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That's the police recovered the body of the missing person from River Clyde. I knew her as we went to the same schools and shared alot of mutual friends because the "Deaf world" is apparently that small. I only just found out that she was missing last Wednesday when I did the newspaper returns since all front pages got her picture on it.


Since the newspapers didn't explained why she was on her own, she had an alteration with someone that she threw drink over her and stomped out of the place. Her friends were meant go with her but they got stopped by the bouncer at that campus. However the police said her death is not being treated as suspicious and a report will be sent to the Procurator Fiscal.


I found the whole ordeal very surreal because it's the first time that it's actually not a stranger but an old school friend of mine on the news. My condolences to Kristy Aitchson's family and friends since it's gonna affects them even more than it did with me.

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My Dad's been taken into hospital because his MS has relapsed and it's much worse than usual. He can't eat properly, he's lost a lot of weight, and he keeps forgetting where he is and exhibiting other signs of dementia :( I don't know what to do. They're doing tests but it seems like results/action is taking them ages, there's no neurologist on their permanent staff and he needs steroids but they're not getting him any until they know more. He's so far away as well and I'm at work all the time, only getting updates off my Sister.


Don't really know why I'm talking about this here, but don't really have anyone else to talk to about it.

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That's really awful. My mum had a similar thing when my grandad was on his way out - she lived 6 hours away and had to rely on my aunt for news.


At least he'll be well cared for in hospital.


Can you get time off for compassionate leave?

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That's terrible Shorty. :(


As bob said, perhaps asking your place of work for some time off so you could visit him would be a good idea?


In any case, I wish your dad well and if you need to talk about it then we're always here for you.

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My Dad's been taken into hospital because his MS has relapsed and it's much worse than usual. He can't eat properly, he's lost a lot of weight, and he keeps forgetting where he is and exhibiting other signs of dementia :( I don't know what to do. They're doing tests but it seems like results/action is taking them ages, there's no neurologist on their permanent staff and he needs steroids but they're not getting him any until they know more. He's so far away as well and I'm at work all the time, only getting updates off my Sister.


Don't really know why I'm talking about this here, but don't really have anyone else to talk to about it.


That's really shit, sorry to hear :( You have my number if you ever want to just chat to someone about it.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your dad @Shorty. :(

Like people said, would you be able to get compassionate leave? Or maybe even work from home/your family's home so you can still work but be closer to your dad? Might be worth discussing with your employer.






Today has been a pretty shitty day for me, for various reasons.

First of all I couldn't sleep at all last night because of the referendum. Basically just stared at my phone all night, watching the results come in and crying my eyes out over it. As a result, I now have a massive headache and feel like a zombie.


I also had an appointment with the dentist for a checkup, and basically got told I will need to get a crown fitted on a tooth that seems to be beyond repair (they tried a year ago but it's just gone bad again, giving me some slight gum infection). A crown will either cost me £235 for a silver one or £500 for a white one... not the type of money I want to be spending right now when we are buying a house. She said the only other option would be root canal treatment I think, but she would have to refer me as she can't do it and that would cost more than a £1000!



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My Dad's doing a bit better, thanks all who offered kind words :) I should be down about the brexit probably but I'm cheered up because he's talking and eating again. Going to see him over the weekend.


Good to hear. My friend's dad is going through something similar right now and it's just horrible.


All my best wishes to you and your family!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A mate and I want to become tutors for freshmen again in October. It would be our third year in a row.

However, there is one girl who might also be a tutor then. This girl cheated on her boyfriend with my mate. She was apparently so drunk that she can't remember the activity and she didn't tell my mate that she had a boyfriend.


Now here's the deal, she texted him today on facebook: "Just to let you know, I wasn't the one complaining. I just don't want anything do with you."


Whether you believe her about the not complaining or not...some people, to be precise some women complained about my mate - the phrase used was literally "complaints by females". (it is very likely that these women are close friends with that girl).

We don't know the specifics because it's just a rumor but one of the guys responsible for choosing who'll get to be tutors told my mate that he'll most likely be summoned to talk in front of the registrar's office to explain himself.


What the actual fuck?


First of all, it's that girls' own fucking fault for getting so drunk and cheating on her boyfriend.

Secondly, that's no reason for anybody (especially people who have nothing to do with this) to accuse my mate of whatever it is they are accusing him off.

And thirdly: Why the fuck can't people just talk to the person in question themselves?


My mate is a really nice guy and he's also not one of those who like to be part of an affair, no matter which side.


This makes me so angry...

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A mate and I want to become tutors for freshmen again in October. It would be our third year in a row.

However, there is one girl who might also be a tutor then. This girl cheated on her boyfriend with my mate. She was apparently so drunk that she can't remember the activity and she didn't tell my mate that she had a boyfriend.


Now here's the deal, she texted him today on facebook: "Just to let you know, I wasn't the one complaining. I just don't want anything do with you."


Whether you believe her about the not complaining or not...some people, to be precise some women complained about my mate - the phrase used was literally "complaints by females". (it is very likely that these women are close friends with that girl).

We don't know the specifics because it's just a rumor but one of the guys responsible for choosing who'll get to be tutors told my mate that he'll most likely be summoned to talk in front of the registrar's office to explain himself.


What the actual fuck?


First of all, it's that girls' own fucking fault for getting so drunk and cheating on her boyfriend.

Secondly, that's no reason for anybody (especially people who have nothing to do with this) to accuse my mate of whatever it is they are accusing him off.

And thirdly: Why the fuck can't people just talk to the person in question themselves?


My mate is a really nice guy and he's also not one of those who like to be part of an affair, no matter which side.


This makes me so angry...

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Urgh, trying to find bags for my laptop, to carry on and to check for the San Francisco trip. This is far more stressful than it should be.


It's stressing both me and my girlfriend out.


Why the fuck do people go on holidays? It's one stress after another

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Urgh, trying to find bags for my laptop, to carry on and to check for the San Francisco trip. This is far more stressful than it should be.


It's stressing both me and my girlfriend out.


Why the fuck do people go on holidays? It's one stress after another

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