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bad stuff thread.


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Just because you highlight your own hypocrisy doesn't mean it's not hypocritical. Unless you think it's ok for people to post petty complaints as long as they put a #petty after it?


Don't go waxing lyrical about me calling people hypocritical yet not seeing that I had been myself then!


This is the first time I'm not just disagreeing with what you're saying but I'm also seeing your posts as utter tripe that don't hold water. You're not actually reading what I'm writing and even listening to yourself in what you're posting.

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You're right. A question used for emphasis that you have already answered means every point I have made throughout the thread is void. That's an interesting tactic where you distract from the actual point of the conversation over and over with no apparent motivation to actually go forward with it.

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You're right. A question used for emphasis that you have already answered means every point I have made throughout the thread is void. That's an interesting tactic where you distract from the actual point of the conversation over and over with no apparent motivation to actually go forward with it.


There was no going forward with it as your response was a simple "get over it". You yourself hadn't looked to actually converse and establish any actual meaningful communication.

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There was no going forward with it as your response was a simple "get over it". You yourself hadn't looked to actually converse and establish any actual meaningful communication.


Yes, those we're my only words, "Get over it". I didn't give reasoning or an explanation. Absolutely no chance for you to create a counterargument. You're right, it's completely my fault.

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Yes, those we're my only words, "Get over it". I didn't give reasoning or an explanation. Absolutely no chance for you to create a counterargument. You're right, it's completely my fault.


Your post was almost open, it was simply until then that you closed it shut and made all that you had said prior null and void. I believe it to be your error. Had you not said that I would have wanted to reply but having simply said I should just get over it, what's the point?

It showed no willingness from your side to actually discuss, so yes, it is all your fault.

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@kav82 and @Diageo


Play nicely, please.





I haven't had more than 3 hours sleep a night for the last few weeks. It's horrible. I drift off okay, but then I'm awake an hour or so later. Then after I drift off again, I'm awake at least two hours before my 6am alarm.


Yes, I'm depressed and I'm getting help. The question is: is this my bi-polar preceding a manic episode, or am I just regular depressed.


Answers on a postcard and send to the usual address.

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It's something that was bothering me and so in that respect from, what you're saying, it qualified as being ok to go in the thread.


I don't need to continually post it and continually deminish other's posts and so now I won't, so this is the last post I'll make of this ilk because I've finally got it off my chest. But it's unfair for people to deminish my post then too as it's something that bothered me.


It's a bit poo because is it a bit of a catch 22 situation, but we should be at least be allowed to vent then? Just needed to get that off my chest too.

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You're complaining about people's meaningful bad posts being lost in a sea of triviality but you've not once posted your actual problem? You've created 2 pages of absolutely nothing because you're whining about people not taking this thread seriously or something? If you had just posted what was really bothering you I'm sure you would've got some sympathy, but now you've just pissed people off.


I hope whatever issue you have resolves itself in an appropriate manner. There's a generic response for you based on your generic 'I am sad about something'. The only problem you've relayed to us in this thread is that you don't like what other people are posting. Well don't come in the thread then.


@Goafer, I hope your dog is ok.

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The Yankee Candle I have keeps drowning in a pool of its own wax. I have to keep pouring it out into the lid. Gonna have so much leftover wax in the sides of the jar too :(


Considering buying an extra wick and attempting to make use of the wax remains as it's a nice smelling candle.




Shit really getting me down. :(

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You're complaining about people's meaningful bad posts being lost in a sea of triviality but you've not once posted your actual problem? You've created 2 pages of absolutely nothing because you're whining about people not taking this thread seriously or something? If you had just posted what was really bothering you I'm sure you would've got some sympathy, but now you've just pissed people off.


I hope whatever issue you have resolves itself in an appropriate manner. There's a generic response for you based on your generic 'I am sad about something'. The only problem you've relayed to us in this thread is that you don't like what other people are posting. Well don't come in the thread then.


@Goafer, I hope your dog is ok.


I was never going to post what's going on in my life here, I've got my own support network. But the triviality I felt of posts annoyed me so my posting about it was just in that I found it to be bad stuff, regardless of whether it pissed people off or not. People didn't have to respond.

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I was never going to post what's going on in my life here, I've got my own support network. But the triviality I felt of posts annoyed me so my posting about it was just in that I found it to be bad stuff, regardless of whether it pissed people off or not. People didn't have to respond.


I see. How incredibly pointless. Complaining about something that wasn't even going to affect you in any way.


My bad stuff: I just hate how dirty the streets are in New York City. I've never been and have no plans on going, but I felt like it needed saying.

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The Yankee Candle I have keeps drowning in a pool of its own wax. I have to keep pouring it out into the lid. Gonna have so much leftover wax in the sides of the jar too :(


Considering buying an extra wick and attempting to make use of the wax remains as it's a nice smelling candle.




Shit really getting me down. :(


Dude! You done goofed. Take it from me, I'm a bit of a Yankee Expert.




The problem you describe is known as "tunnelling" and it is occuring because you are not burning your candle for long enough at a time (or, you did it once, and that's what set it off). You need to let (a candle of that size) burn for at least 3 hours. Whilst not 100% foolproof, this should give the candle sufficient time to melt the entire top level of wax and it should lower at an even rate.

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I see. How incredibly pointless. Complaining about something that wasn't even going to affect you in any way...


But it did have effect on me. Even though I wasn't going to post my issues, it still effected me. I felt it to be bad stuff, that other peoples problems got lost in posts, not specifically my own. I felt it was bad, hence my post became relevant.

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The problem you describe is known as "tunnelling" and it is occuring because you are not burning your candle for long enough at a time (or, you did it once, and that's what set it off). You need to let (a candle of that size) burn for at least 3 hours. Whilst not 100% foolproof, this should give the candle sufficient time to melt the entire top level of wax and it should lower at an even rate.

Aye, I did me research earlier on, but sadly too late to do anything. I did start throwing cocktail sticks in to burn the wax as well but it didn't really help.

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Okay, I can pretty much solve this in a tee after reading all of this so just call me Jeremy Kyle...wait...actually don't...I'm better-looking, gots better hair and I have a chocolate complexion and I'm actually good at my job rather than shouting shit so...yeah, just don't.


@kav82, I do agree with you on some points that you have made (for example, posting about your bad stuff and how you don't have to put everything) and I respect those but what I ask of you is to respect the fact that even though some shit may seem trivial to you, it might not to others. With me, for example, I feel that I can't talk to anybody sometimes with some of the stuff I have because people may see it as trivial but to me, it isn't. For example, when I have some arguments with friends, I do post on here because I have this insecurity of being alone, sometimes it actually really scares me and I feel that every single bad thing that happens is my fault, even though in my head, I know that a lot of it isn't. I post my work issues and issues you may think aren't so serious but they are to me and they are because I need to know whether I'm doing the right thing. Last year, I fell out with literally most of my friends. I needed to know whether I done the right thing so I posted it on here. People agreed I did and I could move on and not fix it. Some of the stuff I've posted on here has been skipped but, to me, sometimes, I'm okay with that because I got what I needed to say off of my chest. I don't like venting and crying and shit over social network because that shit annoys me, this is the only place on the Internet where I am actually my true self and I love the fact that I'm confident enough to able to do that. It's also the only place where I post my problems. So I do disagree with you when you compare problems because even the smallest of problems can lead to major ones. So the only thing I would say to you is don't judge a problem because you may not know the full story. Sorry, it may have sounded aggressive but please don't take it as that! :)


@Diageo, I completely understand everything you are saying and I do agree with it except for the quote below:


You can put your problems down and vent like the others, where people might or might not offer some words of encouragement. But don't let your moodiness over what you've got going on interrupt the perfectly valid complaints of others here.


I do agree with the last line, I don't like it when people have problems and they take it out on other people because then that would cause further upset and aggression. However, in saying that, I didn't like when you say "You can put your own problems down and vent like the others". I say this because there are some things that people may not be ready to share yet. Maybe a relative has died and simply typing it may make it seem real? Maybe something life-threatening has happened be it being held at knife-point or something? Maybe he's getting help from an addiction? I don't know and maybe it isn't anything like that but people do have the right to either post their problem or not. I totally get that Kav was talking about how some of our problems are being mundane compared to others and I do agree with that and I have made that point. In saying that, I personally don't think it's right to tell people to put their problems down if they don't feel like they have built that trust in the forum yet. It took me years to post a picture of myself here because of self-esteem and confidence issues and this website was the first place I did that. Now I'm okay with it. It was also the first place where I admitted I had problems with involuntary shakes and OCD and this was only quite recent. I said this to show you that I trusted this site and I'm sure, in time, maybe Kav will feel like he can trust it enough to post his problems. Yes, you can argue that we're not bad people and that we wouldn't take the piss and stuff but you can't help your place of trust. He may not have had the intention of posting his bad stuff because he doesn't feel confident enough or he may not trust this place enough or he needed a place to finally admit that he has a problem and by being vague and saying "I have a problem", to him, that may be a big deal.


I'm not typing this to cause an argument, I'm typing this so hopefully, both of you can see it in a different light. We all have different opinions and we're all welcome to them so this one is my one. :)




I have a problem at work and it's causing me to have a little bit of a panic attack sometimes. Like, I'd feel light-headed and breathe rapidly so I have to go out the back and calm down a little. It's my new boss. I just don't know how to take her. Sometimes, she's alright but most of the times, I feel like she hates me. Like everything I do or say, she judges me. However, something bad has happened.

We've had two customer complaints and both of the times, I was in as well as my other manager. I don't actually recall the scenarios (one which included a diabetic child having her measurements done wrong) so it may not have been me but I can't help but shake the feeling that I'm going to get the blame anyway.

I've actually cranked up my job hunt more because I don't feel safe in there anymore. Sometimes, I don't like my job but at least I had that secure feeling. Now, with the new boss in, I don't even feel that. There have been so many times where I've just felt like walking out but I know I can't until I find another job that's right.

I just know I'm going to cop the blame for this. I can feel it. Hopefully, I'm wrong though!

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I'm pretty sure that the complaint is about me, which has pissed me off a little because half of the stuff the customer has said has been made up. Apparently, I was heavy-handed with her kids' feet and I didn't help her whatsoever. I don't remember the customer but she said some things that I say.


Like for instance, she said that after I measured her child's feet, I just said to her "We may not have them in her size" and walked away. This didn't happen. If there was a style that wasn't available in that size, I'd say "We may not have that style in her size but there are some others that are similar". It just makes my piss boil a little. It might not be about me but I'm about 80% sure it is. The woman only gave the description that it was a man, nothing else. If we hear back from her, I'm sure we'll know who it could possibly be from a further description: My boss is stick-thin and white, I'm big and mixed race...


It's just what I need, really. I'm sure my new manager hates me and this is just a perfect thing to happen. Eurgh!

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Warning, this isn't very bad.


I think I took my longest ever call today. 1 hour and 45 minutes. A 90 year old couple with a 6 year old PC with XP SP1 and IE6 - compatibility issues with our website. Tried downloading Google Chrome, FireFox and eventually XP SP3.




- Needed to spell "Google" and "Fox".

- Them entering "Firebox" into search.

- Their pronunciation of Chrome being "Krom".

- Her saying "All I say to click in is nakes" - I was like "Nakes? What the FUCK is that" in my head, and couldn't get my head around it. Eventually realised she meant "Next". Weird voice.

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