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bad stuff thread.


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Early-early shift, customer completely destroying my afternoon by giving me the F1 results without warning and Diana Wynne Jones is dead. Fuck everything and everyone in or around it.


I hate my stupid, monotonous, thankless, boring job and all the people who work there AND all the customers we serve.




You know things are getting bad when Bernard Black stops being a comedy character in your eyes and becomes a working class hero.



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Sometimes I cringe at my school year, or their musical choices/obvious "I-Want-To-Be-Cool" vibe should I say.


We're supposed to choose a song to represent us as a year, somehow, and there have been a few who've suggested "Glee - Don't Stop Believing" and "Adele- Someone Like You"





Ugh, (pointless vent). I usually project my anger on abstract things to take my mind off stuff.

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Sometimes I cringe at my school year, or their musical choices/obvious "I-Want-To-Be-Cool" vibe should I say.


We're supposed to choose a song to represent us as a year, somehow, and there have been a few who've suggested "Glee - Don't Stop Believing" and "Adele- Someone Like You"





Ugh, (pointless vent). I usually project my anger on abstract things to take my mind off stuff.

What song do you want, something old that nobody in your class likes I'll bet.

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What song do you want, something old that nobody in your class likes I'll bet.


Shut it you.


Weeeeeeell, I had this is mind... (naturally)



I feel so judged, so misunderstood. Don't judge me.




Either that or something by KISS. Also, who're you calling Hipster? Diageo or Me?

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We regret nothing :love:


In the simplest of meaning of course. There is more to the song. In theory, I'd imagine the "Non, Je ne regrette rien" line to be the only thing understood by our year so it's the best suggestion I could think of quickly.


It was in Inception too, so I'm being a little modern :laughing:

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My favourite fish is the cleaner wrasse and I even tried to get it chosen as our school mascot but, well I was outvoted so out new mascot is a slut.


Anyway if your class has Glee's cover of DSB it will make baby jesus cry :p

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Blerghhh, been feeling like crap since Saturday and need to vent, and this is the only place where I can do this (don't read this if you don't want to read a long wall of negative crap text).



Basically I had to teach on Saturday on my placement. Had two classes (11-12 year olds) and we would be painting. I told a short story about a bird of paradise, as the kids would be drawing one themselves, the painting it. Basically I thought the lesson went pretty well, I demonstrated shortly how they can mix colours and apply dark and light colours.


But the mentor from that class thought what I did wasn't good enough. Said I didn't teach them enough about the paint and the colours and how to use it etc. Also said how they should follow the shape of the bird while painting. So during the next class I tried changing this and explaining it a bit more to the kids. I thought it would be okay now. My personal mentor also came to look during this class, to see how I was doing.


Afterwards he asked me why I did certain things the way I did them, like telling the kids to follow the shape of the bird, while it would/could be more interesting to paint it differently... While he was saying that I was thinking "This woman told me to do it like that! Grah!" and of course she didn't say a word, just stood there and nodded. I felt like slapping her.


She also asked me what my studies were, and I started saying "Graphic Design - Illustration", but I don't even think she heard the last part. As soon as she heard graphic design she started nodding and writing things down and then said she thought my material knowledge/technique wasn't good enough... Seriously woman, pay attention. I've been drawing and painting since I was 6, even went to the school I'm teaching in now for 11 years. I've done illustration where I had to teach myself all these different materials. I know how to use them, but if you don't tell me beforehand what's expected of me in these classes, then I can't know/prepare! Every observation I've done during my placement, I've not seen a single demonstration being done in front of students. So how am I suddenly supposed to know how and what to demonstrate?



These were my first few lessons in this school, teaching kids this age. I feel I'm being judged way too harshly and unfair. From the start she seems to have something against me. Some of her points I can agree with (me having to be more enthusiastic, though I'm fucking nervous so it's hard to be), but half of the stuff she said felt like she was just thinking "you did graphic design, you don't belong here" (while I did illustration, my degree just says graphic design) or it was stuff that I can't know yet as I'm just starting out.





tl;dr: this woman sucks because she gave me unfair grades/critiques and now I've lost all motivation for teaching and I'm gonna cry my eyes out some more.

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So although you're personal mentor was asking why you were telling them to paint a certain way (which was based off the class tutor's remarks), it was the class tutor who was grading you.


You say about not being aware of what was expected of you in the lesson, but did you know you were going to be teaching or was it a last minute thing? I ask because you know the response to the line "I wasn't aware you wanted me to do it like that" would be "well you never asked". Sorry if that sounds a touch harsh but I'm just trying to understand the full scope of the situation.


Some people will give you all the help you want... but won't lift a finger until you ask.


But if it was sprung on you at the last minute then yes, it's certainly unfair of them to pick your performance apart like that.


I wouldn't let that one instance put you off the teaching though. For as demoralized as that may have made you feel, I'm fairly sure a point will come when you wish you only felt as bad as how you do now - and if it doesn't, they've been incredibly lucky.


How much longer have you got on your placement - how much time do you have left to show her just how good you can be?

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I hate being in a situation like this.


There's someone at work who the boss trusts a lot (he's been working the longest), who does absolutely nothing (I'm on here a lot, but only between doing work when I'm waiting for stuff to load). He's supposed to send out 100 samples a day but most days around 0-5 go out.


As most stuff has "gone missing in the post", the boss wants to find out what's going on. We also have a second company selling fabric to customers and two items have gone missing in the past two years. I've pointed that out but the boss doesn't seem to be able to figure out what's going on.

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Afterwards he asked me why I did certain things the way I did them, like telling the kids to follow the shape of the bird, while it would/could be more interesting to paint it differently... While he was saying that I was thinking "This woman told me to do it like that! Grah!" and of course she didn't say a word, just stood there and nodded. I felt like slapping her.


I hate seeing stuff like this, it's ridiculously unfair. You shouldn't be made to feel bad because you took direction from an idiot.

It's easy to say this in retrospect, but you really should've said something or at least stared her down for a bit so she felt bad about herself.

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So although you're personal mentor was asking why you were telling them to paint a certain way (which was based off the class tutor's remarks), it was the class tutor who was grading you.


You say about not being aware of what was expected of you in the lesson, but did you know you were going to be teaching or was it a last minute thing? I ask because you know the response to the line "I wasn't aware you wanted me to do it like that" would be "well you never asked". Sorry if that sounds a touch harsh but I'm just trying to understand the full scope of the situation.


Some people will give you all the help you want... but won't lift a finger until you ask.


But if it was sprung on you at the last minute then yes, it's certainly unfair of them to pick your performance apart like that.


I wouldn't let that one instance put you off the teaching though. For as demoralized as that may have made you feel, I'm fairly sure a point will come when you wish you only felt as bad as how you do now - and if it doesn't, they've been incredibly lucky.


How much longer have you got on your placement - how much time do you have left to show her just how good you can be?


Both people grade me, but my personal mentor only shows up occasionally (basically twice during the entire placement... and of course he picked the worst time/class to come to).


I knew beforehand I'd be teaching that class. I sent my lesson planning to her beforehand, but she never commented on it/ replied to it. Any questions I mailed she didn't reply to. I had no other way of contacting her.

I did a demonstration (which is already more than I'd seen from any teacher I got to observe there) but according to her it just wasn't good enough/not elaborate enough. Then claiming I don't seem to know enough about the materials I'm using. I'd happily invite her to my home to come look at all the drawings/paintings/clay sculptures etc. I've made over the last 20 years.



I just feel crap because she is being harsh on me for no real reason. She's expecting my lessons to be perfect when I'm only just starting out. Not a single positive comment was given, so I have no clue if I did anything right at all. The few other tutors I've done my placement with were a lot more fair with their comments. This woman is just... a bit unreasonable.


I don't think I'll be teaching in her class again (luckily!) but I'm afraid she will be negatively influencing my grade. Plus I was thinking of applying in that school, but now I think if I do, the headmaster will talk to her and she will say I'm not good enough... Joy!


I hate seeing stuff like this, it's ridiculously unfair. You shouldn't be made to feel bad because you took direction from an idiot.

It's easy to say this in retrospect, but you really should've said something or at least stared her down for a bit so she felt bad about herself.


I'm too nice/shy a person to speak up about something like that. Plus if she's grading me, I don't want to step on her toes.


Though if I get the chance, I think I will mention it to my mentor, as I feel it's unfair. I took her feedback and applied it to my lesson and get slated for it, it's not my fault she's telling bullshit... =(

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Urgh, really irritated with my boss right now. He changed a 1-to-1 lesson without telling me, so I spent ages planning a class I wasn't going to teach, despite having better things to do with my time (applying for other jobs, funnily enough). John, apparently, was teaching this one lesson with the student, and he only found out when I found out I wasn't, 10 minutes before it was meant to start. Very annoying.


Things got worse when said student showed up 45 minutes late, and, come 2 hours after the intended start time, John finished the lesson when it was meant to. The student got really pissed off (on account of her being an idiot, it seems) and complained to Hasan, the boss. Hasan, in his unenviable nature, chose the stupidest way of handling it and walked into a classroom were John, other John and I were chatting and had a go at John, and getting us other two involved too. We both took John's side as, well, the class has a start and end time so, ooh, I don't know, so everyone knows when it starts and ends. It's a busy school, and the idea that some students have that they can turn up when they want and have a lesson is ridiculous, and Hasan, not being a teacher, doesn't understand why we find it so objectionable...

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