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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Yeah you're probably right, I just feel of all the franchises, DK is hideously under-represented considering its importance. But yeah, if K.Rool was gonna be represented I guess it would have been Sakurai's decision in the early days of development that would have been more likely than a public vote.


Absolutely agreed on that front. Looking back, it was quite amazing it took until Brawl for Diddy to show up.


Don't get me wrong, I'd be doing my happy dance if K.Rool magically makes it in, but he's not getting in through this ballot. It's purely up to Sakurai. And as most people have realised with Cloud, there are no "rules".

Well, OK, there is one rule. Sakurai has to want to do it. He's an absolutely fantastic madman and I love that.


You do it Sakurai's way or you don't do it at all. As Namco found out...


Pac-Man’s design was updated in a 2013 CGI cartoon titled, “Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures.” This new design has been used in a variety of products. But in the end I felt that his old-school design was better, and used that in the design plan. If that was rejected, I thought about dropping Pac-Man altogether.
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The fact that we don't even have Dixie yet is crazy. She was even a cut character in Brawl!


At this point, knowing her bad luck, Shantae will probably get in before her and take over the resident role of hair whipping fighter extrodonaire :laughing:

Edited by Dcubed
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not really related, but I didn't want to start a new thread or drudge up the Brawl thread.


But Project M, the well-known Brawl mod, has ceased development.

The team plan on working on "new projects". Not sure what that means.


I can't say I ever cared that much about Project M, but I most certainly respected what they did achieve. It was truly impressive what they managed to pull off. Even if they bought back those stupid single use air dodges...


Oh, and before anyone brings it up...


There was no C&D, legal action, or threat. That and the announcement on the site is all we're saying on the matter.

I'm sorry, and thank you, all of you.



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Not really related, but I didn't want to start a new thread or drudge up the Brawl thread.


But Project M, the well-known Brawl mod, has ceased development.

The team plan on working on "new projects". Not sure what that means.


I can't say I ever cared that much about Project M, but I most certainly respected what they did achieve. It was truly impressive what they managed to pull off. Even if they bought back those stupid single use air dodges...


Oh, and before anyone brings it up...






Yeah I saw, very sudden! I wonder what happened?


More importantly, I wonder what they're working on now...

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So... that FF7 Remake trailer just came out...






Remarkably similar reinterpretations (hair aside) and neither of them went for the Advent Children design... I wonder if there was some direct collaboration with the Smash 4 team and the FF7 Remake team?


Perhaps this is something they're gonna go over in the Smash Bros Special Broadcast? Perhaps it hints at FF7 Remake for NX? (We know it's not PS4 exclusive ;) )

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That's because Cloud's design has to be that. That's how he had to look in FF7; a SOLDIER, for plot reasons. Advent Children was set like 2 years after FF7, so that's probably why he was allowed a different outfit.


Plus the hairstyles being different is a pretty big deal. :heh:

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That's because Cloud's design has to be that. That's how he had to look in FF7; a SOLDIER, for plot reasons. Advent Children was set like 2 years after FF7, so that's probably why he was allowed a different outfit.


Plus the hairstyles being different is a pretty big deal. :heh:


Well it's not just the outfit, it's his proportions, his face (particularly the dark shadow around his eyes), everything that makes up his look; the two are surprisingly similar...


The hair is probably different for technical/gameplay reasons (The Smash Bros character hitboxes are probably tied to the length of his hair, so they want it to be consistent all the time). It doesn't seem crazy to think that some collaboration was involved here (it gives them a reason to go over it in a special video as well, hence the Smash Broadcast?)

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Must be seeing different images as they look very different to me. The Smash Bros one almost looks like a cartoon, to the point you can't really make any comparisons between the two.


Well yeah, the rendering style is obviously totally different, ignore that. Just look at his character design alone, outside of the more cartoonish/plastic looking rendering style...

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Cloud's face is a bit bland to begin with though, so not much to go on there once you account for rendering differences (which are massive). Also if you look at the outfit, that also looks pretty different. His left shoulder pad looks rather different, as does the lack of metal bracers in that image one the FF7 remake Cloud. Obviously there are similarities but then there would be, as that's Cloud's FF7 outfit.


Edit: another thing; Cloud's eyes look anime shaped in the Smash image, yet much more realistic in the remake.

Edited by Sheikah
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I stupidly thought a Wii U version of FF7 would be announced today as the 'big thing', it made sense to me given that Cloud is now in Smash and its not necessarily ps4 exclusive... Almost too much sense, which is why it didn't happen :p

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It begins!


Now the insufferable waiting!


Mr Sakurai will detail Cloud & more




in the final #SmashBros for #WiiU & #3DS presentation!





Hopefully stuff will still get sprinkled through Directs or something.

I don't want the Smash train to end!

Edited by Glen-i
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It's sad that this will be the final Smash presentation. They've always been a great source of excitement and intrigue for Nintendo fans, and always guaranteed to bring surprises. They've also provided a great way of maintaining interest in the game post-launch. I can't wait to find out who fills up the final roster slots! All will be revealed...

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I already miss the times in a Direct when we thought it was over, and this animation with the heartbeat came. Then you knew shit was going down




Haha.. Love those bits : peace:


Unfortunately, I'm going to miss the presentation due to work but I'll catch up on it as soon as I get home (and I'll try not to spoil it for myself :heh:)

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Thank goodness that this is the last presentation.


Smash has been the disappointment of the generation on the Wii U for me. I have tried so hard to get into it (and still do) but I just find that there is nothing meaty to get stuck into. It's just a collection of mini games.

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Thank goodness that this is the last presentation.


Smash has been the disappointment of the generation on the Wii U for me. I have tried so hard to get into it (and still do) but I just find that there is nothing meaty to get stuck into. It's just a collection of mini games.



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Thank goodness that this is the last presentation.


Smash has been the disappointment of the generation on the Wii U for me. I have tried so hard to get into it (and still do) but I just find that there is nothing meaty to get stuck into. It's just a collection of mini games.

You should've joined us for the N-E tourney, it was a right laugh. :awesome:

If you're expecting Smash Bros. to keep you entertained as a single player experience, then you're inevitably going to be disappointed.

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You should've joined us for the N-E tourney, it was a right laugh. :awesome:

If you're expecting Smash Bros. to keep you entertained as a single player experience, then you're inevitably going to be disappointed.


Hmmm. I dunno. I spent a hell of a lot of time in single player when Melee came out. The meaty adventure mode of Brawl also held my attention for a long time.

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