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Show off your battle scars!


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Okay so my leg was hurting today (weather related or whatever), and it got me wondering what kind of scars and other reminders people have of things that happened to them/their body. I know there's quite a few people here who've broken something. I think I remember Murr posting pictures of his arm before heh.


So yes, post pictures and stories of your scars! Tell us what happened! Show off just how cool you are! Because scars are cool.




Anyway here's mine!


Mid-April in 2009, I started having pain in my left leg. At first I thought it was nothing, maybe I just bumped into something. I often have bruises so I didn't pay much attention to it. A week later it was still there. I started getting a bit annoyed/worried. So after 10 days I went to see my doctor.


She thought I might've just strained something doing running, though I don't think I had done any exercise at the time. She pressed on my leg and it reallllllly hurt. I almost cried haha. She told me to get scans taken. So a few days later I did. Here's the x-ray and the ultrasonography.





I don't see much in the ultrasound, maybe the dark spot in the top right one. More obvious in the x-ray (top right, under my knee there's a dark spot). Doctor told me to go have an MRI-scan taken, those ones where you have to lay still for aaaages.


Basically on there they saw it wasn't just a normal infection. A bone specialist was contacted and he told me I had something a bit rare. I forgot the name. Basically some infection in my bone, but they never figured out how it got there.


Got put on antibiotics for a month to see if it would help, but it didn't. I was limping around everywhere, walking up stairs was just really painful. If things with antibiotics wouldn't work out, I'd get a surgery in July. But since it hurt so much, I asked to have it early. So in June I went under the knifeeee!


They cut open my leg, drilled out the bad parts of my bone and then stuffed it with pieces of other people's bones, before stitching me back up. Fun! =P

Actually not, worst pain I'd been in ever, and being in the hospital for a week was torture. Here's a pic of my leg bandaged up. good thing you can't see what's under those bandages, it was a mess. Even when I was at home a nurse had to come around every other day to clean up the wound. D:




They kept me on antibiotics for ages (think I was on it for about 4-5 months total) and I had to walk on horrible crutches for a month and a half, basically ruining my summer, whoo. But yeah, all that is done and now I'm left with a 9cm long scarrrrrr. Crappy pic but yes.






Anyway yes, long post, sorry! I just want to see what you guys have been through. =P

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The only pictures I have of wounds are from when I got my tattoo done (which is Scars tattoo incidentally):






Other than that, injuries which have left marks include:


Scar on my right hand. It looks like a bubble from bubblewrap. It's from when I burnt it on a hot glue gun. No idea why it scarred, hot glue isn't that bad. Probably the most visable scar I have.


Weakish right wrist from where I fell off my bike a while back. Went to the hospital as soon as I broke it. They didn't notice the break so sent me home. Got a letter (a phone call would have been more appropriate) a week later telling me that it was in fact broken and called me back. I had been driving for the week leading up to the second appointment. Good times. Also bit a small chunk out of my top lip (which is another scar now) and possibly broke my nose (nose looks normal now though).


Bump/scar on my head from where I fell off my bike when I was really young. Had the wound glued up at the time. AFAIK, these are the only 2 times I've fell off a bike.


Had a black big toe 2 weeks ago from where I was carrying a table and stubbed my toe on it. It's still blackish.




That's about it I think. I have pathetic scars.

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I have a white mark as part of my right eyebrow, a chickenpox scar from when I was younger. And also a similar (looking) small one just under my chin I think, but it's from the doctor who delivered me catching my face with a knife (...), and I don't recall ever seeing it, just my family pointing it out. I especially won't be able to see it under my facial hurr.




I possibly have a tiny one on my knee from bad falls when I was younger but I can't be bothered analysing.

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The worst I've had in terms of long lasting scars and stuff (I don't have much of a scar from when my appendix was taken out moments before it would have spontaneously combusted) was a burn mark on my palm. It hurt for months.


Stupid Mario Party

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It's not really anything you can see but I've kinda ripped my knee cap apart by exercising too hard too fast. Did some gymnastics on a tramboline at the time.


Basically, my knee cap goes like this:



It's no biggy. At the time, it hurt like hell but I gave it a good rest and started exercising in a gym. Now I've started running and do a lot of exercise again but now my knees are properly trained so it's no problem.


I do feel sore at times but nothing to worry about.


Oh, forgot about my biggest scar: On the back of my hand from a cat claw. My cat saw a dog, I picked up my cat to close the door leading to the dog, my cat took leap from my hand with all its might and claws. It tore a hole in my shirt too!

Edited by MindFreak
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3 Year Old Me vs Big Ass Food Mixer = Mixer Won, took 4 fingers, left thumb, Hospital took a toe from each foot and popped them onto my hand, now i'm like awesome and stuff, I love it and I have half a hole in my foot.
Holy shit! I think you might win this thread.
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I don't have any scars that could beat anything shown hear, not that i haven't got scars. I'll just list the ones i have.


Got a small one on my right palm, where i in-advertantly stabbed myself with a pencil (lead snapped off, still see the mark where it is)

Got one on my right hand, where some girl decided to land her nails into my hand.

Got one on my left hand after an accident in graphics class back in school

Got one on my left middle finger, after opening a bean tin.

Got no sensation on the tip of my right index finger, due to sawing into it making a sandwich (don't ask)

Have a 4cm surgical scar, in a place where only 3 people know about

A small chunk of my left big toe is missing, causing it to lean into the other toes. Due to a gardening accident


Non-scarring injuries


Smashed my left knee into a step on a works night out 3 years ago, didn't see the step. Felt the pain through the knee for 3 weeks after (not so much the next day), bruising and swelling were around for a month and there were bone fragments sloshing around.


Tore 2 tendons in my right foot after pot-holling my foot during rugby. The teacher was a cock and made me carry on playing in agony, before i hobbled off being able to take no more pain. Got a lunch-time detention and put on report for walking off, but they were waived.

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Does mental scarring count? Cos' I got plenty of that.


We all do though. What else would you expect from daily exposure to ReZ?




Great to see/read about all the cool stories people have. =)


I used to have a round, white scar on my back/side as a kid from where I got burnt by boiling hot water (shower head burst). But I think over the years that has faded, or I simply don't know where it is anymore haha.

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I've not got any pictures of serious injuries but the worst was definitely tearing my Anterior Cruciate Ligament in my left knee. What happened to Jimmy Bullard in this video is basically identical to what happened to me, but on let leg.






It was by far the most pain i've ever felt in my life, and i can still remember the tearing sound I heard as the ligament snapped. The only way to repair an ACL is to graft on a new ligament from somewhere else on your body or from a deceased person. I had to wait a week for all the swelling to go down before they could operate but they always operate fairly quickly because the rehab is so long. I got the operation and was in Hospital for 4 days, I was on crutches for 3 months whilst doing Physio and ROM exercises to keep the knee from locking up. After about 6 months, the new ligament was attached to the bone, so I could full rehabbing, including running again. I'd say it took probably about 14 months to feel anyway near confident putting the leg through any stress. I don't think you're ever 100% confident in it again, there's always that little worry in the back of your mind when going in for a big tackle or turning to quickly.


It really isn't a nice thing, it's a very sobering process having to learn to walk again.

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