Cube Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Heck is the Mura Effect? It seems the Mura Effect is when the screen is on but black (a loading screen, for example), darker or lighter patches can be seen. I had no idea what it was, but my screen has it a lot.
Sheikah Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Pretty sure every AMOLED screen has it. I was surprised by it at first, before I knew it was a standard thing.
Agent Gibbs Posted July 10, 2013 Posted July 10, 2013 the Mura effect is horrible it looks like you've spilt something on the screen like dried on water spots or something, its horribly noticable on my Vita when its dark
Daft Posted July 10, 2013 Posted July 10, 2013 I've not noticed this...but now everyone's pointed it out I probably will.
S.C.G Posted July 10, 2013 Posted July 10, 2013 I noticed it on day one on the black loading screens on Lumines... fortunately it only really appears when there's nothing much happening on screen so you can pretty much ignore it. Speaking of which, I've pretty much been ignoring my Vita for months now, I must upgrade to that 16GB card I got ages ago and actually start using it more.
Hero-of-Time Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 With Uncharted and Resistance done and dusted I started Gravity Rush earlier this week. It's quite a fun little game. The camera can go a little all over the place at times but given than you are flying upside down and side to side it's quite understandable. It has a very French/European feel about it and some of the music reminds me of the opening theme from Monsters Inc. for some reason.
Happenstance Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 Once you upgrade your powers a bit more in Gravity Rush and really get a hang of using them it becomes really satisfying flying around that city the way you want.
Hero-of-Time Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 Once you upgrade your powers a bit more in Gravity Rush and really get a hang of using them it becomes really satisfying flying around that city the way you want. I'm not very far ( Chapter 6-7 I think ) but that's mostly because i'm just flying around and under the city looking for gems. There are a few challenges kicking about but figure I would just leave them until I get some more upgrades.
ipaul Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 I don't have a Vita or anything but I thought I'd post this in here 8GB memory card with 10 games for £25.99 Seems like a good deal.
Shorty Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 Thanks Paul. I mean, it was posted 3 pages back, but we appreciate the thought :p
V. Amoleo Posted July 17, 2013 Posted July 17, 2013 Next month's PlayStation Plus Vita games are Lego Lord of the Rings and When Vikings Attack!
Magnus Posted July 17, 2013 Posted July 17, 2013 I like how the exclamation point in the title makes it seem like you're really excited about next month's titles.
Cube Posted July 17, 2013 Posted July 17, 2013 So this is what the guy in charge of Namco's YouTube thinks of the Vita Although it's probably a bored intern, you'd think they would be told to not say stuff like that.
Daft Posted July 18, 2013 Posted July 18, 2013 Neither has the Vita. BOOM! Seriously though, who the hell cares?
Daft Posted July 25, 2013 Posted July 25, 2013 Stealth Inc.: A Clone In The Dark is out, y'all should pick it up because obviously it's amazing. (It's cross-buy too, so you get the PS3 version as well)
Daft Posted July 25, 2013 Posted July 25, 2013 I'm 99% sure there are new levels and stuff. You get the DLC for free if you pick up the game in the first two weeks.
drahkon Posted July 25, 2013 Posted July 25, 2013 Yes! Stealth Bastard. Been looking forward to the Vita/PS3 version for a long time.
Hero-of-Time Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 I finally finished Gravity Rush yesterday. I've been playing it on and off over the past few weeks as it's the perfect title to dip in and out of, due to the mission structure of the game. I finished it yesterday morning and wasn't sure if I would be able to do all the challenges for the platinum but I managed to do it before the day was over, even if some were a little annoying. I'm still not sure what was really going on with the story as it got a little crazy at times. The gameplay was really enjoyable though and it was even better once I had certain abilities maxed out and was flying around the place like a mad woman. I may get the DLC as I have enjoyed the game so much. Has anyone on here bought the DLC? If so, is it worth it? Sequel please, Sony! I'm not sure what to start playing next. I may fire up Little Kings Story as Pikmin 3 has left me wanting to play more cartoon style RTS games.
Hero-of-Time Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 I decided to start Assassins Creed:Liberation last night and man is it a glitchy mess. I know most the AC games are all a bit glitchy but this one seems to be the worst. The game crashed on me at one point and I had to restart it. There was a mission that I needed to restart because the prompt didn't appear on an item I needed to inspect. The framerate is also all over the place. I've brought my Vita to work with me to download the patch ( no Wifi at home ) so hopefully it will make the game more stable.
S.C.G Posted August 1, 2013 Posted August 1, 2013 The first three Shin Megami Tensei: Persona games are on sale via PSN. *Persona = £7.00 Persona 2 = £11.00 Persona 3 = £11.00 Just happened to notice this last night, so naturally I am downloading them now. *Prices approximate, additionally Playstation Plus members get an extra 50 pence off or something, offer runs for about 2 weeks.
Happenstance Posted August 1, 2013 Posted August 1, 2013 I was thinking about finally getting Persona 1 and 2.
Magnus Posted August 1, 2013 Posted August 1, 2013 The first Persona really isn't very good. And just to clarify, there's a second Persona 2 that isn't available on PSN in Europe, so it's not really "the first three Persona games". :p
Shorty Posted August 6, 2013 Posted August 6, 2013 I just completed my NG+ on Persona 4 Golden. My clock is at 145hr+ and I still didn't get all the trophies. I should've read the list first, I probably could've gotten Hardcore Risette Fan quite easily, but I power-levelled at the beginning and wound up doing most of the game with a level 99 Futsunushi :p Which means Rise's comments are only along the lines of "It's puny! Use ice on it", "That one's easy, use fire" and none of the other end of the scale (the trophy is to hear 250 different lines from Rise during battle, in one playthrough). It was great the second time through, I'm actually glad I failed to max out Marie and my compendium the first time, that meant a whole new dungeon and also a new boss on my second play. Still undecided as to whether I should give it one more run through for those last couple of trophies or move on to P3P
Happenstance Posted August 6, 2013 Posted August 6, 2013 Move onto P3P, you dont want to get burnt out on P4.
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