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Year anniversaries. We don't make too much of a big deal about it these days. It'll be 6 years in March....I think we maybe "properly" did the 1st year...pressies...maybe a meal. Now its like "Wow....we've wasted 6 years with each other"



That's beautiful, well done to you. :bowdown:

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Depending on how you describe it... I'm coming up to 5 and a half years with my girl... I guess "on and off" would be the most accurate and least helpful definition :P


Presents still, duh. A nice jolly good 'retro' day doing stuff we did when we first went out. Or at least I think that's what we do. Lol.


At the start there's the whole week/month thing. We started going out on a wednesday so that was a thing. Well, for me it was. In my head.


Your week anniversary, Diageo?

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Well I thought it was like 3 weeks, but then I was watching Cougar town, and the kid got in trouble because he forgot the 7 month anniversary. And then I thought, "Fuck, I have no idea when I started going out with him".


But he's the kind of guy that remembers everything and anything related to me. So then I asked him, and he said we started on the 6th of December, and we are just past two weeks. Will probably do something nice at one month if I remember. Because one month seems like a good amount of time.

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Yearly anniversaries here I guess, though due to our situation we can't do much. =P


Well we did the first year, we went back to Disneyland (though a month early), as that's where we first met. This year Jim sent me a card. =P


Can't say I'm too bothered with anniversaries at the moment. Maybe once I reach 5 years it'll feel like an achievement, since I never had a relationship last that long. Not that I've really had many relationships but still! Yeah, yearly. Anything else just seems silly to me.

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Birthdays aren't a huge deal in our family it seems heh. We just give a few presents and that's usually it. =P


We did have a big party with loooots of people for our parents' 25th anniversary. Because that's a big milestone of course.

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Birthdays are definitely a friends thing, more than a family. I didn't go to one of my sister's birthday and neither of them came to mine. Granted I had a valid excuse but yeah, I've come to realise that's how we roll. Don't really do presents, either.

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I'm never particularly bothered by them, birthdays or relationship anniversaries. Girls always seem to love them though so you have to make a big effort or your in trouble. My last gf made us do 6 month anniversaries which I just thought was weird.

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Birthday parties at my house are laaaaame. It usually consists of the bastard Auntie coming over, who I don't like too much. Then, my sister and her army of kids come around as well, and I don't get on too well with her these days.


Parties and going out with friends for your birthday however is so much better. :)


As for anniversaries, as the Ine says, it's definitely to sort something out, as our anniversary falls on September 9th. So, I'm working that day and she's been back at Uni for then. We've also not celebrated my birthday together, in the time we've been together, again due to it being in January.


Basically, if our anniversary was in Summer, or December, it would be easier to celebrate. :heh:

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My parents don't really do much for their own wedding anniversariy as it is Dec 27th, so it usually get's lost in all the Xmas and New years stuff, even they both forget sometimes, haha.


Once me and my sister did something for them but that was their 25th Anniversary so we figured we should get them something for that one at least.


As for me and Joy, we celebrate the yearly anniversaies. Before we got married and she was in the Philippines I usually took my yearly trip round the time of our anniversary so I would be there. Usually took her out to dinner, I remember I got flowers the first year :heh:

If I wasn't there I'd just send a big card in the post... which usually had to be planned two weeks in advance cause of postage time.


Now that we're married we celebrate the wedding anniversay, for that I took a week off work and took her on a road trip around Ireland for a few days.

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Yeah I celebrate the year one only for my girlfriend similar to Maddogs idea of it being the birthday of a relationship.


We just went out for dinner and got a little present for each other. Nothing much but still nice.


Also, I thought Diageo dating a guy was a joke O.o I thought you were a ladies man. Who am I mixing you up with?

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If you do week anniversaries I will hunt you down and I will shoot you.




I didn't really and haven't ever celebrated any anniversaries, my ex on and off five years we never really did, it was just like ''christ we met when we were such and such an age! Now look at us!''


It's just not something I'm bothered about, I always seem to forget when I start going out with someone anyway. :laughing:

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Yearly ones, ok I can see where people are coming from with that. However, people who celebrate 6 month, or 3 month or two week anniversaries annoy me.


Anniversary is defined as an annual recurring date of a past event. So celebrations for ones less than a year annoy me

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Yearly ones, ok I can see where people are coming from with that. However, people who celebrate 6 month, or 3 month or two week anniversaries annoy me.


Anniversary is defined as an annual recurring date of a past event. So celebrations for ones less than a year annoy me

What if they just celebrate the event and don't call it an anniversary, is that all right with you?

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