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Ugh. Today started pretty well. I got to drive down to Slough to drop off a van and pick another up. I love travelling, no matter how tedious.


But I get back and the announcement is made that the guy I completely hate is coming back to work tomorrow. I fucking hate him. Weasly little rat faced cunt.


This week just got significantly longer.

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Had some real tossers join the course im on today. The kind of people that were bullys in school and just never grew out of it. Wouldnt leave this one guy alone and went with the technique of "He's obviously uncomfortable with us talking to him so we'll keep doing it all day". Worst part is that its always annoying or stupid questions done with just enough force to make it obvious that its bullying but not enough that they can actually get in trouble for it. One of the advisors actually went up to the guy and let him know if he was having any troubles to come to them, obviously they cant do anything without a direct complaint.

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Daft, you know what you should do? Find some hot girls


You do parkour, so it should be easy :p


Jokes, aside. I know how you feel. Been there a lot of times. The thing is, I can't give you any advice, sorry...


Time heals all wounds.


you could kill the bloke, too.

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Yesterday I was like, I can deal with this and just get on with everything. How hard can it be? I cycle into university today, I'm parking my bike, literally 30 seconds later she cycles in and stops next to me. Suddenly I realise I'm smiling. I don't remember ever having such a big smile on my face.



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Yesterday I was like, I can deal with this and just get on with everything. How hard can it be?


If it was that easy...


I'm parking my bike, literally 30 seconds later she cycles in and stops next to me. Suddenly I realise I'm smiling. I don't remember ever having such a big smile on my face.


The only thing you could do is tell her what you think about her, but it's hella risky. I guess you already knew...but that's the only advice I can give you.

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So I'm gearing myself up to talk to the girl I like (if you look a few posts back you'll see that this weekend we kissed, she said she's always thought we'll end up together, but then she also said she sees me like a brother... I'm hoping this is because she's my sister's best friend).

I know I have to talk to her about my feelings for her or it'll chew me up inside, but things are a bit difficult...


Her younger brother (23yrs old) committed suicide in January, with this I hadn't wanted to talk to her about "us" for obvious reasons (time for grieving and coping, which of course she is doing, but healthily and very well, especially more recently).


But after this weekend I thought I would talk to her about us as it felt to me like she wanted to also, but as I phone her earlier she tells me her Grandmother passed away in the night. So we talk but not about us.

I feel so bad for her and her family, they're all lovely and it's so awful this year that they're having.



Anyhoo, I thought I'd just post to say that I'll keep my feelings inside again as it's not the right time to talk about them... :sad:

Edited by Kav
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So yeah, once again there have been cuts on the uni course I'm attending this summer, classical philology. We fear it might not even survive. It's all part of this mentality that social and cultural studies are not as important as the natural and social sciences and should be down-prioritised. I'm more or less fucking furious right now. I won't even attempt to accurately express the rage I'm feeling right now.

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Ugh. I think I'm gonna quit. Bullshit. I just don't want a job that makes me feel like this.


Dunno WTF to do now though. Rang the agency a second ago and (admitedly kinda as expected) they didn't answer. I'm supposed to be in at 8am tomorrow, but I want to ring the agency and see if I actually have to go in to quit in person. As I....understand (but I don't at all) I won't have to? Does anyone who has temped before know?





:( Sad face.

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Ive only ever quit once through an agency (the other time they changed the hours so I couldnt work there anymore) and I did that over the phone with the agency and not the actual company I was with at the time.


Also ReZ did you ever do anything about your car being taken by that company?

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I don't know, it probably sounds stupid, but my last job never made me feel like this.


Basically I work with two different departments/completely different roles. The one in the morning is fine, its all relaxed and logicial and I was actually trained/know what I'm doing.


The one in the afternoon is bull shit. Stupid queries all the same fucking thing, a) It all has to be documented on query pads, its stupid and there needs to be an "audit" trail, b) there is no query management system on the computer....the most fucking retarded thing I've ever seen....if someone calls up and spoken to someone else you won't have a clue what they're doing. C) my training has been virtually non existent. A girl joined 2 weeks after me. 2 weeks later I was given like...3 regions to look after completely...on my own...whereas the girl was being trained, work shadowing someone before eventually having her calls listened to BY SOMEONE SITTING NEXT to her......so when she had had 2 full weeks training she was being handed it over gently.


.....But I only work 1/2 a day in that department.....and I only started that department 2 weeks in....so I actually had half as much info and experience as her, which they just DO NOT SEEM TO GRASP.


Anyway. So yeah, this week they put me on the phones. Why....I've listened to calls for a few days (half days) and not been knowing what to look out for those times anyway....training literally has been basically non existant.


There have been 3 girls from the same agency as me. 2 fired and one walked (today/yesterday I think) (the other one must have been fired on Monday, and the other one a month ago ish because she got on the wrong side of the manager's pet)


.....The manager doesn't really know whats going on/shes a bit of a fool/I don't know. They get you in at 8am too often. The manager is weird sometimes, openly laying into (this one guy) in the middle of a team meeting.


Like a prime example, my manager comes over to me whilst i'm on the phone today, I finish the call and she goes "Why aren't you writing it on a query pad" (I was writing on a piece of paper to get the bare essentials before doing the query pad after call) and I was like..."....." but I was thinking "this fucking BASIC thing and I havn't been told that THIS is the way to do it". Like that. Basic shit. Like the ONLY bit of (what I would call PROPER training) I have had was yesterday, the girl (who walked I guess) yesterday and I just went through a few system bits with another manager for about 90 minutes.



I needed stuff like that solid for a week, not 90 minutes 2 months into my employment.


And I just hate it. All of these reasons add up. Seriosty.y.....I mean.....does it sound stupid? DOes it sound like I'm being stupid? It is a bad time of the year for me right now, but I don't know if thats effecting it. I just feel shit, and I don't feel comfortable AT ALL in doing the PM job. I don't know.


Oh....and its like...9 weeks in and I still need logins for vital parts of the job. The manager just seems fucking clueless.




I just want a normal job with good training that I feel comfortable in doing, y'know.



On top of all that my grandad has got alzheimers apparently/probably and has gone into hospital and probably won't come out. We weren't close or anything, and he hasn't treated my grandma AMAZINGLY, but its her who I'm worried about....she was I think depressed or poorly a few months ago, and now this....(on top of the anniversar yof my mother's death on Friday) came at literally the worst time so I'm very worried about her right now.





:/ epic...fucking....stupid....shit.

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