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The Rapture


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Do vets even do that? Putting pets down for a silly reason like that? O.o

I read a story about someone who went to get an 11 month old Alsation put down. The vet refused and the guy started getting angry and shouting. So the story-teller stepped in, said he was a Jew and wouldn't be saved by the Rapture, and offered to take the dog in to look after him after the owners were gone. Win situation! One cute German Shephard puppy rescued from crazy religious nut owners. Assuming they haven't tried to get him back today.


So no, a vet probably won't do it (except in certain parts of the southern US, I suppose...) The problem is the people who will have done it themselves :(




uh oh


Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano starts new eruption




this is it... bye people

Sheeeit, can you imagine if you were religious, and you looked out your window to see that?

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So there is a cloud of ash on the horizon, as in I can see it.

It's a bit ominous, if the winds don't change we are looking at ashes covering the city.

Can't say how much, but the thought is a bit unsettling.

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So there is a cloud of ash on the horizon, as in I can see it.

It's a bit ominous, if the winds don't change we are looking at ashes covering the city.

Can't say how much, but the thought is a bit unsettling.


If you're not going to be one of the 'saved' then you might as well make the most of it and go out killing and raping.



Don't really...

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I Lim'd.


I was talking about RAPTURE. :D


A city where the artist would not fear the censor. Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality. Where the great would not be constrained by the small.









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Infinity Blade for 3 dollars? I MUST be in Heaven!


And do you know what? There are NO French people here.


I can't imagine how it could get an better...

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