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Except I don't really have anything new to tell her after four days... Every day is pretty much the same, so when she keeps asking me what I've been doing, I have nothing new to mention so that's why I don't really talk to her daily. =P

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The Peeps, where you live brah.


Swindon. Been here for 5 years-ish which deserves its own post in this thread :p


Living in London was better but I suppose Swindon isn't that bad.


Eenuh, that is pretty much how I feel when talking to anyone about anything lol. I probably speak to my mum once every 2-3 weeks and I still never have much to say.

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Except I don't really have anything new to tell her after four days... Every day is pretty much the same, so when she keeps asking me what I've been doing, I have nothing new to mention so that's why I don't really talk to her daily. =P



I guess it's just something good parents do. When I moved out last September my parents were frequently in contact. They messages me every day / had my sister call me. Even now they worry & contact me every now and then.


It'll slow down after a while. My god, it's annoying but we're told it's because they care & are worried. Moving out truly affects them in a profound sense. They have to adapt too. Basically, you'll both get used to it :p

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Been up since half 5 editting and formatting my dissertation for submission later today. Half of it done so far, just need to format results and read over/edit my discussion. But soooooooo tired as I was up late finishing it as well. Wouldn't have been so bad if my supervisor didn't take 2 weeks to return my draft to me because he was away for one and would stop changing his mind about analyses.


Be so glad when I submit this thing and can be rid of it, and psycholinguistics, for the rest of my life. As soon as it hits 4pm, I'll be off like a shot to the pub so at least there's that to look forward to.

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Been up since half 5 editting and formatting my dissertation for submission later today. Half of it done so far, just need to format results and read over/edit my discussion. But soooooooo tired as I was up late finishing it as well. Wouldn't have been so bad if my supervisor didn't take 2 weeks to return my draft to me because he was away for one and would stop changing his mind about analyses.


Be so glad when I submit this thing and can be rid of it, and psycholinguistics, for the rest of my life. As soon as it hits 4pm, I'll be off like a shot to the pub so at least there's that to look forward to.


I remember handing in my dissertation last year so clearly. One of the best feelings ever. And naturally, straight to the pub afterwards!


The only feeling to rival it in 4th year Uni was when I sealed over my fins exam paper. There were about 10 minutes to go when I finished and I turned round to see my best mate do exactly the same thing with a huge smile on his face as well.


Good stuff for me, I'm usually in the office for 8am, however it's 8:30 and I'm still in bed! Going to a sole Digital conference at the SECC today for the whole day. SECC is about 5 mins from my flat so no point in going to the office first.


And the best part? It doesn't start until 10!

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I got home from work the day before yesterday with a slight headache and just general meh-ness. Woke up yesterday with sore throat and another headache, and it then progressed to my arms and legs aching, tiredness, muscles aching.


People are dropping like flies in work. One of them went to hospital with pneumonia. Ouch. Luckily it was the last day, so we have time to recover.

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threw a cup of rather hot coffee all over myself, which then RAPIDLY turned cold....so I raced through town on my exactly half an hour lunch break, got home and had about 3 minutes to get changed and get food in me... think i broke the speed limit pretty much the whole way there & back lol

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The third person in our flat share has dropped out :( Anyone looking to live on Brick Lane? :heh:


Posted this on Facebook and the person I like(d)'s ex(/pretty much still current) has asked about it. No, that would be super weird. This ain't no sitcom.

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Would rather like to forget last night's outings, which shouldn't be too hard considering I apparently feel and hit my head in the beer garden at uni yesterday evening, was fine for 25-30 minutes and then collapsed in the union. Only thing I remember was waking up, lying on the ground at around half 8 surrounded by staff, friends and barriers and being told that an ambulance was on the way while I slipped in and out of consciousness.


Parents wouldn't answer the phone when friends tried calling 5 times. That's what annoys me most about last night. I could have been dead and they just ignored the bloody phone, multiple times.


Friends and the staff at the union were brilliant though and genuine life savers in getting me home safe. 3 friends got in a mini-bus and drove the half an hour to my house from Dundee just to make sure everything was fine which was really appreciated. Need to head to the doctors now though as, although the paramedics said there was no sign of head injury, I'm getting really bad pains in my frontal lobes.

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Would rather like to forget last night's outings, which shouldn't be too hard considering I apparently feel and hit my head in the beer garden at uni yesterday evening, was fine for 25-30 minutes and then collapsed in the union. Only thing I remember was waking up, lying on the ground at around half 8 surrounded by staff, friends and barriers and being told that an ambulance was on the way while I slipped in and out of consciousness.


Parents wouldn't answer the phone when friends tried calling 5 times. That's what annoys me most about last night. I could have been dead and they just ignored the bloody phone, multiple times.


Friends and the staff at the union were brilliant though and genuine life savers in getting me home safe. 3 friends got in a mini-bus and drove the half an hour to my house from Dundee just to make sure everything was fine which was really appreciated. Need to head to the doctors now though as, although the paramedics said there was no sign of head injury, I'm getting really bad pains in my frontal lobes.



Definitely worth getting checked out mate. Concussion can be really serious, especially if you passed out from hitting your head. As a lifeguard I was told to tell anyone who hit their head that they should get checked.


Was there a lot of drink involved?

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I lost my iPhone last Friday Night. It is, more often than not, on my person wherever I go. It feels I have lost a limb or something [/over-dramatic]. Somebody call the ambulance.


I have a tracker though so I'm just waiting for the phone to connect to the internet. I feel so bad-ass.

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I lost my iPhone last Friday Night. It is, more often than not, on my person wherever I go. It feels I have lost a limb or something [/over-dramatic]. Somebody call the ambulance.


I have a tracker though so I'm just waiting for the phone to connect to the internet. I feel so bad-ass.


You're only tracking it now?

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I got home from work the day before yesterday with a slight headache and just general meh-ness. Woke up yesterday with sore throat and another headache, and it then progressed to my arms and legs aching, tiredness, muscles aching.


That happened to me a few days ago... But mine started with my voice going yet my throat wasn't sore...


Only just started to get my voice back and I haven't been going the gym! Thought best to wait since I have same symptoms u described and to rest.


People are dropping like flies in work. One of them went to hospital with pneumonia. Ouch. Luckily it was the last day, so we have time to recover.


I had pneumonia when I was in year 5 at primary school, not pleasant. And my sisters friend died from it the other week sooo pneumonia really sucks balls. :angry:

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You're only tracking it now?


I've been tracking it since Saturday evening but my phone hasn't been connected to the internet once. I presume / hope that it's because I dropped it in the club I was in and it's in the lost & found with no battery.

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The chances of getting a smartphone back...good luck with that! Hopefully someone is kind enough to hand it back in.


I'm supposed to be seeing a flat today, but the postcode they've given me is showing a completely different town and I've no idea how to find it. I've tried asking for the landlords number (the person showing me around). But I've not heard back yet.


Slightly concerned given I've got to leave in an hour..

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Do you have the rest of the address?


I sure do, but the rest of the address points to a different town, I suppose it doesn't matter me posting it here. The postcode reads Cambourne but the address states willingham.


They've confirmed that it is willingham and that the road is correct, but it's a damn long road and I've got no way of reaching the person meeting me.


Might be time to give them another ring.

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I found it in the end, it was the wrong postcode.


It's a bad thing as it's such a beautiful place, lovely landlord and nice housemates (the landlord rents rooms out in her house and has another building thats free that I'd be renting) but she gets to choose now who has it and it may not be me.



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