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Gameees On The Goooo


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YA RLY. So, lets forget about life after Wii for a second and think about Life During Wii. What are you all playing at the moment, those of you whose Wiis are not currently gathering dust?


I've found myself in the predicament of having too many games on the go, and clearly not enough time to finish them.


My main ones are:


Metroid: Other M

Really enjoying this. Its got this new and fresh feeling about it, an energy. Particularly enjoying the cut-scenes and learning all I can about the main plot of the game. Controls are really working for me, as well.


Cursed Mountain

Considering that I only paid a few quid for this, it's surprisingly quite good. Strange theme and concept, but it works, and the game does have an unsettling and uncomfortable atmosphere surrounding it. Love it.



Stylish, beautiful, quirky and fun. Four words to describe this game. Really have enjoyed what I've played so far. The combat system is very fun, the story segments are very, very odd and the game boasts a beautiful art style that simply draws you in.


Zelda: Twilight Princess

Started this before Christmas, up to the third dungeon and just can't find the time to squeeze this in with the other ones. Brilliant game and quite under-rated in my opinion.

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I find that I can only play games that either take about 8 hours to complete and are compelling throughout (see Uncharted 2), or a game that is therapeutic after a day of work at the studio.. In my case, WoW.

Therefore I will end up missing many games. Unfortunately, Metroid has further put me off the next Zelda game, and seeing as how the next Zelda will be 30 hours, it's unlikely my interests will remain high for very long if I choose to buy that game.

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Having bought Kinect i've found myself wanting to jump around like an idiot when im playing my games. :D This being the case I have recently been playing Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympics.


I bought the game on release date, had a quick go and then shelved it. Now that I want to move around when i'm playing i'm quite enjoying the experience. I love me some unlockables/achievements so i'm finding getting the emblems very satisfying.

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This being the case I have recently been playing Mario and Sonic and the Winter Olympics.


Now you mention it, I haven't played M&S at the Winter Olympics. Is it on the cheap anywhere these days?


As for what I'm playing... well I've a bajillion uncompleted games :blush: but I'm currently mainly juggling:


DKC Returns

Thinking about it, I've not played this in quite a while now so maybe it doesn't merit its spot in this list. Last thing I did was get up to the Vine Valley rip-off world. I'm not sure when I'll play it again- it could well be shelved permanently.


Epic Mickey

Dodgy camera aside, this is a great game thats brimming with character and Disney history. I'm only up to Mean Street so there's plenty left to do. I feel like I need to set aside time to play this rather than a quick burst here and there. I want them to make 2D Mickey game.



I'm shooting people online! Who would have thought it! :laughing: Lol, I haven't finished the single player game as I keep getting distracted with the online aspect.

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I'm trying to work on my post-xmas backlog and a couple of VC games I've been meaning to finish off.


Pro Evo 2010 - still trying to win the champions league with my Mii team on Professional. I keep getting to the quarters and facing Barca or Real, drawing my home leg and then getting whupped when I play away. Just need a lucky break and I'll do it.


Zelda OoT: I never actiually finished this on the N64, but now I've got past the water temple that had me stumped 12 years ago and in the shadow temple. Can't believe how well this has aged, design-wise. The graphics may be dated (although I love the retro polygons & textures of the n64 era) but the dungeon design is just superb. I even enjoyed the water temple this time round (probably got more patience than my 16 year old self had)


Rune Factory Frontier - Im mid way through autumn now, still stuck on the fire dungeon (bloody golem things) so concentrating on crafting some better defensive clothing.


Little King's Story - Just started a second playthrough, it's still amazingly good fun to play and Im noticing loads of little touches I never saw before (try throwing carefree adults into the town well...)


DKC Returns - This hasn't grabbed me as I hoped it would. Im struggling with the controls and I don't think i'm cut out for twitch gaming like I used to be. Still, Retro have undoubtedly crafted a really nice game with some great set pieces and level ideas.


Sonic Colours - I'm really impressed with this! I've never been a huge Sonic fan (not since sonic 2 anyway) so this was a bit of a risky purchase for me. But I'm so glad I bought it - it has some fantastic looking levels and the wisp abilities are awesome. Plus the bosses are really cool too. Def the best Sonic game since the mega drive titles imo.

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I don't like to play more than one game at a time, but I've certainly got a back catalogue to work through.


Currently working my way through Goldeneye, though I haven't been on it for a while now, but I'm absolutely loving it!!


Donkey Kong Country - I've played the opening two levels in co-op, just to see what it was like... I'll probably start on this next in single player once Goldeneye is completed.


Sonic Colours - Also had a go at at the first world of this. It seems a lot of fun! I also played the first level of the Space Station World... very trippy! :D


Then I've got Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M waiting to be played as well!

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Metroid: Other M - Doing the (very good) post-game at the moment.


Super Mario Galaxy 2 - I just need Star 242. Not sure if it'll take me 5 hours, 15 hours, or whether I'm even capable of getting it, that's the trouble.


Dragon Quest IX - Since July 2010, this has been the backbone of my gaming. What's nice about it is that I always enjoy it and always get something done.


Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker - This is more something I intend to go back to, but it's actually rather baffling if you're not used to Pokemon-style games.



Still to buy... New Super Mario Bros Wii, Donkey Kong Country Returns

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Replaying Golden Sun: Lost Age in preparation for Dark Dawn. Haven't touched it in a week...


I plan to retake my Fire Emblem: PoR replay, since I bought Radiant Dawn.


I also plan to play Little King's Story, DKC Returns, Radiant Dawn, Dark Dawn and a couple of WiiWare games in the following months. Whether I'll be able to is another story.


I hate exams... And my lack of money... And time...

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Sonic Colours: Seriously guys, deeply consider picking this bitch up. I'm no Sonic fan, but I'm actually a bit saddened how underrated this is around these woods.


You on about Australia or N-E? On here most of us loved it to bits. It's definetly the best Sonic game since Sonic Adventure.


Replaying Golden Sun: Lost Age in preparation for Dark Dawn. Haven't touched it in a week...


I still need to go back to this. I started it before DD arrived, but it didn't grab me as much as the original, so I haven't played it in about a month. This leaves DD sitting on my shelf...

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I still need to go back to this. I started it before DD arrived, but it didn't grab me as much as the original, so I haven't played it in about a month. This leaves DD sitting on my shelf...


What part did you leave it? I'm doing the triforce trident hunt right now, and I think I can tell you the best course you can take right now.

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Also currently have a mixture:


For the Wii:


Goldeneye - On the last few levels of this. Hoping to have it completed tonight or tomorrow. Really enjoyed this game, just wish i had the gold controller edition but have managed to cope with the normal classic controller. Just about ::shrug:


DKC - Not even removed the clear film from this yet. Was a Christmas gift but have other games i wanted to finish before i started. Looking forward to it though!


NSMB - Had this for aaages. Got to world 7 a few months ago and stopped. So have started again and am on world 2. Dont know why i cant keep at this game? I enjoy playing it when i do, but it always seems to get shelved. :(


Also currently re-playing Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition PS3 with a friend after completing it on the 360 last year. We cant get enough... :grin:


Want Epic Mickey, Metroid Other M... but no money til pay day :(

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What part did you leave it? I'm doing the triforce trident hunt right now, and I think I can tell you the best course you can take right now.


It was a pretty early dungeon. I think it was in a desert and you had to use whirlwinds to get around. I found the dungeon too boring, large and confusing and that's where I left it. I saved it mid dungeon so when I do go back to it I will be even more lost that I orginally was. :D

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For me at the moment it's:


GoldenEye 007

Finished the single player game quite a while back, now it's all about the multi-player! :awesome:


Donkey Kong Country Returns

My progress on this hasn't been very steady as I tend to re-play a lot of stages, collecting stuff and doing time attacks.


So they're the 2 main games that I'm playing. But this week also saw my most played Wii game return to the console...


Mario Kart Wii

And it'll be finding itself there every Thursday night from now on, for the N-E league! :yay:


Dragon Quest IX

Just collecting items and enjoying the DLC aspects of this game now, well over 300 hours on the clock so far... it just doesn't seem to end. :heh:


WarioWare D.I.Y.

Still absolutely loving this game/tool/masterpiece of digital entertainment, I could literally play it forever. :love:


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It was a pretty early dungeon. I think it was in a desert and you had to use whirlwinds to get around. I found the dungeon too boring, large and confusing and that's where I left it. I saved it mid dungeon so when I do go back to it I will be even more lost that I orginally was. :D


Air's Rock? Lengthy dungeon, that one. It gets better after the first half, but you should really play Lost Age while expecting big dungeons.

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Call of Duty Black Ops

Just as addicted to the online multiplayer as I was with Modern Warfare Reflex last year. Pretty sure I've reached the 5 day mark way quicker this year due to playing with the [N-E] clan almost every night. :eek:


Goldeneye 007

Still put this on occasionally to replay chapters from the campaign mode on a higher difficulty.


Donkey Kong Country 2 : Diddy Kong's Quest

Fancied some more DK action after finishing the brilliant 'Returns' so I've re-downloaded this, and have progressed further than I had last time. The only DKC title I've yet to complete.

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I'm playing/still need to finish


Super Mario Galaxy - Got 60 Stars, Defeated Bowser. Need to get the rest of them and move on to GMG2


Zack & Wiki, Little King's Story, The Conduit, Metroid Prime Trilogy - Barely started any of these.


Red Steel 2 - About half-way through.


I'm also playing Fluidity and Sonic Colours. I also haven't opened Epic Mickey yet.


On virtual console I'm also playing through Super Mario World, Link to the Past, Super Metroid and Donkey Kong Country (I've never had a SNES so haven't played them).

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A big :hug: to everyone who has Little King's Story in his/her list :)


Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Currently trying to 100 % it. At least I got all the Castlevania DS-games now:D

Wario: Master of Disguise

Never got 'round to playing this back in the day. I usually enjoy Wario platformer's because of, well......WARIO!



Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Super Metroid

Metroid: Other M


Yup, that be the plan (Already finished 1, fred not)


Worms: Battle Islands

Only played about half an hour with it, but then I moved on to...


Epic Mickey

Yes, the mouse stood in the way of the worms. When I finish this, which is almost the case, I might go back to Worms, or to ....


Muramasa: The Demon Blade

Started this with my girlfriend, but, over time, we moved on to Twilight Princess; so now I think it's time for me to play this Japanese folklore game alone.


I still got a vast list to work through when it comes to the Wii.

Notable entries are:

Sin & Punishment

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Red Steel 2

New Super Mario Brothers Wii

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

and the soon to be


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Currently playing: Epic Mickey

On my way to the haunted mansion. It definitely gets a lot better starting from the moment you finally get to Oswald, although this game could've been a lot more than it is.


Currently on hold: New Super Mario Brothers Wii

Stopped halfway through world 6. Will get back to it after Epic Mickey.


Goldeneye 007

Finished the single player on the lowest difficulty. Difficulty is automatically lowered when you don't meet all required mission objectives, so I just moved on after the first level. Only finished the three dam levels on 007 classic, but might try a few more levels on that difficulty.


Lost Winds Winter of Melodias

Stopped halfway through. Will get back to it later. Very relaxing and cute.



Halfway through. Nice puzzle game. Not sure when I will go back to it.



Nice for a bit of mindless shooting. Not sure I'll finish it, as Goldeneye on 007 classic appeals a bit more.


Stuff on the shelves I've hardly touched, but will play eventually:

Zack & Wiki

Dead Space Extraction

Resident Evil 4

Smash Brothers Brawl


VC stuff on the SD card I still have to play / finish:

Majora's Mask The original N64 game belonged to my brother and I never finished it. Stopped in the last of the four temples. Need to set that right, as I even prefered it to Ocarina of Time back then.

A Link to the Past Doesn't draw me in as much as more recent games. Still want to finish it.

Secret of Mana Would like to finish it, but not sure I will. I consider this a cooperative game, but when we had a couple of people together, we always played other things (Mario Kart).

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Dead Space Extraction


Have you touched this yet, Burny?


I picked it up a few weeks ago for a really good price.. or at least, I thought it was a good price :eek: Having paid anything for it feels like robbery so far :hmm: I've only really played through a fairly lengthy introductory section.. twice.. but it did absolutely nothing for me on both occasions. I was almost bored to tears by it, actually :sad:


If you have played it, does it get better? The shooting has felt unsatisfying so far and the atmosphere hasn't really grabbed me. Also, am I the only one who feels that the cursor is much too obtrusive and really limits visibility? ::shrug:


Anyway, although I'm mainly concentrating on Shenmue II on the Dreamcast at the moment, I am dipping in and out of several games on the Wii.


I recently cleared Donkey Kong Country Returns and had carried on collecting puzzle pieces, doing time trials and working through what is unlocked after doing everything with the KONG letters. However, since I've basically seen almost all there is to see in the game now, I have found myself putting it aside for now :smile:


I've also been playing NBA Jam, Goldeneye 007 online with some of you guys and, a couple of nights ago, I resumed A Boy and his Blob. I'm looking forward to getting back into Metroid: Other M, Sin & Punishment and starting Fragline Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon soon :smile: I've also heard Amaterasu howling from the box below my bed, begging me to return to Okami as soon as possible..

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Have you touched this yet, Burny?


I picked it up a few weeks ago for a really good price.. or at least, I thought it was a good price :eek: Having paid anything for it feels like robbery so far :hmm: I've only really played through a fairly lengthy introductory section.. twice.. but it did absolutely nothing for me on both occasions. I was almost bored to tears by it, actually :sad:


If you have played it, does it get better? The shooting has felt unsatisfying so far and the atmosphere hasn't really grabbed me. Also, am I the only one who feels that the cursor is much too obtrusive and really limits visibility? ::shrug:

I played through the entire game with Eddage in co-op a few months back and thoroughly enjoyed it (think he enjoyed it as well).


Story was decent enough, good characters and voice acting, nice visuals, all these did draw me into the experience, especially the characters. There's a good mix of levels, I think it drags in the middle a bit maybe, as the levels are all mostly set in the same type of setting... other than the first and one in the middle, but it picks up again towards the end. The zero gravity was good fun too. Bosses are the down side.


Later on you get to play as different people and in different scenarios, so you get to see the story from different angles and playing what other characters were doing at the same time as others and it all coming together, which was a really nice touch.


I'd highly recommend a full co-op play if you possible can. :D

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