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It's out, like... this weekend or something in the US.


Wow. Based on Disney's history it'll be October or something over here? I should probably Google it...



...next month? That's a surprise.

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Saw Bridesmaids, Bad Teacher and The Green Lantern today.


Bridesmaids was brilliant as expected. I'm so glad there's already talk of a sequel. Bad Teacher was expectedly nothing special, and Green Lantern actually managed to be enjoyable, something I wasn't expecting. Then again, Ryan Reynolds could stand still on film for 2 hours and I'd rate it well.


I'm aware this isn't a rating thread. But I really don't care. :p

Edited by Slaggis
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What the hell is up with Cars?


The first one was Pixar's lowest rated movie and they decided to do a sequel...




It's the only low point for Pixar.


It's odd.


It's confused me since they announced it years ago. Cars is the worst Pixar film and the idea of a sequel doesn't really fit.

It does have the best joke in any family film; one of it's only decent features.

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Cars is probably also one of the biggest cash cows for Pixar/Disney, so it's no wonder there's a sequel coming out. We may not like it, but young kids definitely do. =P



I'm just waiting for Monsters Inc. 2. That better be awesome!

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When I saw Ratatouille in the cinema, I came out feeling very very hungry/wanting yummy food haha.


I think Cars 2 will be the first Pixar film I won't see in the cinema. I'll wait until it comes out on DVD/tv I guess.

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Cars is probably also one of the biggest cash cows for Pixar/Disney

Nah. They would've done another Toy Story for maximum monies. See what hilarious adventures Woody and his toy massive get up to after being given to that girl.


But they can't think of many new toys to exploit into merchandise. So Cars may be semi-logical. Only semi, because as has been established in the thread. Cars was shit.


I'm just waiting for Monsters Inc. 2. That better be awesome!

Now we're talking.

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Nah. They would've done another Toy Story for maximum monies. See what hilarious adventures Woody and his toy massive get up to after being given to that girl.


But they can't think of many new toys to exploit into merchandise. So Cars may be semi-logical. Only semi, because as has been established in the thread. Cars was shit.



Now we're talking.


Toy Story 3 is too recent though, plus they've been working on Cars 2 for a while now. And Monsters Inc. 2 is being worked on too. Scheduled for 2013 I think, so still a while. =(

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Jurassic Park Reboot?


According to IGN, Spielberg has been considering a JP reboot.


I don't really know what to think of this; I'd love to see another (good) JP film, and a reboot is a decent idea considering JP kind of lost it's way.

However, I kind of feel it'd have to be completely different to the original (and therefore the books) to be worth doing, and I'm unsure whether it'd be worth doing at all. The original JP is a '90s classic, and I'm not sure whether it should be messed with; especially considering most modern big films don't really fit into the JP style... I dunno...

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I keep reading/hearing my head the title of that film as 'B(l)rehvv', as though pronounced by a Glaswegian.


Scottish is my new favourite thing, having left Scotland for uni.


I've been once. A few years ago so I didn't take it all in, only for a weekend. Actually one of my favorite places to be :love: The accent makes me fall. I plan to return one day.


Whenever I see that movie poster I think of Tori Amos...


~ ~ ~ ~ ~



I love Pixar, I really enjoyed Cars. Particularly because it sends my Dad into fits whenever the "wanna go tracker-jumpin'" scene is on. I'm not over enthusiastic on seeing the sequel.


Better than a sequel to Ratatouille or Up. I hated those films :nono:

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Better than a sequel to Ratatouille or Up. I hated those films :nono:

I just rewatched Up today. I think it's one of Pixar's best movies. I cry every time he looks through the photo album. :weep:


I'm afraid we can't be friends anymore, Gavin! Though I agree that it should never get a sequel. It's perfect just the way it is.

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