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Wen to see The artist today. My personal film of the year. Everything was perfect. Humour, drama, romance, it had everything. It being a silent film, the cast was clearly cast for their faces & facial expressions. With no recorded sound, you focus much more on anything else, and the facial expressions were just lovely and fantastic. The music was great too.. And the clothes. And the sets. Oh and the dog! It’s a sweet movie, reminding of simpler times. If it wasn’t for some familiar faces, and the fact it’s lovingly poking fun at the fact it’s a silent film (one of the film’s theme is the transition from silent films to spoken films in that period), you’d think you’re watching an old film. Oh well technically the framerate isn’t correct as well, which is also addressed in the film :D. I’m actually in the mood for old films now. I want to watch Metropolis.. Wish I had gone when they were showing it with live music! :cry:


Anyway, again, it’s my personal film of the year, and I’m pretty sure nothing’s going to to that next month.



While looking for the poster above I came across [this review] which, well, is better written than mine :rolleyes:, yet echoes exactly how I feel about it.


Really looking forward to seeing this. Saw the trailer a while back and it instantly hooked me as it's just so different from everything else that's come out in cinemas this year (to my knowledge at least). Unfortunately, doesn't look like it's out in the UK until January (6th I believe) which is disappointing as I'd have loved to have seen it around Christmas time.


Oh well, I suppose I'll have to make do with Hugo, which is out next week and is sounding very good.

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I loved this movie. I like musicals and I did like this as well. Songs were catchy and I must admit, at first, it did make me laugh a little because of how the Jets were supposed to look intimidating when all they done was dance but I must admit, I did take it seriously shortly after and found myself buying the DVD.




I think everybody would have known I was going to see this and I have to say, this is probably the worst of the lot and yet the best. The first 30 minutes and the last 10 minutes of this part was the best of the entire saga but the middle just dragged on and on and on with some scenes that were completely unnecessary. Also, the wolf communication was a bit stupid as well. In fact, the whole story is stupid and yet, in a weird sense, I thought it wasn't such a bad movie. Undecided! However, I wouldn't buy this on DVD full price, I think I'll wait until it's £3 or something. I was hesitant about buying a cinema ticket but I did anyway.




Yeah, I love Grease but the flying car totally ruins the movie for me. Along with the song at the end as well for that matter.




One of my favourite movies ever and one of my most watched too. I adore this film.

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Winter's Bone.




Good. Yet another oscar nominated film better than the King's Speech. It was a bit predictable in its indieness but the characters and the general tone feel I engaged with. :grin:


Belle De Jour.




Another foray into french cinema but this time it will culminate in the three colours trilogy. I thought it was a well explored topic whilst actually being fairly sublt in certain aspects it could have been much more gratuitous about the whole thing. :D






A perfectly crafted film. (bar a few bits.) That is excellent but I personally didn't enjoy. :)

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Yeah, I love Grease but the flying car totally ruins the movie for me. Along with the song at the end as well for that matter.






Though the song at the end does send kind of a bad message.




What was the birth scene in Breaking Dawn like? D: It looks more like a horror movie than anything this time.

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Take Shelter Was some parts great, some parts not that interesting. The acting was all great and the idea (man has preminitions of a huge flood, becomes obsessed and builds a storm shelter, fears he has schizophrenia) was good though it seemed lacking in something.






Loved it. Brad Pitt is great, the script (Sorkin) was great. The kind of film you wish would be made about football. I have no idea what 'HE GETS ON BASE!' means. But it didn't seem to matter too much.



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The Moneyball poster is stunning me.




So I've been ALL about Lynch recently, as I'm doing an essay on him, so have been diving into books about him, by him etc, and OBVIOUSLY all his films again. I love a lot of his work so this was pleasant.

dlynch.jpegI still ADORE Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet. The former contains one of my favourite scenes in cinema, certainly one of the most powerful (The Club Silencio sequence).

I still like Inland Empire, but it's lost some of it's charm (if that's really the right word...).

I think Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me is an absolute mess with some nice Lynchian moments in it. Something about it just grates. Argh. (Ignoring it's worth or lack thereof as a suitable end/start to the great TV show)

The rest are all good fine (but some I need to watch again but the library has lost all the copies *coughlosthighway*), except Dune, which I never finished as it's shit and Lynch agrees.


But yeah my Film Context tutor is a Queen of Life and generally awesome and she and I have a telepathic bond over Lynch, so come today's Lynch-focused lecture, tonnes of it was just us chatting/lolling at semi-private Lynch-centric jokes.

Then in my tutorial with her afterwards we just talked about our fave/least fave bits. I loved how she stressed the fact I needed to run home and download the Lost Highway soundtrack more than prepare an essay plan for her. <3


Any other Lynch fans? I even watched all his (very intriguing) short early films.

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Though the song at the end does send kind of a bad message.




What was the birth scene in Breaking Dawn like? D: It looks more like a horror movie than anything this time.


The car at the end is just mad! Why does it fly? It's not Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! lmao. And the song I'm on about is "We go together like dlclfvsfvnsfvrifvifvbfkjvnkfsbfvnsdlkfnsdl", it annoys me so much! End with 'You're The One I Want'! [/pointlessrant]


Also, the birthing scene was actually done very well. Obviously it was more gruesome in the book as she pukes blood and stuff but it had many people squirming. I was actually surprised myself. Not a lot of blood but it was done quite well. One of the only good things about the movie (and one of the best scenes of the whole saga).

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Saw My Week With Marilyn last night with @Frank. I wasn't sure about seeing it at first as I have no interest in Marilyn Monroe, haven't even watched any of her movies :s But I watched the trailer, and realised that the actress playing her was Ruby in Prozac Nation - there was something I loved about her even though she was a minor character. So I thought that if worse comes to worst, I can just concentrate on her :p


It was good though, Michelle Williams' acting is superb, Eddie Redmayne too - they showed a lot of difficult emotions in close-ups. It was fun to see, but felt more like a Weekend than a Week (though we did miss the first 20 minutes or so). Also, Emma Watson's part is kind of useless. It had a good mix of depicting the positives and negatives of being Marilyn Monroe - being appreciative of morbidness, I of course enjoyed the pills and crying more... @Frank mentioned that some of the quotes and actions were stuck in a bit too obviously, but since I don't know anything about Monroe, I didn't pick up on it at all.


Overall: worth seeing, but not worth tripping over yourself to see. Michelle Williams and Dame Judi Dench were my favourites in it.

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20 minutes! :o ...I missed the first 2 minutes of the skin I live in and almost cried. :p I could not miss that much.


Anyway I turned up on time to HUGO! Everyone go see it it is marvelous. :) I can't yet decide whether it was missing something or not but it didn't quite levitate itself to greatness but still amazing.



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We didn't beg, Eddie! We brought out our Marilyn Monroe charm and he couldn't say "no" :p Yeah, I agree with what Eddie said. The film, as a whole, is quite slow-moving so I'm sure we didn't miss much. Plus, with adverts at the beginning we probably only missed 12-15 minutes. Acting was, perhaps, the best part. I don't think I was ever fooled into thinking it was Marilyn (unlike 'La Vie En Rose') but entertaining nonetheless.




We don't get to make plans very often so the 12-15 minutes was worth it.


*Irrelevant to this thread* -- We also visited Eddie's very own restaurant :D Her staff were so friendly and, obviously, adored her.




I think I'll watch Sunset Boulevard in a few minutes ! :)

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I just watched Tangled in 3D. Stunning. Some of the scenes are just mind-blowingly beautiful and the soundtrack is great. I think it could well become my top Disney film, it's not often I'm this impressed by 'kids' films, but I loved it.

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I just watched Tangled in 3D. Stunning. Some of the scenes are just mind-blowingly beautiful and the soundtrack is great. I think it could well become my top Disney film' date=' it's not often I'm this impressed by 'kids' films, but I loved it.[/quote']


Please, don't be offended by this, will... what car is that on your avatar???


(the reason I say offended is because I think it's the ugliest thing I've ever seen and want to use images of the car for the purpose of a certain discussion, but hey, tastes, right? I hope you don't take this wrong way...)



Ok, this should've been a PM... =/

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The last time I watched this was about 4 years ago, so I'd kind of forgotten the shocking scenes from it, I know what's going to happen, just forgot how brutal it's delivered.


Really enjoyed it. Made me quite tense when waiting for things to happen.

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Please, don't be offended by this, will... what car is that on your avatar???


(the reason I say offended is because I think it's the ugliest thing I've ever seen and want to use images of the car for the purpose of a certain discussion, but hey, tastes, right? I hope you don't take this wrong way...)



Ok, this should've been a PM... =/


It's a Lotus Elise, I have no idea how are you are going to form a discussion around its ugliness...

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It's a Lotus Elise' date=' I have no idea how are you are going to form a discussion around its ugliness...[/quote']




I'm not gonna form a discussion around it, it's for a poll over in another forum. The funny thing is, it's already an option (but since there are no pics I had no idea).


And you do have to admit, as far as sports cars go, that baby fits way more into the corny category than it does the elegant one. :heh: (judging by the votes, it seems I'm not alone, either). I actually know you aren't one (and, for the record, I do quite like and ENVY you), but to me, it just seems like the type of car a chav would drive if he won the lottery.

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I've seen so many movies from my last post it'd be ridiculous to try name them all.


I did stay up to this crazy hour to watch, "It's A Wonderful Life". I don't know why, I mean all I'm doing is lying in bed by myself. I loved it so much though.




I've been watching many old movies recently and I'm amazed, so amazed, how iconic these movies really are. Without me even noticing, I know the entire plot because they've been spoofed / given homages to dozens of times. They're Iconic.


"It's A Wonderful Life" is such a feel-good movie. I felt warm and teary by the end. James Stewart is magnificent also. Great acting, which isn't always the case with these old films. One which makes you think afterwards even if it's in the egocentric way of wondering who's lives you've affected :p




A fantastic adventure. A movie made in '67 yet the women are strong & independent. I like this! Worth seeing even for the last scene. How on earth did they manage to shoot that scene !? Such gore for a film made so long ago! I quivered and sat aghast at how awful it was :( Great movie -- Bonnie & Clyde are both massive babes. Attractive, much?




Eve is the most horrid thing I've encountered in so long. How could she ... so ... ugh ...


Bette Davis IS THE SHIT!!

Some early Marilyn Monroe too! She's delightful. Although I heard it took her 11 takes ending with her being shouted at by Davis and vomiting behind the set. Poor girl.




Norma is my new role-model for everything in life. One of the greatest I've had the pleasure of seeing. FILM NOIR IS WHAT THE WORLD LOVES.





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