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Been sent for an xray today. 10-14 days wait for results. Argh.


Been having lots of hip problems, grinding and feels like my leg is being pulled out of the socket. It's a kind of pain... well not pain, more discomfort, that makes me want to vomit. >____<


My maternal side all have replaced hips, the worst aunt of mine is on her 2nd set, and needs a third at the age of 48....





Dear gene pool,


Fuck you!!!




Raining xxx



(Seriously though i'm probably albino, in the top 2 percentile of sufferers of psoriasis in the uk, I've got arthritis & raynauds. At 27. Could you get any more fucked up?)

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Been sent for an xray today. 10-14 days wait for results. Argh.


:o 10 - 14 days for an xray to come back? I know I'm not a radiographer but that's ridiculous.


You poor thing, Raining. Big hugs :hug:




Have been having some chest pain recently. And I mean some bad chest pain. Like stopping in your tracks bad. Was quite bad last night when I was in bed and was a little worried so I need to get a doctors appointment sorted out asap. Think all the stress, as well as someone whose supposed to be a close friend messing me about, is catching up with me so a little worried that there could be something serious there.


Everytime I take a step forward I seem to be taking 2 back. Haven't felt this low/bad in a long time. Genuinely wish right now that I could be curled up under the duvet rather than sat in my office at uni pretending to give a crap about my work and trying to hold on to my friendship with the friend mentioned above. Is it time to go to the pub yet? :hmm:

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I think if it's anything really serious, they'll get back to you before then. So if you have to wait two weeks, you know it's probably nothing major.


Either that or they don't know how to phrase it:



scene: Interior, radiographer's booth at the hospital what where Raining goes.

Technician 1: Oh Christ, this woman has an alien xenomorph...


Technician 2: You're shitting me?


Technician 1: No, seriously, look at the scan.


Technician 2: holy ... What are you going to tell her?


Technician 1: I'm not telling her, YOU'RE telling her.


Technician 2: Fuck that, wait for the GP to get back.


Two weeks later, the GP returns off holiday


GP: Hey, what have we got here?


Technician 1: Looks like an alien embryo.


GP: Shit dude, did you tell her?


Technician 2: Fuck no! Fuck no at all! We were waiting for your to get back, Mr Doctor... doctor Mister... YOU tell her, smart arse.


GP: No way, I'm going on holiday. For four months. Again.


Scene fades.



....I'm not helping, am I?

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Sorry to hear your hip troubles Raining, hope all's well.


Went to a very disappointing production of Present Laughter last night. Competent but desperately comfortable and (ironically) hopelessly under acted, especially from it's central character. Needed some more imagination in the direction I think.

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When we moved out of our last place the landlord dragged his feet paying back the deposit so, after five weeks, I raised a dispute. Eventually got the deposit and then got the deposit again from the dispute. Now, four months later, they've asked for it back. Knew it would happen and thus never spent it, but would have been nice to have a bonus £3k!

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Argh my hip hurts hurts hurts >____<


I won't get immediate results unless its something ridiculous like cancer. If it was a break or a serious problem I wouldn't be able to walk and they'd throw me over to a&e to get the xrays. This is a routine xray department I go to, not a hospital one. Even if I need a hip replacement, I'll be on a waiting list for that, so there's no sense in spending resources on urgent xrays, for something I'll have to wait for anyway.


I just really hope its a stupid muscle imbalance that can be rehabbed... or even if I need surgery, just a hip resurfacing and not a full replacement. I can't lose my hips, I won't have the same mobility and I won't be able to do olympic lifting anymore. That would suck ass, just when I've found something I'm properly good at, nearly enough to compete with the right environment and enough work. :(

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Fell off my bike today :(


My foot slipped on the pedal (stupid Boris Bikes!) as I was going round a corner so I couldn't rebalance myself quick enough. I'm fine, just a few bruises (annoyingly one on my leaning elbow). It could have been far worse though as I was just coming off The Strand and onto Aldwych (oh hi Londoners!) and fell into an empty taxi stand beside the normally busy road. Had I been riding further out in the road it could have been pretty bad as I'd be in the middle of traffic.


Just noticed this as well, which was in my pocket at the time:



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I hope everything goes well for you, @Raining_again! Just relax and take it easy for now and get people to wait on you hand and foot!




My mate has kind of pissed me off a little bit. We were all playing Gears of War 3 Horde and we were all having a laugh and then he leaves the party. I asked his girlfriend if everything was okay with him and she was just as clueless as I was. We tried inviting him back into the party but he wouldn't join. She tried a couple of times, I did too. Nothing. So anyway, we finish a few waves when he joins again. We asked him what happened and whether the party kicked him out or something and he's all "Oh, I just thought you both were having fun without me, I didn't see the point of staying in there". I'm like "Woah, where's this come from? We were all laughing and telling jokes to each other and then you left...", his girlfriend pretty much said the same thing and told him to stop being ridiculous as he was involved. Anyway, he was all "Whatever. I feel left out. I can't be arsed" and left the party. So his girlfriend and I were like "What the heck is that about?" and shit and we started playing again. He was in the game still and killing people and shit but we just couldn't hear him and halfway through a wave, he stops the game and we're back in the lobby and his girlfriend tells me to join his party so she leaves. I didn't get an invite and the party was locked.


Kind of feel like he treated me like shit and I'm not happy with it because he's done it a couple of times but I've ignored it. If he wanted to talk to her privately, I didn't mind that but, at least tell me you wanted that and I would have left. The worst part of it was that HE invited ME the first time round so it wasn't like I was butting in on anything. Am I missing something here?


Ugh, sometimes I feel like having no friends is better...

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I hope everything goes well for you, @Raining_again! Just relax and take it easy for now and get people to wait on you hand and foot!




My mate has kind of pissed me off a little bit. We were all playing Gears of War 3 Horde and we were all having a laugh and then he leaves the party. I asked his girlfriend if everything was okay with him and she was just as clueless as I was. We tried inviting him back into the party but he wouldn't join. She tried a couple of times, I did too. Nothing. So anyway, we finish a few waves when he joins again. We asked him what happened and whether the party kicked him out or something and he's all "Oh, I just thought you both were having fun without me, I didn't see the point of staying in there". I'm like "Woah, where's this come from? We were all laughing and telling jokes to each other and then you left...", his girlfriend pretty much said the same thing and told him to stop being ridiculous as he was involved. Anyway, he was all "Whatever. I feel left out. I can't be arsed" and left the party. So his girlfriend and I were like "What the heck is that about?" and shit and we started playing again. He was in the game still and killing people and shit but we just couldn't hear him and halfway through a wave, he stops the game and we're back in the lobby and his girlfriend tells me to join his party so she leaves. I didn't get an invite and the party was locked.


Kind of feel like he treated me like shit and I'm not happy with it because he's done it a couple of times but I've ignored it. If he wanted to talk to her privately, I didn't mind that but, at least tell me you wanted that and I would have left. The worst part of it was that HE invited ME the first time round so it wasn't like I was butting in on anything. Am I missing something here?


Ugh, sometimes I feel like having no friends is better...


He appears to be a dick. Maybe something was lost in communication though, was all this done through headsets?



My night was pretty bad, my girlfriend had really bad sinusitis, and we were up all night trying remedies. Eventually we had go to the out of hour doctors at 4am to get painkillers and antibiotics.

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Sorry to hear about your hip pains Raining, hope it goes better soon. =(



I am getting a bit annoyed trying to arrange a get together with my family. I am trying to get them to come to London for 13th - 15th of December, but it seems almost impossible to find a cheap yet decent hotel/apartment/whatever for 8 people, that is still close enough to the city centre. Urghhhhh.


I hope this won't discourage my family from coming over, but this search is just getting painful now. =(

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After a good week off work it was back to reality today and uuuuuuurrrgh yeah, it's one of my work posts. You should skip probably. I basically use this thread as a diary. :p


Anyway yeah, it's been a 'first world problems' week for me. Nothing in particular, just that my life is currently best described with the



But yeah, one thing that has been bugging me is my damn wrists. I don't know what I've done but the past few weeks whenever I lift anything even vaguely heavy I get a shooting pain in them :( It started as just my right one but then today it started happening in my left one too.


Anyway, back to work. I get in and it's the usual. Get spoken to like a piece of shit straight away and told that we may get a visit because the guy is in aberystwyth (which is about a 2 hour drive from where we are so it's slightly ridiculous).


Anyway, we're seriously understaffed atm, used to have 2 people per aisle, now we have 2 people on a shift (there are about 6 aisles to cover in the day :P). The manager for our department is busy on some course so I'm the only one in on the department so they give me the managers phone, tell me to round up 4 people off other departments with a list of jobs all these guys have to do.


So I have to walk around, getting random people from the store and telling them to do all these different jobs because this guy might be coming. Obviously these people aren't too happy and don't see the fact that I've been told to do this and instead just get all arsey. But I don't take it to heart, if one of them randomly came up to me and started giving me orders I'd probably be a bit annoyed too but everyone seems to take the job too seriously and because I had to tell a few supervisors what to do they were all like 'why should we listen to you?'. Some people wonder why I keep myself to myself at work but when you have dicks like that it's no wonder.


But yeah, the whole day was just the two store managers on my case the whole time, telling me to do one thing, then changing their minds 2 mins later to something else. I was literally all over the place all day. It didn't help that I had to go on alcohol as well because man, dragging those around are pretty heavy for me anyway, and they just ruined my wrists that bit more.


In between doing 10 things at once all day were the damn customers and man, they are all just fuming lately. Most of them just kept asking me why there are hardly any staff around and complaining about everything. This one lady asked me why we only do our own brand stuff now in the cake section and I said I'm not sure, I can only imagine it's to do with sales. She wasn't happy and asked to speak to a store manager so I tried ringing them but no answer. After about 2 mins of trying to get hold of these 2 guys she told me she doesn't have the time to stand around, asked for my name and said she'll have a word with customer services. So there's one strike against my name :p


It all sounds trivial, and I guess in the grand scheme of things it is. But it just annoys me how literally everyone, staff and customers, don't speak to me as a human. Going to work reminds me of playing Xbox online, it's just a load of people shouting abuse at me and telling me I'm shit.


But I have been looking for other work and haven't had much luck yet, so I'll just suck it up and take the age old 'at least you have a job' thing.

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In between doing 10 things at once all day were the damn customers and man, they are all just fuming lately. Most of them just kept asking me why there are hardly any staff around and complaining about everything. This one lady asked me why we only do our own brand stuff now in the cake section and I said I'm not sure, I can only imagine it's to do with sales. She wasn't happy and asked to speak to a store manager so I tried ringing them but no answer. After about 2 mins of trying to get hold of these 2 guys she told me she doesn't have the time to stand around, asked for my name and said she'll have a word with customer services. So there's one strike against my name :p


During my last week at GAME I had one absolutely obnoxious guy come in, he was insistent that everywhere else in the city had the PS2 at a cheaper price and we should match it. I had actually already been out that day to do a price match comparison. When I told him this, his response was "Get out there, check it again and stop wasting my time." When I said I had no intention of doing that 15 minutes before closing time, his response was "I'm complaining to your manager, what's your name?".


I just pointed to my badge and said "Here. Do you lack eyes as well as good manners?"


God, retail was awful. I loved the discount on games though.

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I'm officially at the end of my rope with mine. Nothing specific has happened, I just need out before people start turning up dead. Though I am rather wary of my new manager.


Management changes are always tough - "The King is dead, long live the King!". The more things change, the more they stay the same - even if a new manager is outwardly nicer, he or she will still be under the same volume of pressure. They might have different "buttons" that won't be obvious for a while.

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Sorry to hear about your hip pains Raining, hope it goes better soon. =(



I am getting a bit annoyed trying to arrange a get together with my family. I am trying to get them to come to London for 13th - 15th of December, but it seems almost impossible to find a cheap yet decent hotel/apartment/whatever for 8 people, that is still close enough to the city centre. Urghhhhh.


I hope this won't discourage my family from coming over, but this search is just getting painful now. =(


Travelodge in Farringdon is about £135 for a double room that weekend. Okay it won't be luxurious, but it's a fifteen minute bus to central (also walkable, by presume your whole family won't want to do that). There's a few things around there to (restaurants and what not) and as it's primarily a business area it will be quieter on the weekend.

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