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Super Mario World (VC)


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I have just traded some of my stars for some points and used them to purchase SMW.


I instantly regret it as I am finding it completely unplayable using the GC pad!:mad::mad:


I can't find a way to configure the button layout so I reckon a classic pad is the way forward. Does anyone know where I can buy one on the cheap?

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It's a fucking joke, it really is. I was in the same situation as you and never did pick up a Classic Controller out of spite. I am tempted by the SNES Classic Controller on the Stars Catalogue though.. only a couple of thousand points to go.. :D

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Just buy a classic controller... preferably the Pro variant as it's essential for playing VC games, especially SNES titles.


I'm not surprised that you found playing a SNES game frustrating with the GC controllers frustratingly small (in comparison) D-pad. :p

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I played Super Metroid with the analogue stick. Although personally I've never understood the need for a d-pad for 2D games anyway. That's why fighting games like SC2 didn't bother me on the 'cube.


I personally hate digital movement on an analogue stick as you have to typically move it half way before it registers and then moving back to half way past the other side for correction or alteration of movement just makes for a slower (and for me, clumsy) control option.


Directional pad for digital movement and analogue slider/pad for analogue movement.


I had a couple of VC games that I made my way through with a GC pad (DKC felt very strange) but Sin & Punishment was just too much - I had to get a CC and I'm glad I did. My most played games have all been with the CC (Smash and Monster Hunter) so it was a really good investment beyond just use in VC games.

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Yeah I really did not understand(as I've probably said before) why they mapped the buttons like for like with the SNES/GC pad, not even allowing any re-mapping function to the user. The need for Y and B in SMW is totally fooking ridic on a GC pad, idiots. Nintendo really piss me off sometimes.

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Did it frustrate you enough to want to buy a better controller? Because you're in luck! They sell better controllers! (for the situation)


I really am not a fan of the CC, haven't used a CCPro, but the normal CC is just... very blah to me. I bought it at launch and have played through Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World, and Donkey Kong Country with it... but it just doesn't feel right.


Then again I still have my SNES hooked up...

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  • 1 year later...

I dug out and washed down my Snes earlier after work. Removed Super Mario World from its box, still in pristine condition. Slotted it in. Fired it up. Finally got it to work after a few blows... only to find the battery is dead in the cartridge. :cry:


I wouldn't mind losing my save data but its that I can't save a new file thats the annoying part. All my Snes games are probably dead now. What about the N64 carts! :o


So what are my options?

  • Can those batteries be replaced?
  • Download on VC?
  • Will VC games be transferrable to Wii U and beyond?
  • If not, how long will my Wii live?
  • Other?



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Whilst I'm sorry to hear about your predicament, darksnowman, I'm really hoping Nintendo makes available HD versions of all their old games on the Wii U's Virtual Console. Of course, they should create an account system right now so we have peace of mind we'll be able download on new systems what we've already bought. That might not happen, but I know I'm hoping to build up an HD SNES (and GameCube) collection on the Wii U.

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I dug out and washed down my Snes earlier after work. Removed Super Mario World from its box, still in pristine condition. Slotted it in. Fired it up. Finally got it to work after a few blows... only to find the battery is dead in the cartridge. :cry:


I wouldn't mind losing my save data but its that I can't save a new file thats the annoying part. All my Snes games are probably dead now. What about the N64 carts! :o


So what are my options?

  • Can those batteries be replaced?
  • Download on VC?
  • Will VC games be transferrable to Wii U and beyond?
  • If not, how long will my Wii live?
  • Other?




You can replace the SNES battery but it seems like a bit of a faff on. I thought all you would have to do is to open the cartridge up and put a new one in, but that's not the case.





As for the VC, i'm hoping that you can transer your stuff over, i've stopped buying VC/WiiWare titles until Nintendo announce what's happening.

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Of course, they should create an account system right now so we have peace of mind we'll be able download on new systems what we've already bought.


Actually, they do have an account system and can transfer content from one system (games, points, etc) to another without needing access to either console.

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None of my 8 bit games will work :/ All the others are fine, how strange.....

If you press the home button on the Wii Remote, go to the Operations Guide then hold the A+2+Z buttons until you hear a chime then it should let you play.

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It activates a special 480p mode for 8-bit games so they work properly on HDTVs with component cables... I don't even know how I know that considering I don't play NES Virtual Console games or a component cable

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  • 8 months later...

Being a bit disappointed with Wii U i've decided to go back and play some of the classic Nintendo games that helped me fall in love with them in the first place. Which brings me to this game. So I cleared my file...




and started and finished




my adventure in one sitting.


People have tried to compare this gem to the NSMB series and it's quite unfair to do so because this game pretty much laughs in the face of the NEW series. Many say that when comparing the New series and this that we should try playing through this again to see if it holds up and quite frankly it does so without pulling a sweat.


Firstly the music in the game is simply fantastic, with tunes that instantly stick in your head.


Broadcast Yourself

Broadcast Yourself

Broadcast Yourself

Broadcast Yourself

Broadcast Yourself

Broadcast Yourself


Little touches that are littered through the game are sorely missed in the newer games. Things like the scenes after you defeat a castle are great little additions and give the game that extra bit of charm.










Another nice touch is being able to actually see which levels have secret exits in. You then have something to aim for rather than searching aimlessly on random levels, hoping for that exit to appear.




Did anyone used to eat the key with Yoshi and then spit it out as the hole was closing? I still found myself doing this, even as an adult. :D


I love the fact that there was a level created just for powerups.




It was so easy to nip back to the secret area and grab a Yoshi and a couple of feathers for the journey ahead. You could even start a level, grab the powerup and then quit out and keep the goods, providing that you had already finished the level.


I love how you can blitz a stage if you choose to do so, or just take it easy and see the sights. I found myself going back through a few levels, just grabbing a cape, which is such a cool power up and requires skill to use and deserves a comeback, and then seeing how fast I could fly through the level.


Yoshi also has a decent role in this game. Yes you can actually use him in just about all the levels in this game, none of this one level rubbish. It's great grabbing a Blue Yoshi and being able to take to the skies, or grabbing a Red Yoshi and shooting fireballs at oncoming enemies and then grabbing a Yellow Yoshi and.....yeah, he was a bit pants, wasn't he. :)


I didn't grab a pic of this but Mario managed to get a kiss off peach in this game and the fireworks formed a heart, which obviously leads to a romantic connection between the two of them. In the newer Mario games this is kind of downplayed and it's at the point now where Mario is just rescuing her for the sake of it. It's about time the little plumber got some!


Some games age terribly with time in terms of graphics, audio and controls, but this is one for the ages. And while the NEW games are pretty good in their own right, not one of them holds a candle to this beauty. What a game!



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Did anyone used to eat the key with Yoshi and then spit it out as the hole was closing? I still found myself doing this, even as an adult. :D


Yup. Still do it all the time :) (was so disappointed that they took it out of the GBA version!)


This was the first game I ever played BTW, back when I was 3 and it's still one of my favourites in the series (though NSMB Wii now holds the number 1 slot for me)


The sights, the sounds and, most importantly, the secrets were absolutely awe inspiring for me as a kid! I can't count the amount of times I've ploughed through this game and still find myself smiling like a moron every time I successfully fly underneath Cheese Bridge :D


I also have my childhood copy of the game signed by the Shigster himself (as if you couldn't tell that it's special to me!) :D

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