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Hatred For Webcomics


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I think my favourite at the moment is Boxer Hockey. It's mostly unheard of I think, but the art is WONDERFUL and the characters are brilliant. You need to read them from the start as they're about a fictional (brilliant) game which is explained in the first comic, but after that I was addicted.

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I don't read CAD Penny Arcade or VG cats beyond the occasional post that may include them. I find the ones good enough to be posted in a forum are the cream of the crop, saving me the time of looking through the rest.


I pretty much only follow Dr. McNinja (He's a McNinja who is a Doctor and a Ninja!) and Manly Guys doing Manly Things (I being the someone who recommended it Ellmeister).


Assuming it ever updates, Brian Clevinger of 8-bit Theater is doing a somewhat interesting martial arts centric comic titled How I Killed Your Master....he never updates though what with having a published comics to work on though.


Oh, and now Hipster Hitler and Romantically Apocalyptic both of which are amazing. Though RA is much more lovable.

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CAD is basically a force for pure evil in the world. I absolutely despise it. And yes, I judge you personally if you like it.


It's just the absolute worst 'humour' I think I've ever come across. It has no punch, wit or timing whatsoever. And it's produced by an egotistical, vapid shithead of the highest grade who is so clearly obsessed by an overwhelming sense of inflated self importance that it beggers belief. And the 'story!' Oh my fucking lord above it's dire. Just total rancid shit all round, really.

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I've never got into any, and I tried Penny Arcade recently, but there's such a jarring gap between past and present, in that they've come such a long way artistically and in terms of the writing that I find it really hard to start from the beginning...which I have a sort of compulsive need to do...



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I used to read CAD religiously for a good year or so. Until I tried to join the website/forum and for some reason the never accepted/thought I was banned.


Petty to stop reading it, but it really fucked me off, if you want fans, allowed them to bloody join.

Tim Buckley is really paranoid about new members. It's somewhat understandable, though. I've been following a hate thread over at the Something Awful forums, and most of the people posting over there have either tried to get accounts on his forum or have one or several undercover accounts already. It's no wonder his forum is pretty much dead these days.


I've become somewhat obsessed with Ctrl+Alt+Del recently, even going so far as to watch the hilarious (for all the wrong reasons) animated series. Last year, Buckley introduced a new character, whose design, as it turned out, was ripped off from someone else. Buckley's first defense was "it was just a reference", but a few days later he went back and slightly tweaked her design in all of her earlier appearances. That's the kind of thing that makes me read his webcomic.


Man, I'm totally coming off as a seething ball of hatred right now. Good gaming webcomics: the aforementioned Manly Guys Doing Manly Things, Brawl in the Family and Awkward Zombie.

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I hate Penny Arcade because the style is boring and I don't get it/it's not funny. My favourites are The Perry Bible Fellowship, Toothpaste for Dinner, chainsawsuit and Gunshow. Cyanide and Happiness is good but the aforementioned comics kick its ass. I've never actually heard of CAD...it looks like Penny Arcade.


People read webcomics?


I thought they just like other internet jokes, just posted on forums for situational lolz.


Obvious shit joke, but I've never seen the appeal in following a webcomic.


They are excellent for procrastination.

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Danny posted one about countries as people a little while ago, its okay though some were lame. The same guy did some strips about an interalien couple which was funny but weird as well.


Scandinavia And The World is one of my absolute favourites, though I think you need to be Nordic to really appreciate all the in-jokes and references, since the whole comic is basically built around national stereotypes seen from the viewpoint of the Nordic countries.


The artist hasn't updated Tentacles And Love in a long time, but she does regular updates on a third webcomic, Niels, which is about a bisexual, Danish assassin who lives in a polyamorous relationship with a black, American couple.


I can't take credit for finding it, though. It was another user on here who showed it to me - Jonnas, I think.

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Couple of little points:


A webcomic doesn't have to be all about topical jokes. Most of the best webcomics start out as one-shot gags and evolve into plot or character driven adventures. For most people a webcomic is a part of their routine, as much as checking Facebook or the news in the morning.


Perry Bible Fellowship had no excuse to not be excellent. I once read one comic can take up to a month to plan and complete. It shows though, every single one is amazing.


Agreed about Tim Buckley's paranoia. But considering his past actions and stunts, all documented and somewhat exacerbated here, there's a reason for the almost universal hatred. No smoke without fire.

Edited by Guy
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Thats something I meant to ask. Have you actually seen anything that confirms the stuff people say about him or is it just stuff you've heard second hand? Ive heard all the rumours before but never actually come across anything that proved it.


Have a read of the article and a few of the links. Some of the more extreme stuff is rumour with some "facts", but most of the softer douchery is evidenced a-plenty.

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Yeah reading a Wiki page written by someone who obviously already hates the guy just doesnt confirm anything for me. If its all true then fair enough but some of the shit people say about him is pretty dodgy so I wouldnt want to condemn anyone for it. Either way it hasnt stopped me from enjoying his webcomic, I was just wondering if you'd seen any proof as I hadnt.

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Unless one of us has been personally involved in any of the drama surrounding Tim Buckley (anyone here Jackie?), the best you're going to get is secondhand accounts.


Anyway, you're free to read whatever webcomic you want. Even if Ctrl+Alt+Del is objectively bad. ;)



Scandinavia And The World is one of my absolute favourites, though I think you need to be Nordic to really appreciate all the in-jokes and references, since the whole comic is basically built around national stereotypes seen from the viewpoint of the Nordic countries.

Denmark and Norway are sleeping with each other. Confirm/deny?

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I can't take credit for finding it, though. It was another user on here who showed it to me - Jonnas, I think.


Yup :) I knew the nordic users would like it, at least. I do like learning about cultural differences and stereotypical perspectives, so I do greatly enjoy that webcomic, even if it heavily features a nordic perspective.


As for webcomic hatred... I don't hate any webcomic.

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I have a second hand account. I think it was Buckley who called my friend racist years ago. Of course, my friend did say something rather distasteful so Buckley wasn't really in the wrong....if it was him I can't remember.


Irrelevant though.


Gone with the Blastwave is something I've recently been introduced to...it's somewhat similar to Romantically Apocalyptic, except with more characters who are less insane and more dumb. I just like to imagine it as something of a prequel to RA, the war that destroyed the world.

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Denmark and Norway are sleeping with each other. Confirm/deny?


Denmark has sex with anyone and anything. He's everythingsexual. We're a pretty open and active country when it comes to sex! :p


Apologies Danny for saying it was a guy and Jonnas for not realising it was you who posted it first :p


Things should be in order, don't you think? ;)

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