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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Raiden not appearing in Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS


Just like that, the rumor has been squashed. Our good friend Ishaan Sahdev over at Siliconera spoke to Reuben Langdon via email. Turns our Mr. Langdon was actually getting Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale confused with Smash Bros.. This direct quote comes to us via Sahdev.


"Oh, the all-stars battle Royale was the one I was in. Lol! Yep. Totally got them confused." - Reuben Langdon


That's quite a big mistake to make, but at least we have it all cleared up now! Also worth noting, Langdon was actually talking about mo-cap work and not voice work.




Yes. Thank God for that.


Bandai Namco posts/yanks job listing recruiting devs for 'Smash Bros. 6'


- new Bandai Namco listing for “Smash Bros. 6” job recruitments

- looking for programmers

- expected to be released sometime in 2015 for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS

- project currently has 120 people working on it

- expect that number to increase to 200

- programmers needed to handle characters, stages, 3D programming, motion, game mode, mini-games, menu, UI, and more

- the posting is now removed, but has been confirmed to be put online by Tatsuya Matsumura, a consultant


“Social games are currently a big hit, but the current state of job opportunities for making retail games is critically low. In the midst of this, this will likely be your only chance to be part of a development project for the Smash Bros. [series], which has surpassed a total of 10 million in worldwide sales. And Bandai Namco believes that now is the best time to recruit programmers for retail games.”




2015? May be nothing but brace yourselves tomorrow night.

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Pic of the day, and a very important announcement.

On 4/8, at 3 PM PST (8/4 11 PM UK time), we'll be airing a Super Smash Bros. Direct!! There will be all kinds of info about the new Smash Bros. games on this simultaneous global stream that will be delivered "directly" to you, so don't miss it!

It's airing at a really late time for some of you, but it'll probably be worth the wait. You can watch the stream from the official site (http://www.smashbros.com).

Edited by Serebii
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Confirmed for no release date in the Direct, but a release period will be given.


Where was this? That sounds like 2015 to me if true :)


Why the fuck hold a direct, tell us all about it and not give a release date? Nintendo make the most baffling of decisions....

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Confirmed for no release date in the Direct, but a release period will be given.


Huh? Where did you hear this?


Can't see there being much point in having a Nintendo Direct just for smash bros if there's no release date being given...

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