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Project Cafe - Hopes and Dreads


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Nintendo is set to show off their next home console this year. With a lot of rumours circulating it has certainly been in everyone's mind but what do you expect from the new console?


Furthermore what are you hoping for and what do you hope to not see?

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To be honest, i wouldn't mind seeing the new console have 2 or 3 choices for control. A new control system in place for what-ever games are to come out for the new console, and the already existing Wii-mote system for the (hopeful) backwards compatibility for all existing Wii software. The 3rd choice is optional, but control ports for the GC/Wavebird. Showing that the new console is not only backwards compatible for the Wii titles, but that GC software is compatible again. If not by disk format, at least on a new and improved Virtual Console.


I say new and improved, but if Nintendo implemented what both the PS-Store and XBL have, which are more free demos to games, themes for the console itself and a more reliable online connection/online play. Which is something that the Wii lacked and needs for it to be able to stand-up to the larger consoles.


I'm hoping that we don't see the existing Wii re-modelled with HD graphics. That to me, isn't a new console and shows lazyness on Nintendos behalf. Something that i'm probably not counting on seeing, and hoping that i don't see. It would be bad for them really.

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I'm hoping that, if the screen rumours are real, that the screen will be used for gameplay uses (like the bottom screen in OoT3D) and not for streaming the full game to the controller screen.

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I'm worried that Project Café (or whatever it will be called :indeed:) won't have that 'wow' factor that a lot of us are anticipating. The whole thing has been built up so much that I can't help but fear a potential underwhelming disappointment :eek:

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My hopes and dreams are in the other topic but my biggest fear is that Nintendo once again will not get what gamers want when it comes to online gaming. Microsoft has created a great service in XBL and it's about time Nintendo stole someone's ideas, so why not this?

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I hope it is comfortably better than the PS3 and 360. I don't want reviews of multi-format games to say "The PS3 version is better because of this, that etc..." Traditional controls are a must, and so I hope the standard controller has as many buttons and sticks as the GameCube. Lastly, if it does have a gimmick, I hope it's an exciting one that I personally didn't realise was possible yet, akin to the 3DS's autostereoscopy.



I haven't got too many dreads about Café, apart from lack of HDD/not enough storage. Needing a constant internet connection would be even worse.



I'm expecting a current gen machine (PS3, 360) that basically meets expectations. The thing I expect most is that many of us will feel the gimmick is not worth the extra money. However, I do not expect the gimmick to have a negative effect upon the games. Again, very much like the 3DS. Whatever the drawbacks, I expect Café to be wholly and entirely better than the Wii.

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All I want is a modern nintendo console with no tricks or gimmicks and with top notch graphics and sound. I was PROUD of what the gamecube could do at the time. Felt like I had a system better than anyone else. Just feel ashamed of the wii at times.


My hopes and dreams are in the other topic but my biggest fear is that Nintendo once again will not get what gamers want when it comes to online gaming. Microsoft has created a great service in XBL and it's about time Nintendo stole someone's ideas, so why not this?


I don't know. Nintendo NEVER steal ideas. Only time they caved in to some demands was during the gamecube era, with a disc-based format and dual analogue controllers... These days when someone does one thing, nintendo do another..


Sony releases a headphone microphone- nintendo releases "wii speak" whatever the fuck that is...


I do imagine Nintendo are taking on-line gaming very seriously now, they'll likely team with another company but the experience will be ( for better or worse) completely different to XBL. They'll put a spin on things, they always do.

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After ubiosofts conference SURELY beyond good and evil will be there tat intends topmorrow. Also, I have a feeling that smash bros will be shown, pretty obvious, but I think nintendo will go apeshit with the amount of 3rd party characters in the game! What better way if showcasing their new found relationships then a game with loads of characters in!

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I'd have to echo what people have said here. Decent online service. Much more standard control. More mature orientated games. I REALLY wanted to play Smash Bros Online but whenever I did it was lag central. Mario Kart held up quite well but it the whole friend code system annoyed me. I'm curious to see what they come up with.

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I hope the graphics are better than 360. I'm not a graphic whore(I am enjoying Ar Tonelico 3 a lot at the moment, 100 hour+ is likely) but Nintendo needs to stop playing catch up. Won't Cafe and Wii both have been released between 360 and 720? Nintendo could risk trailing a lot behind PS3/720 and that's going to effect larger 3rd parties I think. I highly doubt a screen in the controller is a major selling point either so they need more than an innovative controller this time. You play consoles games to play on your tv. Period.


And online of course. Hard drive will be important too.


dazzybee: Ubisoft said they are going to wait with B&E2 till the nekst generation of consoles. I don't think that includes Cafe.

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