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1 minute ago, drahkon said:

If I do, it'll be the first time I'll go to the cinema by myself.

This is wild to me given I went to the cinema by myself twice last week, yet alone the number of times I've gone in my life. 

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4 minutes ago, drahkon said:

If I do, it'll be the first time I'll go to the cinema by myself.

I used to do this all the time before the pandemic. I got sick of trying to organise trips to the cinema with friends and decided to just start going straight after work if I fancied it. Loved it. Got to see what I wanted, when I wanted and without the hassle of organising things or looking for someplace to eat before or after the movie (just went straight home).

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JEEZ, OK. I get it :p

6 minutes ago, Ashley said:

This is wild to me given I went to the cinema by myself twice last week, yet alone the number of times I've gone in my life. 

The idea is somehow wild to me :D

2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I used to do this all the time before the pandemic. I got sick of trying to organise trips to the cinema with friends and decided to just start going straight after work if I fancied it. Loved it. Got to see what I wanted, when I wanted and without the hassle of organising things or looking for someplace to eat before or after the movie (just went straight home).

Yeah, I can see all the benefits of that.
But to be fair, most of my friends don't like to watch movies in cinemas anyways, and I just recently met someone who does and we enjoy the same kind of movies. I like watching movies and talk about 'em with her :)

Poor Things, however, is not her style, so... :p

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3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I used to do this all the time before the pandemic. I got sick of trying to organise trips to the cinema with friends and decided to just start going straight after work if I fancied it. Loved it. Got to see what I wanted, when I wanted and without the hassle of organising things or looking for someplace to eat before or after the movie (just went straight home).

This is also why I travel alone and to a lesser extent eat alone (I enjoy going out for dinner with a friend, but if I want dinner I'll just go do it if I can't find anyone). 

My chronic single nature and lack of friends (in the same country at least) may also be a contributing factor. 

2 hours ago, drahkon said:

Yeah, I can see all the benefits of that.

But to be fair, most of my friends don't like to watch movies in cinemas anyways, and I just recently met someone who does and we enjoy the same kind of movies. I like watching movies and talk about 'em with her :)

Poor Things, however, is not her style, so... :p

It is nice to have the post movie chat I'll give you that. 

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52 minutes ago, Ashley said:

This is also why I travel alone and to a lesser extent eat alone (I enjoy going out for dinner with a friend, but if I want dinner I'll just go do it if I can't find anyone).

I traveled alone once (to Bucharest) and I enjoyed it a lot. My next travels will be with a group again, which I don't mind, but maybe in the summer I'll go somewhere by myself :)

54 minutes ago, Ashley said:

My chronic single nature

Yeah, same here. Have been single for a few years now and figured out how to be happy with that only last year.
Funnily enough, I have met a lady a few weeks ago and we currently have kind of a fling.

58 minutes ago, Ashley said:

It is nice to have the post movie chat I'll give you that. 

Definitely. It's a shame that most of my friends aren't really up for it, though.

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8 hours ago, drahkon said:

 If I do, it'll be the first time I'll go to the cinema by myself.

I nearly always go by myself and I love it. It's literally a bit of me-time. If I go with someone, they have to be like-minded and there's only two people who are the same as me. I hate being interrupted during a movie with stupid shit. Reactions are cool but I hate running commentaries where someone tells you what just happened 3 seconds after you've just seen it on screen.


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  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, drahkon said:

Watched All of Us Strangers yesterday.
Wonderful movie. The ending is a little...too tacky for my tastes but it kinda works.

What to watch next...


When he got off on the 6th floor I suddenly thought "oh god I know where this is going"


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On 2/15/2024 at 4:51 PM, killthenet said:

It's been a while since I've watched it but I don't remember there being any jump scares. It's more of a slow burn, generally unsettling atmosphere 

Completely missed your post.

Thanks! It's going on my list, then :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
21 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

Does it end or is it just setting up part three? I haven't watched part one yet as I heard it was more or less just half a movie and thus waited for part two to release... 

It ends, Part One and Part Two are roughly adapting the first and second halves of the first Dune novel, respectively. It's worth noting that the original novel did end a bit abruptly and that these two films are about as faithful as a 500+ page book condensed down into two 2½ hour films can be, so where some people might call it a cliffhanger, the first part of the story is very much told across the two films and I think it's simply a case of trying to stay faithful to the original intent. 

A "third part" would be adapting Dune Messiah, the second novel in the series which serves as a pretty direct response to the response for the first book (the author, Frank Herbert, wasn't happy that a lot of people seemed to *completely* miss the point, so he basically laid it out for them); I think they will adapt this in just one film, which is doable as it's noticeably shorter than it's predecessor, but essential for rounding off the story and the main character's arc. 

Denis Villeneuve, the director of the two films, has already expressed his intent to adapt Messiah too, though he's interested in having the actors age up a bit (there's a bit of a gap between the first two books), and he also has a couple of other projects on his lap for now, so I wouldn't be surprised if we're waiting until 2030 or later to see Messiah adapted. Bit scary to type that out :p

But yeah, to sum up, the two films out now are well worth the watch and tell a complete story, and though the "third part" is seemingly in the works, it's likely a while off, so I'd definitely suggest getting around to watching Parts One and Two in the meantime!

Hope that helps :peace:

Edited by Julius
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Been picking away at a lot of films lately, including a good few from my list that I want to get through for the year (really not in a gaming mood atm, sorry Rebirth :(). 

Anyways, I just wanted to shout out one in particular, which is Memories of Murder (Bong Joon-Ho, Parasite). I've had the BJH blu-ray box set sitting on my shelf for years and am now deeply regretting not getting to it sooner, because this film was abso-freaking-lutely incredible.

It's an incredibly tense whodunit based in a small town where a pattern of murders have started to take place, with an MO to boot (my years of watching Criminal Minds, Midsomer Murders, Rosemary & Thyme and the like is finally starting to pay off) but it's balanced so well by the charm and craziness of it's cast. Honestly? It kind of feels like a more serious version of Judgment, the RGG (the creators of Yakuza) developed detective games, just a lot of greatly executed story beats with some chuckles thrown in here and there to mix things up. 

Unfortunately, it's not streaming on anything in the UK right now from what I can find (go figure), but if you ever see it floating about, I wholeheartedly recommend giving it a watch. 

It's fairly rare that I rate films a 10/10 (22/380 according to my Letterboxd profile; 5.7% seems fair if you ask me!), but, well, this was absolutely my cup of tea and then some, so I would certainly score it that way. 

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Been picking away at a lot of films lately, including a good few from my list that I want to get through for the year (really not in a gaming mood atm, sorry Rebirth [emoji20]). 
Anyways, I just wanted to shout out one in particular, which is Memories of Murder (Bong Joon-Ho, Parasite). I've had the BJH blu-ray box set sitting on my shelf for years and am now deeply regretting not getting to it sooner, because this film was abso-freaking-lutely incredible.
It's an incredibly tense whodunit based in a small town where a pattern of murders have started to take place, with an MO to boot (my years of watching Criminal Minds, Midsomer Murders, Rosemary & Thyme and the like is finally starting to pay off) but it's balanced so well by the charm and craziness of it's cast. Honestly? It kind of feels like a more serious version of Judgment, the RGG (the creators of Yakuza) developed detective games, just a lot of greatly executed story beats with some chuckles thrown in here and there to mix things up. 
Unfortunately, it's not streaming on anything in the UK right now from what I can find (go figure), but if you ever see it floating about, I wholeheartedly recommend giving it a watch. 
It's fairly rare that I rate films a 10/10 (22/380 according to my Letterboxd profile; 5.7% seems fair if you ask me!), but, well, this was absolutely my cup of tea and then some, so I would certainly score it that way. 
5.7% is actually incredibly high.

Even for a fairly positively skewed normal distribution, the scores over 9 tend to be
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1 minute ago, bob said:

5.7% is actually incredibly high.

Even for a fairly positively skewed normal distribution, the scores over 9 tend to be

And we wonder why people don't come to post on N-E anymore lmao

Normal distribution expectations fall apart at the seams in individual cases where people know their own tastes and naturally gravitate towards films which fit their fancy - there's a built-in bias. The only way to counter that and get to a point resembling normal distribution is by either watching everything, watching things truly at random, or by people forcing themselves to watch things they wouldn't want to.

All of these options sound awful to me. In any case, I'm glad I enjoy as many films as I do, as much as I do, and I truly feel sorry for anyone whose average film rating is a (weighted) 6.3 or where only 0.1% of the films they've watched is above a 9, as outlined in that link. 

Let's just be grateful that I at least have a bell curve for my ratings distribution. 

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Sat and watched John Cena's new film (Ricky Stanicky) that arrived on Amazon this week. It was pretty hilarious. Crude but funny.

After watching it I was thinking just how much better and diverse both Cena and Batista are than The Rock when it comes to acting. 

I was confused why Zac Efron looked so weird. He clearly has had work done on his face. A quick Google revealed that he apparently smashed his face in and his jaw was hanging off. Needed lots of surgery to fix it. No idea how true it is though as I know Hollywood stars have a thing about admitting they've had things like plastic surgery.


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47 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

After watching it I was thinking just how much better and diverse both Cena and Batista are than The Rock when it comes to acting.

Agreed. I think The Rock could have been better had he not ended up sticking to the same role and basically playing the same character in everything. He can do comedy as shown in his WWE days and promos. The guy is one of the best on the mic and can make the fans cheer or boo at the drop of a hat, even within a 5 minute period he could have them chanting his name then booing and chanting “Rocky Sucks”. 
It always gets mentioned that he has that clause that his character can’t die in any film too. Shame as he’s great as Maui in Moana and shows his fun side. And his early stuff had him doing more comedic stuff too. 

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3 minutes ago, BowserBasher said:

It always gets mentioned that he has that clause that his character can’t die in any film too. Shame as he’s great as Maui in Moana and shows his fun side. And his early stuff had him doing more comedic stuff too. 

Yeah, the stuff about him making the Fast and Furious films where he wanted the same amount of lines/punches as Vin Diesel was bonkers.

Agreed about his early stuff. I love The Game Plan and The Toothfairy is pretty funny as well. Gridiron Gang is another good one and that really showed his acting chops.

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