't help but feel excited ;)

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Also the issue with parcels (if you ordered limited edition) they either don't fit in the bag. OR also if Royal Mail have hit their quota for number of parcels out there for delivery they won't deliver them....that's why on occasion you will get a delivery notice to say they tried to deliver and you weren't in even though you were and they didn't knock or ring doorbell they just bundle it with regular envelopes.


Do what i do, it does sometimes work. Had one of them delivery notes pop through the door. I opened the door as the guy was at the end of the street. Ended up chasing him up the road. He said even though he hit the quota for the day, i could have the package still. It was in the van he was heading back to.


I've also had arsey postmen, who did knock on the door. But as it does happen, i was in the lavatorium (it happens when expecting a package, will he come now, or now. Oh, i'll risk it). I happened to get to the door as he was 1/2 way through filling the form in. Package in his hand as well, and upon asking for the package/letter the note was referring to, he refused and said pick it up from the depot.


By the time the postman had got to my house anyway, the depot was closed. Had to wait until the next day to get it, and left a nice complaint with them as well.

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i preordered luigis mansion 2 and pikmin 3 from shopto and i STILL havent got them i mean what the fuckkkkk man i am so pissed i am never going to get them am i fuck shop to and their lousy service how fuckin dare they


What do you mean you havent got Pikmin 3 yet? Shopto delivered that along with my Wii U three weeks ago. Loser :heh:

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i preordered luigis mansion 2 and pikmin 3 from shopto and i STILL havent got them i mean what the fuckkkkk man i am so pissed i am never going to get them am i fuck shop to and their lousy service how fuckin dare they


I hear ya man, I didn't even preorder and got nothing, not even a call : ( Bastards.


Yeah, this thread might use a name change for a while, i.e. "general anxiety about the early arrival of preorders" : D


Hope you get your games, though! ; D

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Just got the game :) Gold remote is sexy - after taking the condom off it


Yeah no contraception is needed for this tradition. :D

I must say, with this year being the Legend of Zelda's 25th Anniversary and all, I think that this is the most specialestest way I've ever began an adventure as Link (although I always name him 'Beverage').


Happy play, play peeps! :yay:

Edited by Beverage
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Boy do I hate this blurring effect this game has for not just long distances but short aswell, looks bloody horrible in places.


Changing my TV setting in the hopes I can dull these jaggies, Wind Waker and TP in 480p dont have this many jaggies.


edit -


They're not so bad outside of confined areas and in cutscenes.

Edited by bryanee
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