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Fused King

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Purchase of AM2 and the existence of 'Shenmue 3' would be incredible, but on the subject of 'Perfect Dark', Nintendo does not own the rights. Microsoft own the rights to 'Perfect Dark' hence the release of a rejigged version of Perfect Dark 64 on the Xbox Live Arcade and the release of the prequel 'Perfect Dark Zero'.


Since Rare has officially confirmed that they're only going to be working on shitty kinect games in the future, Nintendo could buy the license for cheap.

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I'm curious as to why, but if it has HDMI you can just use an adapter and be all good. I will say, HDMI-DVI looked just as good on my PS3, I just had no way to get sound personally.



Yeah I did that with the PS3 too. As long as it could work like that did it would be fine.

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Updated 'till here.


Let me just throw the following question out there:


Don't you guys and ladies think that NINTENDO's E3 press conference will be massively underwhelming?


I mean, rape aside, all this hype is just insane...just like every year:laughing:


Despite the last two years being great ones, I was left with a slighty underwhelming feeling. I mean, Zelda was going to get a massive overhaul going by the interviews, but all that was shown just felt very confident to me. In other words, I didn't 'WOW' me.

*note, don't make this into a Zelda thread*


I'm just worried that there might not be to many games shown.

Something like: 1 new Wii game, 1 game to show off Café, and maybe a few new 3DS projects which aren't all that amazing, new, or innovative.


I am aware that one's expectations create one's experience of E3, but I'm asking this anyway......

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Don't you guys and ladies think that NINTENDO's E3 press conference will be massively underwhelming?


I believe we have every reason to be excited by E3 this year with the new console, new games for 3DS and a few Wii surprises.. but that certainly paves the way for us to be disappointed in some way :hmm: Expectations may be too high.. but would we have it any other way? :heh:

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The possibilities are what I think this E3 will be about. Selling cafe to the masses will ensure there are loads of those demo's like we saw with the DS/Wii and, more recently, the 3DS.


Amongst those exciting playable cafe demos, the Wii should be OK with Skyward Sword amongst third party titles on show. Meanwhile the 3DS with Mario Kart, Kid Icarus, Animal Crossing and a TON of other titles from both Nintendo and 3rd parities will have a HUGE showing. there will also be a few DS games out there but we'll probably see the beginning of developers moving to the 3DS perhaps with a slew of DS remakes.


Either way, it's going to be stellar.

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I mean, Zelda was going to get a massive overhaul going by the interviews, but all that was shown just felt very confident to me. In other words, I didn't 'WOW' me.

*note, don't make this into a Zelda thread*


It couldn't. It's just not possible on the Wii. (Ends Zelda talk.)


But no, I'm not concerned. Last year's E3 was absolutely amazing; it's hard to go wrong when you have a new piece of hardware to reveal. OK, they showed loads of 3DS games that still won't be released even by this year's E3, but I'd rather have it that way than a boring show.


I'll only be disappointed if they don't show Café games and don't show a few new 3DS games (good ones too). They can pretend the Wii and DS don't exist for all I care.

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o yeah i almost forgot,

i want Baten Kaitos on the new nintendo console at launch :P i really loved that game,


THISSSSSS!!!!! GAWD Baten Kaitos Origins was like a game that gave the finger to most JRPG's on how to make a really awesome game


It couldn't. It's just not possible on the Wii. (Ends Zelda talk.)

If the trailer was like TP first showing it would have...if anything Nintendo are trying to pull down people's expectations on the game so they can be stunned and pleased on how great the game really is...you know...kind of like Wind Waker

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I really can't picture Nintendo making a console that's more powerful than a PS3, it just doesn't seem right.


If the trailer was like TP first showing it would have...if anything Nintendo are trying to pull down people's expectations on the game so they can be stunned and pleased on how great the game really is...you know...kind of like Wind Waker


I'd agree with that. I'll just be happy if the E3 SS trailer is COLOURFUL and vibrant. It's pretty obvious they'll reveal the big gameplay mechanic behind the game (flight?), so hopefully it'll wow everyone.


Looking forward to hearing what they have planned for the 25th anniversary as well, but not getting my hopes up.

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Managed to sort a shift swap with someone at work, so I will now be able to witness the extravaganza live. I'm pretty sure I've watched (or followed) each Nintendo conference live since 2004 or 2005, so i'm glad I get to continue the run.


In terms of my hopes and expectations, I'm looking forward to seeing what Cafe is all about and hope that they have given it a better name. I'm hoping for something from the guys behind Hotel Dusk and Another Code, getting to know more about Skyward Sword.


I really hope Animal Crossing 3DS adds something new to the franchise, though I will still buy it even if it's the same - familiarity is comforting. It would be fantastic to see new iterations of F-Zero and Pikmin 3 (as many of you have already acknowledged)


Expecting to see something very different to show off the Project Cafe, possibly a re-booted franchise, something we haven't seen for a while. Either way I'm expecting it to be a little more adult-orientated than usual, if only to please the crowd at E3.

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Updated 'till here.


Let me just throw the following question out there:


Don't you guys and ladies think that NINTENDO's E3 press conference will be massively underwhelming?





I've learned from past E3's to not let the hype and 'leaks' get my expectations up....


When the Revolution was being discussed, right up until e3 I was so excited for it, then some clever fan created the Nintendo-On Video.... and that set my mind into overdrive... I mean, that really would be a Revolution.5844052316327252.JPG?0.4115064698459413


Obviously the video was fake I knew this, and knew that the Revolution wouldn't be anything like the On Video.... but it was so out of this world and crazy, I just thought the Revolution would be like the first console to work under water or something, you know, just something incredible.


e3 came round, Iwata is on stage... he then says that "This is the Revolution..."iwata.jpg


all of a sudden come crashing back down to earth.... until he mentioned that they wouldn't be unveiling the controller till a later date, then hype station hit again.



Don't take what I've said wrong, I love my Wii, that's why I have 2 (white at launch, and Red Mario 25th one..... and will probably get a black one too, to complete the set :p) and yes motion technology was pretty darned good and left field at the time.




I'm doing it to myself again though, I know there won't be any mention of GTA5 at e3 this year.... but then I keep giving myself a glimmer of hope that one of the 3 console manufactures may out the game much like Microsoft did for GTA4 (that stupid stick on tattoo)



Basically... e3 creates some amazing dreams, then crushes them.

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I dunno, last year I was massively hyped and Nintendo delivered. Last year's E3 blew my mind.


This year, I don't really feel hyped at all. Why, I have no clue.


Keepin' it real! Peace: peace:


Thanks for the responds.


I'm just very interested to see if NINTENDO will strike a balance this time between the traditional, the innovative, old franchises, and new franchises.

Not to mention how they think about 'hardcore' gamers....


Could someone also list new NINTENDO franchises from the Wii era?


could someone PLEASE create a countdown....


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Keepin' it real! Peace: peace:


Thanks for the responds.


I'm just very interested to see if NINTENDO will strike a balance this time between the traditional, the innovative, old franchises, and new franchises.

Not to mention how they think about 'hardcore' gamers....


Could someone also list new NINTENDO franchises from the Wii era?


could someone PLEASE create a countdown....




New franchises...


Disaster Day

Brain Training / Big Brain Academy

Wii [insert Name Here] (Fit / sports / music / etc)

Another Code

Endless Ocean


Revisits of old franchises...(aside from the obvious Nintendo big hitters)






all I can think of on the Wii that are new developed by Nintendo.


think the cube days were good for new franchises...Pikmin, Chibi Robo, Battalion Wars, Luigi's mansion (should be a franchise), Eternal Darkness, Geist, Custom Robo (new franchise outside of Japan right?)

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New franchises...


Disaster Day

Brain Training / Big Brain Academy

Wii [insert Name Here] (Fit / sports / music / etc)

Another Code

Endless Ocean


Add Xenoblade. Far as I know Monolith is now considered first party...

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How about Nintendo dust off Project H.A.M.M.E.R for the Cafe Launch...



I can remember being pretty excited to see Disaster Day of Crisis and Project Hammer being shown as Wii games. Thought it was the start of new Nintendo IP's.


then Hammer got put on hold, although not cancelled altogether apparently.



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Updated 'till here.


Let me just throw the following question out there:


Don't you guys and ladies think that NINTENDO's E3 press conference will be massively underwhelming?


I am aware that Nintendo deliver on their promises in a very sideways way. For this reason I know that they are unpredictable, as they like to get the competition second guessing.


Unfortunately that usually means that they don't satisfy anyone information wise!

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If the trailer was like TP first showing it would have...if anything Nintendo are trying to pull down people's expectations on the game so they can be stunned and pleased on how great the game really is...you know...kind of like Wind Waker


More like Spirit Tracks, I'd say. A lot of people had a strong dislike towards Wind Waker, yet the feeling towards Skyward Sword is apathy. It's incredibly hard to get people excited about something so late in the day, for both the Wii and DS... of course, that doesn't stop them making a great game.

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Don't you guys and ladies think that NINTENDO's E3 press conference will be massively underwhelming?


I'm not sure how to feel. On the one hand i'm super excited about Nintendo showing their next console, on the other i'm a little worried about Nintendo disregarding the Wii. It's kinda like the situation with the 3DS and DS. Its great seeing 3DS titles BUT i'm still very much in love with the DS even though Nintendo are probably moving on from it now.

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