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Having been posting a little in the Wii and DS boards I notice an entirely different group of people to the regulars we have here on General. I'm curious why there's very little mixing between the communities. Well, mostly curious on why you guys think that is.


Can anything be done to blend, or are you happy with the way it is?


Do most of General even game anymore?


Thoughts on a forum post card to PO BOX THIS THREAD please.


I still game (am playing Golden Sun right now), but I don't really talk about it or discuss it. I might still check the odd thread in the gaming forums, but it doesn't happen often.


I've noticed the different crowds as well, but I guess that's just the way things are. Maybe some of the people residing in the gaming forums are afraid to come in here (and the other way around too).


Bit of both, mainly here as I don't find I have much to say about games.


Maybe post the same thread in the Wii section Scoop? Maybe you'll be remembered as the man who brought two mighty warring tribes together.


Or not.

Just like that mysterious rash your girlfriend gave you I'm everywhere.


The all seeing eye! ;)


I mainly follow the other consoles, then gen chit chat and then very very rarely the wii board.


We had this in a Tomb Raider custom level community I used to frequent. There were the people who weren't really interested in getting to know people but liked talking/asking questions about level building and Tomb Raider, and people like me who didn't play Tomb Raider much anymore but stuck around because of the community.


Can't force people to be sociable, and not everyone keeps up on the recent releases.



Just like that mysterious rash your girlfriend gave you I'm everywhere.

But mostly centered around the penis.


Apart from the occasional go on Mario Kart DS, I've not touched a Nintendo machine in several years, so I never go in the company gaming boards. In fact, I haven't even seen the main site in months, if not years either. I only link directly to the forums- from there I go straight to General and sometimes Other Consoles but that's a pretty weak board anyway and I generally get my game talk on over at Edge. There's a much stronger sense of multiplayer there, with people coming together regularly as a whole forum to play new games online and such.


So yeah, mostly General.


I stick here with very occasional lurkings in the Wii/DS boards.


I followed Chair and ReZ here from another forum, so I didn't join the site because it was about Nintendo. It could have been about anything.

Maybe post the same thread in the Wii section Scoop?


I'd love to post this thread over there and see what they think. This situation is something that has been on my mind for a few days now.


Would the admins be cool with something like that? As a purely investigative measure.


Well for me I just don't think Nintendo make games I want to play any more. The Wii is part of that, but it goes back to the GC too. I remember thinking how weak Twilight Princess was because Nintendo relentlessly recycled the Zelda format over and over- they gave up on the modern game market way before the wii launched.

Posted (edited)

I use both, mainly the Wii and General. I have a DS but don't tend to play that anywhere near as much as I do with the Wii. I'm not a handheld gamer, it just isn't how I like to play my games. So, when a DS game comes along and I'm engrossed, then it's usually something special.


As for the Wii, it's probably my favourite overall console. Very under-rated, and there's only a few users on the Wii boards like Fused King, Dazzy and Redshell who probably see it in the same way that I do.


For general, I like the community aspect that you get with it. It's a different type to the community aspect that you get in the gaming boards. The dynamics are different. I get to talk about other areas that I like, such as football, which you don't get to do in the gaming boards.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk

My typical day on N-E;



- Check mod board

- Check Other Consoles

- Check Creative

- Check Playground

- Check General


Occasionally I'll spiral around and around, but on slower days, or days when I'm not gaming the same games that everyone else is gaming, which is a few times a week for me, I do a check on other boards partly to see if there's any modding that needs doing but mainly because it's easy to miss a good thread. There are many threads I just read and don't contribute to, ususally in retro and tech boards as I don't tend to feel like I have anything to contribute, and occasionally I'll have a root through the nintendo-related boards, face-palm, retreat to safety.


I've tried joining a couple of other forums but I can't help but just magnetise to their general boards. I don't really think there's any hobbie or interest that I feel sufficiently knowledgeable that I'd join a forum to discuss specifically that. The community is why I'm here. Other forums tend to be rather full of dullards arguing about pointless drivel for the sake of arguing.


*hit refresh...


DOUBLEPOST PLZ SEE IT: SCOOP! Yeah boi, hurl this thread at the wii board and see what sticks. I'd be interested to hear the opinions of the Unjaysevened Lot. They tend to only really spring up during awards season to jizz a little.


I tend to stick in here but will check out the other boards. In the gaming sections there's often stuff I can't really talk about, that I would want to to get my point across, so for a long time I avoided posting at all just in case I said something I shouldn't. Nowadays I will post in them but don't really go into too much detail still. I guess as I can talk about games all day I don't feel the need to so much on here.


I'd love to see more of an integration of the gamers, personally. I'm really curious to learn thoughts and feelings on this matter, both positive or negative. Mostly positive would be nice though.


I look in general the most but I do have a look in the Wii and DS forums. There's not really much in the Wii discussion forum for me unless there's a game coming up that I'm interested in (a rarity on the Wii) but with the 3DS on the horizon I'm frequenting that forum more.


I began in the gaming threads and now I rarely leave the general boards. I find conversation here much more personal, interesting and amusing.

I visit the creative gallery frequently too though and I wish it was more active.


I do lurk the gaming thread every now and then though. I think I've made some posts recently but when I say "recently" it's probably a few weeks ago :hmm:

I do still play games whenever I get the chance to :)

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