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I have to disagree with you - how you manage behaviour in the class is usually an individual thing, but managing it is something that can be learned.


Oh yeah, I totally agree that good behaviour management can be learnt, and I've learnt a lot, being in a pretty tricky school! There are teachers though who command respect, where kids don't step a toe out of line, ever. The teacher doesn't have to manage, because the kids don't want to find out what would happen to them if they did. I'm sure we've all had one as a teacher at one point. You can't learn that, it's just who they are.

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I'm sure between us we can write you a truly diabolical application, if you like.


Just spent an hour thinking of 3 competences that made little to no sense, but didn't undermine the company. And it wasn't proof read, had spelling mistakes and were not about my current employment.

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I've been having these twitches and tics that have happened since I was 14-15 and every time I'm excited, upset, nervous, anxious, etc, I twitch. Can't help it at all. I'll nod my head or turn my head or kind of shudder for a second. It's always been something I can't help but a month ago, I was referred to the hospital to see what it was.


So the doctor there was asking me stuff about my past and things and I told him a bit about it. He then asked me a couple of other questions. So basically, he didn't exactly say anything to me other than it's a mental thing and that it could be something attached to my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He wanted me to see a psychiatrist but I really don't want to. Just stuck on whether to or not. I've learned to control my twitches a lot more now than I did a few months ago. Back then, they were horrendous but because of me cutting out friends making dramas and other shit, I was okay. Then my real mom, who I've not seen in seven years, came into my workplace and didn't speak to me. However, her friend came in and was acting nice but basically saying how I hurt her and how everything was my fault. That didn't help matters. But in November/December, I've been doing meditation and it's really helped.


I don't want to be put on no drugs or meds or whatever but I was kind of hoping they'd tell me what it could be. Not that I took any notice but my friend said it could be tourettes because she has the same thing (something I actually didn't know or notice) and she recognises the symptoms. I'm too chocolate for this shit!


Oh right, totally forgot my good thing: I lost 3lb.

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A proper Tourettes diagnosis needs there to be a verbal tic as well as the motor ones, iirc (my dad deals with mental health, innit). If you already have an OCD diagnosis then it's very much unlikely to be Tourettes. As you said stress etc can lead to the tics.. and are you sure it's a tic and not a recurrent spasm! I get infrequent spasms in my eyelid muscles, like... once a year I guess... and it re-appears for a few days. I also get serious SERIOUS foot cramp which keeps happening for a few days then stops. Anecdotal (wordoftheday), but still!

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A proper Tourettes diagnosis needs there to be a verbal tic as well as the motor ones, iirc (my dad deals with mental health, innit). If you already have an OCD diagnosis then it's very much unlikely to be Tourettes. As you said stress etc can lead to the tics.. and are you sure it's a tic and not a recurrent spasm! I get infrequent spasms in my eyelid muscles, like... once a year I guess... and it re-appears for a few days. I also get serious SERIOUS foot cramp which keeps happening for a few days then stops. Anecdotal (wordoftheday), but still!


Mine happen on most days. I'll have a day where it won't happen but then I'll have days in a row where it will. I did read up a little bit about it on the Internet after the doctor told me and the NHS website said it could be linked to OCD but I don't think it is Tourettes. I think it's something to do with my OCD but because I was so used to it, I didn't think anything of it. It wasn't until all that stuff with my real mom happened that I started noticing it (it may have happened before then but not noticed).

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went to the doc to get routine review on meds, mentioned that I've been having funny spells with my bladder and peeing... she takes a urine sample... i've got a kidney infection. Yaaaaay.


Ack, bad luck. Hope that clears up soon.


Anyway, I think I'm reaching a new low point with my job happiness. I can't find it within myself to go into the minutia right now, but needless to say:



I don't think I'd enjoy working in a call centre but I'm wondering at what point I need to just flip the bird and leave for whatever.

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Screaming sheep seems incredibly appropriate today.


I mentioned overtime the other day here. But it gets worse.


We've now been told that we cannot take more than 2 days holiday at a time until September - for any reason. If we do, it has to be reviewed by not only my line manager but the heads of him as well.


I'm ready to cry.


How did such a lovely job end up so fucked up? :(

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Christ that sounds horrible.


What are you supposed to do with only two days holiday at a time? You can't plan anything!


I'm also being told to 'make it as though you are working the weekend'. Then being told the Friday if I'm working.


So I'm giving 6 days a week, 12+ hours a day, with no holiday until at least September now.


I think my life really is over and/or about work now. I hate to be so dramatic, but how else can we all see it?

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I'm also being told to 'make it as though you are working the weekend'. Then being told the Friday if I'm working.


So I'm giving 6 days a week, 12+ hours a day, with no holiday until at least September now.


I think my life really is over and/or about work now. I hate to be so dramatic, but how else can we all see it?


72 hour week! Is that even legal?*


I'd say bin it off, but finding decent work isn't so easy.






*Whilst I was googling to answer my own question, Daft beat me to the question.

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Basically it is if you sign up in your contract.


Mine states they can do this up to a reasonable amount, but the reasonable is the operative word.


I'm pretty sure that if I declined any of the above I'd be out of a job which would be unfair dismissal. But I want to work, I want to be here. I just have gotten a bit sick of doing overtime every month and now being told to put my life on hold til September.


As I've mentioned in the good stuff thread, there is hope, but its really a 'please, please, please' at the moment.

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72 hour week! Is that even legal?*


I'd say bin it off, but finding decent work isn't so easy.






*Whilst I was googling to answer my own question, Daft beat me to the question.


Ramar, you're a coder right? I know for a fact that every single FS institute in Glasgow are looking for developers right now in a range of languages. I'd bet that it's the same case down in London. They pay a shit load for it too.

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Ramar, you're a coder right? I know for a fact that every single FS institute in Glasgow are looking for developers right now in a range of languages. I'd bet that it's the same case down in London. They pay a shit load for it too.


Yeah kind of. I did a really crap games course, that left me with rather restricted/niche coding experience. I then struggled to find a job and have now been out of uni and without relevant work for so long I'm becoming highly unemployable.


Working on a small project at the minute to try and kickstart my job hunt again.

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Yeah kind of. I did a really crap games course, that left me with rather restricted/niche coding experience. I then struggled to find a job and have now been out of uni and without relevant work for so long I'm becoming highly unemployable.


Working on a small project at the minute to try and kickstart my job hunt again.


Good luck! I'd recommend here, but only as long as you're not on the same project as myself.


I looked into the legalities and came up with this:


1. The overtime is legal - the amount is perhaps not, but I'd have to contest in court over what is 'reasonable'

2. The holidays again are legal - but it states 'during busy periods', I'd probably have to contest how long that is determined by


Realistically I'd rather not go and take this that far, but it seems they are on the 'line'.


I'm mostly tired after a year and a quarter (this happened in December 2012 - unpaid). I'd rather just leave.

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I accidentally told an extremely racist joke yesterday at work, at normal me-telling-a-joke-volume - quite loud.


To clarify, as I had come up with it in my mind it was TOTALLY innocent.


My friend said she had seen 12 Years A Slave. We had a quick chat about it which was cool, and I went and sat at my desk. I then thought to myself "Heh, it'd be funny if I said something to her that made it look as though I thought this really serious film about slavery was a sequel to another unrelated movie. Which movies have 12 at the beginning? 12 Weeks Later....is that a movie? I'm not sure....wait! BINGO! I've got it!"


So, I strutted over with a massive grin on my face, and loudly proclaimed "So. 12 Years A Slave. Was it better than the first one?"




"It's a sequel right, was it better than the first one - Twelve Monkeys?"


She suddenly gasps and stares at me, eyes wide open.


I though "Jeez, I actually thought that was pretty funny", when my other friend turned around and said "Jesus fucking christ." and then the penny dropped. I was fucking mortified.

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I am so frickin' scared, you guys! I'm actually having these weird-ass moments today where I'm totally fine and then the next minute, I'm panicking.


Just in case peoples haven't read the good stuff thread, I have a new job...kind of. I started today and everything went great. I lifted some heavy stuff and moved shit around and even answered the phone a few times. The manager was very delighted with how I was and how I interacted with the people working there as well as the customers but now I have another interview to go to.


I faced my boss in my current job and we had a very in-depth talk about shit and finally got down to the bottom of things. I brought up how the communication between us was awful and how I didn't appreciate being lied to and not having any feedback from her whatsoever. She explained everything in detail, which was good but too late. I told her that this conversation should have happened a few months ago and not now. Anyway, I have to work a week's notice before I go.


I'm sitting here now wondering whether I'm doing the right thing. I'm just absolutely petrified that this will be like my first job (which sank me into this kind of state where I wouldn't feel anything and I'd always be stressed...quite a weird feeling I can't describe). My first job had these credit card targets and if we didn't reach them, we'd forever be threatened to get the sack all of the time, which shit me up. Thankfully that job was temporary so I stuck it out but now for every interview I go to, I hope and pray it's not like that first job.


Like today, it went brilliantly and I enjoyed it but I'm petrified it'll be like my first job all over again. I'm not ashamed to admit I've even cried a couple of times and it's just bizarre and totally stupid. It's a huge, huge difference money-wise and it'd literally change mine and my family's life right now having that come in the house. I keep on having these thoughts where I'm arguing with myself. Like I'll say "What if this, that and the other happens?" and then I'll think "Hang on, but this could happen and you'll be fine" or something. It's irritating.


I think it's just last minute nerves or something. I just wished I never worked in that first job I had, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be having this problem. :(


Right now though, I'm seriously panicking.

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"It's a sequel right, was it better than the first one - Twelve Monkeys?"





Oh, man, not cool. Not cool. Bad dog.


I think it's just last minute nerves or something. I just wished I never worked in that first job I had, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be having this problem. :(


Right now though, I'm seriously panicking.


I don't blame you. Deceit and poor communication, coupled with constant threats to the security of your position mean that you can't be happy. As that happened in your first job, it's going to have had a knock-on effect for the rest of your employment life. Well, at least until you get in a position that consistently shows that you are valued, that your position is safe and makes you feel like you are doing something worthwhile.


I've had kind of the opposite problem with my job - recently I've had two offers in two good schools that would be very supportive and a great boost to my career. But the money was awful and the locations were almost as bad. One meant a four hour daily commute and a pay decrease, the other was offering 400 quid less than I earn now per month. Shame, as I really am keen to move on. Oh well.

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@nightwolf - the 'reasonable' is weighted in your favour. Office of Fair Trading (OFT) say that essentially the contract between you and your employer can be seen as a contract between a customer and a supplier.


I would strongly advise that you contact CAB. They are aware that most employees feel that simply referring to statutory rights would put you in the shit in some way at work, but if you are worried that just carrying the knowledge of restricted holidays is a stress and a burden on your day-to-day job, it is definitely worth sorting out. It may be that it's not as restrictive as you think.


Forced overtime does require you to have signed away certain rights, however again it has to be reasonable. If you have any doubts then contact CAB or OFT.

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