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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Smash Bros to me anyway is always at its best on one huge screen with four people screaming at each other.


"Stop spamming the lightning Pikachu!!"


I agree but if it was only coming to Wii U then it'd see more of a sales boost.

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If Paper Mario is included do you think he'll play/act in a similar style to Mr. Game & Watch?


I'd love it to be something like this.


Mr. Game&Watch need a 2d rival I say!


Mr. Game&Watch meets Paper Mario



An epic showdown indeed!

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Kamiya Tells Smash Bros Fans To “F**k*Off”


Platinum Games Hideki Kamiya is apparently sick and tired of Smash Bros fans contacting him via Twitter encouraging him to put Bayonetta, Viewtiful Joe and Okami into the next Smash Bros game. Kamiya vented his frustrations on Twitter and told Smash Bros fans to fuck off. He then linked to the huge amount of requests he has been sent by fans on Twitter. Clearly he has lost all patience, so please don’t bombard him with requests.


“Enough of smash idiots. Fuck off”




Woah! Don't anger the masses. Sure you might be annoyed but just keep it to yourself. Close your Twitter account, block or ignore the tweets.

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Michael Forde. You see him enter the smash universe from his conduit, then he pauses after he steps out and looks at all of the smash bros with his manly stubble and his tinted shades and angry eyebrows, then he turns round like the utmost badass and slowly steps back into the conduit saying "You'll neverrrr see meeee cominggggg..."

A year after the SSB release, I wanna see an Conduit Wii U with grafix as splendid as Killzone: Shadow Falls on the Sony Playstation Four


Please somebody tell me the United Kingdom date and time of E3 in general. Is it mondee at half5 in the afternoon?

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Michael Forde. You see him enter the smash universe from his conduit, then he pauses after he steps out and looks at all of the smash bros with his manly stubble and his tinted shades and angry eyebrows, then he turns round like the utmost badass and slowly steps back into the conduit saying "You'll neverrrr see meeee cominggggg..."

A year after the SSB release, I wanna see an Conduit Wii U with grafix as splendid as Killzone: Shadow Falls on the Sony Playstation Four


Please somebody tell me the United Kingdom date and time of E3 in general. Is it mondee at half5 in the afternoon?

Tuesday, 3pm

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Michael Forde. You see him enter the smash universe from his conduit, then he pauses after he steps out and looks at all of the smash bros with his manly stubble and his tinted shades and angry eyebrows, then he turns round like the utmost badass and slowly steps back into the conduit saying "You'll neverrrr see meeee cominggggg..."

A year after the SSB release, I wanna see an Conduit Wii U with grafix as splendid as Killzone: Shadow Falls on the Sony Playstation Four


Please somebody tell me the United Kingdom date and time of E3 in general. Is it mondee at half5 in the afternoon?




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Not yet. Not officially. :laughing:

Let's just hope that NINTENDO shows me why I want to but a Wiiu. Then Blackman will wiiturn. :D


Tuesday, 3pm


Thanks bud. But I meant the whole of the E3 show in general sorta thing. I swear I saw Monday 10th somewhere about the place?


Nintendo's E3 Direct is on Tuesday at 3pm, yes?

What about the lil thing with Reggie-man and Miyamoto-san before the E3 show in their booth - is that confirmed to be streamable yet? If so, the time and date please?

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Not yet. Not officially. :laughing:

Let's just hope that NINTENDO shows me why I want to but a Wiiu. Then Blackman will wiiturn. :D




Thanks bud. But I meant the whole of the E3 show in general sorta thing. I swear I saw Monday 10th somewhere about the place?


Nintendo's E3 Direct is on Tuesday at 3pm, yes?

What about the lil thing with Reggie-man and Miyamoto-san before the E3 show in their booth - is that confirmed to be streamable yet? If so, the time and date please?

The E3 hype starts on Sunday with a special Call of Duty Ghosts presentation.


Following that on Monday are the Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Activision and Sony conferences

On Tuesday is the Nintendo Direct (which is their conference) followed later by a press showcase at E3 itself, unlikely to be streamed but of course will be recorded. There are also Nintendo's usual roundtables on that day, including a 90 minute Pokémon X & Y one.

The actual E3 Expo (yes, that's a tautology, so sue me) begins on Wednesday and ends on Friday

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Nintendo's showings this year should truly be ace. And that's just further info of the stuff we actually know. Yeah, I know I sound like a right irritating Ninty fanboy, but the new Pokemon X/Y stuff wins it for me before they even show anything else.


More info on...


Pokemon X/Y

Zelda 3DS

Wind Waker HD

Mario Kart U

3D Mario U

Smash bros 3DS/U

Yoshi 3DS/Wii U


And that's stuff we know. There'll no doubt be at least one new "from Nintendo" 3DS/Wii U reveal. Any true Nintendo fan should be crapping themselves.

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Doesn't it start Tuesday, and Nintendo holding the media briefing directly before doors open? Hence the video being on at 7am for Americans. Hour long video, then media briefing for hands on then doors open? Sure it's Tuesday. Maybe not.


Does anyone have times for all the big conferences. uk times?

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Doesn't it start Tuesday, and Nintendo holding the media briefing directly before doors open? Hence the video being on at 7am for Americans. Hour long video, then media briefing for hands on then doors open? Sure it's Tuesday. Maybe not.


Does anyone have times for all the big conferences. uk times?

You're right. The show floor opens 12pm local time on Tuesday. My apologies


Microsoft: Monday 10th, 6pm

EA: Monday 10th, 9pm

Ubisoft: Monday 10th, 11pm

Sony: Tuesday 11th, 2am

Nintendo: Tuesday 11th, 3pm

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