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So, upon forum reccomendations and the fact that we had a copy lying unopened in the house, I watched Vertigo.


It was as good as promised. The story itself becomes very interesting and is exquisetly executed, and is also very unpredictable to an extent. I loved all the twists that it took. I also loved the music and the camera work that went with. But even then the story almost seems like a force for showing off the immense characterisation in the film, rather than the point of the film itself. The protagonist is such a fleshed out individual. He's so real it's uncanny.


I haven't enjoyed a film this much in a long while. I loved it. And this seems arbitrary but if I had to do a score I'd give it 10/10. Really don't feel like I can give it anything else.

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I know I'm about ten years late, but I've finally watched American History X. There's only one word to describe my body at the end of that film: Stunned.


*Insert Madonna*


It's just grim beyond belief, but so compelling to watch. I thought Edward Furlong stole the show. He was the child who witnessed his brother slowly deteriorating into a vile racist (that dinner table scene where his Father talked about Norton's black teacher being wrong was so powerful) and he was the child who ultimately paid the price for his brother's faults.


The ending was gut wrenching. Felt so wrong, but at the same time you knew it was coming. How is it possible that both Furlong and Norton haven't really gone on to even greater things in film? I know Norton had Fight Club, but aside from that...How is that possible? They're clearly both great actors.

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I love American History X, such a brilliant movie.


I saw Cars 2 last night and was very pleasantly surprised by it. It was very enjoyable and definitely a lot better than the first movie. I also liked the fact that it was more about Mater because I don't really like Lightning McQueen at all. He's okay but he's not exactly the most likeable Disney main character. Mater was awesome.

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I really want to watch Friends With Benefits.




I generally avoid vapid romantic comedies to the best of my ability, but I can't resist Mila Kunis. Also it looks like it might manage to not be vapid. Don't think much of JT due to his terrible (IMO) music, but am interested to sample his acting, as I hadn't watched The Social Network. I actually found out about this movie through this month's ELLE US. It's out here and in the UK on the 19th.

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I think Friends With Benefits is okay.




Oh wait you mean the other one :heh:


Wouldn't mind seeing it. Although unlike you I wish JT would go back to music and stop this acting nonsense :p Although obviously I wouldn't



In other news finally watched this last night:




It was entertaining and Emma Stone is kind of awesome. Plus filled with TV actors, which is always a treat.

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When I first saw this advertised (in the cinema somewhere) I thought little of it but heard decent things and MPC showed us a clip from it a while ago. I'm still not sure what to make in terms of it but as a piece of mindless entertainment it was good. Zone out at the end of the weekend and all that. Plus the soundtrack was pretty awesome.


(still wish Amanda Seyfried could have played Babydoll :heh:)

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I watched Kaboom.


(I love 'The Greg Araki' movie. 'A' is so undefinitive.)


It was wtf. Like..I get it. I get the joke is that it's not trying to be good. I love the non-ending (stunning song choice and felt so 'added in'). I love how it all felt like it was on a set, like purposely no people wandering around in the background. I love how blunt 'Well? Deal with it.' it was And how random it was. Come on Lorelei the lesbian witch and her revenge suplot.


However, i just felt it was neither one side or the other...I would've liked it to be more extreme and take itself less seriously, or take itself more seriously.


The camerawork felt a bit cheap, but not always endearingly.


Stella's face is my favourite thing. Thomas Dekker was fine, but then it felt the script was purposely lacking in character so you never got bogged down or involved.


Which adds when you think about it.


Hey Juno Temple's tits in every scene. I can't tell if she was good or bad, since english accents sound so unconvincing and forced in american films, even if the actor is english. Plus everything's relative since it was all "..." so I'm over it.


It was a (dry, thoughtful) joke, but I think more could've been made of it. Thinking back, it's an entirely pointless film. But you may as well if you're inclined. There's lots of sex in it.

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I watched Limitless last week. Thought it was very good, actually ended up being better than i expected it to be


Also watched Unknown, not as good as Taken imo but still enjoyed it.


Yeah I just caught this recently. Starts out promisingly but I thought it ran out of steam by the final third and ended quite boringly. The conspiracy plot was too vague to take in to account and the gangster story felt contrived. Cooper was good though.

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Super 8

Has received a lot of mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike, knowing this I tried to watch with an open mind, but expected the film to be below average. Turns out it's quite a nice little film and if it hadn't been publicised so much as "the new Close Encounters" i'm sure more critics would have taken to it.


It's attempts to tug at the heart strings fell flat for me and the monster itself is a touch cliched and reminds too much of the monster from the dreadful 'Cloverfield' - which was produced by Abrams. Despite this, 'Super 8' reminds me not of 'Close Encounters' or 'E.T' but of 'The Iron Giant' - the period setting, small town America, the corrupt military, the magnetism. It tows similar lines but never threatens to better it, probably because 'The Iron Giant' had established source material to draw upon - the producers already knew what audiences liked about the story.


Certainly worth a watch anyway, and is Elle Fanning really only 13? Frightening.



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I saw Castaway a few nights ago!




Such a sad film. I was torn apart watching [enter main character's name here] surviving alone on the island. I felt so involved that I was hanging from my seat wishing he'd find another friend. Or, that he'd escape the island.


The whole concept of Wilsson was a lovely touch.


I originally wanted to watch this little French film animation about cycling but watched this instead. It was saddening. I must admit. A true testament to the power of man's will to survive. It also showed how cruel death can be. As the credits rolled along blissfully I tore my hair out...craving to see more. That's good, s'pose.


Also watched some violent movie starring Bruce Wilis. The Hostage, I think. It was meh. I'm not a lover of those types of films.

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I originally wanted to watch this little French film animation about cycling but watched this instead.


You mean 'Les Triplettes de Belleville"?

Watch it, it's lovely. Well a bit weird and all that, but I love it haha. Maybe not to everyone's taste, I don't know.

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