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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Great mini Direct. My only negative is that the inclusion of the untouched N64 stages seems very lazy.


Ryu looks amazing. They really went all out with him.


More Amiibo....my wallet cries. Although, I love what they done with Mr Game & Watch and wouldn't be surprised to see something similar used for Mario Maker Amiibo.

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I've got an Error in my Download Management as well...


'Could not get title information' (Update Data)


Who knows what that could be? I was thinking the update for Smash but it would at least be displaying the game title.


Yep turns out it is for Smash. going to get my game updated before trying to get the DLC.


1289MB? Basic Wii U owners be damned!

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I've managed to get on the shop. I didn't notice it in the Direct (kept buffering for me...), but it looks like they've added an app for 3DS called Smash Controller, which allows you to use your 3DS as a controller for the Wii U version without requiring a copy of the 3DS version. Costs 89p!


I'mma buy my boi, now.

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