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Pokemon you most want to shoot in the face?


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Oh mudkip, you fool of a pokemon, debased to a meme...


Can I get some love for Turtwig?


turdtwig is lame.


Ergo Domjcg=lame.


Where's that thing Dante posted with all the pokemon fuglified with the ancient/ japanese like drawing or whatever it was?

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Staryu is the best Pokemon. It just evokes "*sigh* Fuck ALL-a-Y'ALL Pokemon who have to use 'cuteness'/'badassness' to get attention." Some of us are definitively excellent without trading on our looks or reputations. PLEASE. PLEASE. *Recover* *Psybeam* *Swift* *Cunts*



Starmie too, but Staryu feels like it would only ever tell it's trainer that it wished to evolve, rather than the trainer deciding it should evolve.


Clearly one of the 3 selects I'd have were Pokemon a real concept.

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