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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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Well I did it, I cancelled my order. I decided that my original plan to wait until E3 was probably the right one and just hanging on for a Persona games wasnt worth it at the moment. There are other games that I have been putting off buying that I'd like to play now instead so I can now get them. After sitting here the past few days trying to decide what to do im happy with my decision. As I said before this purchase was never a good idea for me and my childish ways.

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Well I did it, I cancelled my order. I decided that my original plan to wait until E3 was probably the right one and just hanging on for a Persona games wasnt worth it at the moment. There are other games that I have been putting off buying that I'd like to play now instead so I can now get them. After sitting here the past few days trying to decide what to do im happy with my decision. As I said before this purchase was never a good idea for me and my childish ways.


Good on you. It takes willpower to avoid buying this on day 1 but it really is the sensible choice. There are hardly any games out / planned yet that are in any way killer titles. I'd say it probably needs at least 3-4 really good, original games to be worth a purchase price of over ?200.

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Well I did it, I cancelled my order. I decided that my original plan to wait until E3 was probably the right one and just hanging on for a Persona games wasnt worth it at the moment. There are other games that I have been putting off buying that I'd like to play now instead so I can now get them. After sitting here the past few days trying to decide what to do im happy with my decision. As I said before this purchase was never a good idea for me and my childish ways.


Good for you :) I'm waiting on getting one too mainly for reasons outlined by Sheikah below...


Good on you. It takes willpower to avoid buying this on day 1 but it really is the sensible choice. There are hardly any games out / planned yet that are in any way killer titles. I'd say it probably needs at least 3-4 really good, original games to be worth a purchase price of over ?200.




Still doesn't mean that I won't be slightly jealous when I see all of you early adopters posting about how good it is :indeed: It also still didn't stop me from entering a local competition to win one but I hardly expect that to come through for me. :p would be nice if it did though...


But yeah... roll on E3 2012! :D

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count me in that group too! still jealous of early adopters, thankfully any spare money i'[ve ploughed into paying off debts so i can't afford it (or that's what I'm telling myself)


chances are i'll have bought one before april if not then following E3 i bet


yah its the way forward something I've worked on, getting a vita right now would just mean getting more debt back...whats the point? I'd rather wait a bit and actually be able to afford it.

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Worrying happenings on the Amazon Live Chat. I wanted to confirm myself that the delivery estimate of the 23rd was wrong:


Vivekanandan:Thanks so much for waiting.

I have checked your order and see that we have not yet received this item from our suppliers.

It seems that there is unforeseen delays in receiving these items.


Me:Are you able to confirm this with anyone? I may have to move my pre-order do a different company if that is the case.


Vivekanandan:I have upgraded your delivery method to premium delivery method to make sure that you will receive it on the release date at no addidtional cost to you.


Although I'm fairly positive that this guy simply doesn't know what he's talking about (and it's simply not been marked as arrived as it's two days before release) and that the stock will arrive on time.


I'm also pretty certain that the "premium" one is via the same courier as what they will send the "1st Class" packages.

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It always "makes sense" not to buy gaming hardware at launch, but the opportunities to do are so few and far between that I don't see the harm in indulging oneself now and again.


I can't see the Vita getting a 3DS-style price drop for numerous reasons, and thanks to promotions I've shaved ?70 off my Amazon order, plus covered over ?100 of the cost by trading in a bunch of last-gen games I had sat in the attic becoming increasingly irrelevant. In other words, I suspect it might work out cheaper for me to buy now than in a few months time. And if it doesn't? Well, it wouldn't be the first time I've paid a premium to be a part of that magical launch period.


That said, I'm not trying to convince anyone else to take the plunge, especially those in debt.


Anyway, Eurogamer have reviewed the Vita game I'm most interested in. I only wish I knew when it was actually coming out.

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After the 3DS I'm not buying another system again at launch period. Completely stupid on my part and honestly, most of the platforms console or handheld need at least a year for their full feature set to get going and for some decent games to even vaguely emerge.

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It always "makes sense" not to buy gaming hardware at launch, but the opportunities to do are so few and far between that I don't see the harm in indulging oneself now and again.


I can't see the Vita getting a 3DS-style price drop for numerous reasons, and thanks to promotions I've shaved ?70 off my Amazon order, plus covered over ?100 of the cost by trading in a bunch of last-gen games I had sat in the attic becoming increasingly irrelevant. In other words, I suspect it might work out cheaper for me to buy now than in a few months time. And if it doesn't? Well, it wouldn't be the first time I've paid a premium to be a part of that magical launch period.


That said, I'm not trying to convince anyone else to take the plunge, especially those in debt.


Anyway, Eurogamer have reviewed the Vita game I'm most interested in. I only wish I knew when it was actually coming out.


Magical launch period? C'man, let's not kid ourselves. It'll be a long wait after the Vita comes out until we see great titles, all the while the device will probably be unused for a while after the initial hype dies down.


I'll be happy when it has a good gaming library, but it doesn't make sense to invest in something that will only depreciate while we wait for goodness. It probably will get a price drop before long, it's not a device likely to sell strong after the first month and (like the PS3) will probably fare better after it is reduced in price.

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Had my dispatch email from Amazon earlier. :bouncy:


Ordered Uncharted from shopto as it was cheapest I could find it and got an email to confirm that has been dispatched today too!


Watch Uncharted turn up tomorrow now! :p


Wish shopto had decent Vita bundles coz I'd have ordered with them for the points scheme and faultless delivery.


Still - Amazon signs are good so far! Roll on Wednesday! :grin:


*EDIT* My estimate delivery date for my Amazon Vita order has now changed to 21st!! :o

We shall see!!!

Edited by Aneres11
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Magical launch period? C'man, let's not kid ourselves. It'll be a long wait after the Vita comes out until we see great titles, all the while the device will probably be unused for a while after the initial hype dies down.

I was referring to the shared experience of new hardware buzz rather than the machine itself. Obviously I'm not relying on this place for that, though.


As for waiting on games, I'm already interested in more day-one titles than I can afford.

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Personally, the games on Vita already match the 3DS (the only great games for me are Mario Kart, Ocarina and Lylat Wars). And as the console is only ?10 more than what the 3DS cost at launch...I don't think I would be annoyed if there was a price drop.


Considering the hardware, I can't see much of a price drop anyway.

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Personally, the games on Vita already match the 3DS (the only great games for me are Mario Kart, Ocarina and Lylat Wars). And as the console is only ?10 more than what the 3DS cost at launch...I don't think I would be annoyed if there was a price drop.


Considering the hardware, I can't see much of a price drop anyway.


Really? Mario 3D land and resident evil aren't great the ? Don't think vitas launch lineup is very strong at all personally. I'm excited about getting one but there isn't any must have game for me. Super stardust is the only one I'm excited about, but no idea if I'll love it or not. A subpar uncharted and wipeout and some console ports isn't exactly must- have city!


Although to be a comets hypocrite, I hate the kill buzz atmosphere too! Think there's enough of us excited enough to spunk our loads this week! Don't know what games are online or have leaderboards - but if anyones getting virtua tennis, stardust or hustle kings and fancy some competition then give us a shout!

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Think of it this way; I'm like the opposite angel/devil (depending on perspective) on your shoulder as a counter-view to the 'do it' chants round here. :p


I'll be one of those folks sustaining their sales in later months when they're worried that the system isn't selling enough a while after launch. It's all good.

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What console does launch with a large selection of good games? I mean, there isn't many.


We have Wipeout, Uncharted and SSD for Christ's sake. And then there are a selection of 'lesser' games that surely must interest most people getting a Vita? Football, tennis, racing (both realistic and arcadey with Ridge Racer / Modnation Racers). There's Rayman Origins which is supposedly brilliant and if anything, is the exact same experience as the bigger consoles. Fighting games, hack and slash etc.


As launches go, it isn't bad.

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Really? Mario 3D land and resident evil aren't great the ?


I started with "personally" for a reason. I don't like 2D Marios, and from what I played of 3D Land - it feels exactly like a 2D Mario. I didn't like the Resident Evil demo...I need to try it with the Circle Pad Pro (but I need a good reason to get the Circle Pad Pro before I get one).

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