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Bluey's going Reddy for Red Nose Day!!


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Hi Guys & gals of n-e!

As you may already know, March 18th is red nose day, and the kids in the school i work at will be having a sponsored silence (but for just one hour...pssh!!). being both the competitive AND charitable type, i've decided to kick it up a notch and flip the whole thing on it's head and SING every word i speak for the whole day - all while wearing bright red from top to toe!! (i've already bought the bright red wig ^_^!!)

i've already boasted about my super generous, charitable and selfless friends, and how i'm going to raise the mostest ~ the kids didn't believe me! so basically now i just wanna raise a ridiculous

amount of money to prove a bunch of 9 year olds wrong :grin:

So please, if you want to help a great cause, and see lots of pictures of me looking silly in bright red attire - dig deep and donate now!


Don't forget to 'like' it, re-tweet it, share it, post it, & most importantly ~ Gift Aid it!! ;D




...oh wow! already? thanks guys!!! :love:

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You know what, I actually don't care. Not only will this sponsor accomplish nothing, there are millions of people dying every day, all over the world. I don't get affected by them so why should I get affected by the ones dying in England and Africa? You don't really care about them either, you only care due to the fact that they're lesbians, and that strikes a chord with you.


So don't pretend you're doing this because you want to save lives, you're doing it to fell better about yourself. You don't actually care about these kids, you're not going to follow what happens to each individual unless they somehow gain access to Twitter and follow you. You just want to fill your name and email address into a website so you can sit back and feel better about yourself, because you've done some good and made the world a better place.

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You know what, I actually don't care. Not only will this sponsor accomplish nothing, there are millions of people dying every day, all over the world. I don't get affected by them so why should I get affected by the ones dying in England and Africa? You don't really care about them either, you only care due to the fact that they're lesbians, and that strikes a chord with you.


So don't pretend you're doing this because you want to save lives, you're doing it to fell better about yourself. You don't actually care about these kids, you're not going to follow what happens to each individual unless they somehow gain access to Twitter and follow you. You just want to fill your name and email address into a website so you can sit back and feel better about yourself, because you've done some good and made the world a better place.


Hahaha. I see what you did thar!

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You know what, I actually don't care. Not only will this sponsor accomplish nothing, there are millions of people dying every day, all over the world. I don't get affected by them so why should I get affected by the ones dying in England and Africa? You don't really care about them either, you only care due to the fact that they're lesbians, and that strikes a chord with you.


So don't pretend you're doing this because you want to save lives, you're doing it to fell better about yourself. You don't actually care about these kids, you're not going to follow what happens to each individual unless they somehow gain access to Twitter and follow you. You just want to fill your name and email address into a website so you can sit back and feel better about yourself, because you've done some good and made the world a better place.



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Wow. I knew there was a reason I don't come to the meet ups anymore.


Congratulations to all of you who enjoy sitting behind the cowardice of your keyboards, judging and harassing others even if in an attempt at being slightly amusing. You guys can't just shut up and leave something alone that you don't agree with?


If you took 2 seconds to stop trying to imitate Charlie Brooker you might realise that you're not funny, just amazingly rude.

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Ouch, guys. Ouch.


You guys can't just shut up and leave something alone that you don't agree with?


It's more of a joke gone wrong - there was a similar thread made and someone made that post. or else you will DIE just copied & pasted it for lols.

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It's a pretty funny joke if you've been keeping up with GenChitChat of late. The thread so far has been fine:

Dannyboy donated (very generously might I add), jayseven said (essentially) it's a bit rude to not speak for ages and then come around asking for money, Ramar agreed and from then it has been all about a funny joke.

Lighten up a bit.

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It's a pretty funny joke if you've been keeping up with GenChitChat of late.


Lighten up a bit.


Yeah true maybe I should see the funny side of this, which I can now that I know this is taken out of context on purpose.


Apologies for the outburst everyone although I think that it is reasonable to have misread this.

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Yeah true maybe I should see the funny side of this, which I can now that I know this is taken out of context on purpose.


Apologies for the outburst everyone although I think that it is reasonable to have misread this.


Totally, you should have seen the storm that hit when it was in context. :heh:

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