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Funny Stuff Thread


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Egoraptor is pretty irritating. he makes some good points, but just shouts all the time, as if it's amusing. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are plenty of idiots that are amused by him, but I'm not one of them.


"Yeah so I'm making some good points about this game, providing some compelling reason and OH MY GOD I HAVEN'T SHOUTED IN A WHILE!!! Anyway, back to the point I was making."


No thank you.

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Old but funny :D


Oh yeah, I remember watching that video a while back. He also did a couple of Castlevania ones, right? I liked them, but you definitely need to be in the right mindset to enjoy the humour.


The part where he's mock-playing the intro level is hilarious, though.

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I watched about a minute before turning it off. Really annoying voice and too long. :p


I can't take 20 minutes of that. Not even for MegaMan.


Aye, I watched it before but felt exactly the same as yourself. I soldiered through to see what points he actually had to make and I'm not sure I agreed with them quite with the same enthusiasm as his-self. Anyhow, this is a funnies thread, so on with the funnies(these are both animal based funnies)!





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