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Raining, slather this guys nuts with honey and then tip over a beehive.


Or: take him on a shark diving weekend and pour caviar into his wetsuit:


"Aaah! A shark is biting my ass!"


Take pictures, it'll be classic.

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Raining, slather this guys nuts with honey and then tip over a beehive.


Or: take him on a shark diving weekend and pour caviar into his wetsuit:


"Aaah! A shark is biting my ass!"


Take pictures, it'll be classic.


I don't think you've quite understood the situation.

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I don't think you've quite understood the situation.


Something about not letting diabetic people polish their shoes at work because of a hygiene problem... Look, don't push me on specifics, it's just gone 7:30 here.

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We bought tickets in advance last night to go to the club night that we like on a Thursday, Jellybaby. Got to the special door for ticketholders and were told to go away and come back when we were sober. The thing is.... We were 100% sober and hadn't had a drink!


When we eventually got in they had no record of us having tickets so we had to pay again! Our friends were already inside (their tickets having worked) so we had no choice but to pay again.


They have a strict no refund policy but I'm sure as hell going to try and get this money back out of principle!

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Medical insurance provider here looks like it's going up the swanney. Just got an email from the broker saying that the largest expat hospital here will no longer accept direct payment from the insurance company ( go for treatment, sign a form and the nuance handles the payment ) without back up from the patient's international credit card - and by that, they mean only Visa and MasterCard issued overseas, not in China.


Then I have to think about my PhD studies - either I go back to the UK and continue my study, or transfer to a University here. Either way the costs are horrible.


Oh, and I want to divorce my wife.

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Medical insurance provider here looks like it's going up the swanney. Just got an email from the broker saying that the largest expat hospital here will no longer accept direct payment from the insurance company ( go for treatment, sign a form and the nuance handles the payment ) without back up from the patient's international credit card - and by that, they mean only Visa and MasterCard issued overseas, not in China.


Then I have to think about my PhD studies - either I go back to the UK and continue my study, or transfer to a University here. Either way the costs are horrible.


Oh, and I want to divorce my wife.


Agh, sorry to hear all of that. What do you think you are going to do? Regarding all...?




I saw my mum alive for the last time 5 years ago today. :( I don't talk about her much, but I think about her all the time and miss her so much and I think I could have been a much better son to her too, when she was alive.

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We bought tickets in advance last night to go to the club night that we like on a Thursday, Jellybaby. Got to the special door for ticketholders and were told to go away and come back when we were sober. The thing is.... We were 100% sober and hadn't had a drink!


When we eventually got in they had no record of us having tickets so we had to pay again! Our friends were already inside (their tickets having worked) so we had no choice but to pay again.


They have a strict no refund policy but I'm sure as hell going to try and get this money back out of principle!


Jellybaby is ridiculous. I've not been in months simply because it's not worth the risk of being turned away for some ridiculous, unfounded reason. I've never personally been knocked back (sober face like a BOSS) but my friends constantly do.

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Agh, sorry to hear all of that. What do you think you are going to do? Regarding all...?




I saw my mum alive for the last time 5 years ago today. :( I don't talk about her much, but I think about her all the time and miss her so much and I think I could have been a much better son to her too, when she was alive.


Don't get me started, it's been almost exactly 13 years for me. The pain never stops, but the best you can feel is that it's a scar that will only occasionally remind you.


As for the rest ... alternative provider for the insurance, but it means losing my full cover. I've a few recurring problems that won't be insured.


For the studies, I'm genuinely considering a local place, if they offer supervision in English.


And I spoke to Madam last night. Didn't clear the air or anything, but we spoke about how unhappy she is. Naturally we didn't speak about my unhappiness, we never do.

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Jellybaby is ridiculous. I've not been in months simply because it's not worth the risk of being turned away for some ridiculous, unfounded reason. I've never personally been knocked back (sober face like a BOSS) but my friends constantly do.


Yeah I know it's awful. That was the first time I've been in ages and will be final mid-week night out for a long time as I start work tomorrow.


We got in eventually and it was a good night. Nowhere near as busy as it was this time last year though as I think people are getting annoyed for similar reasons.







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I lost my phone the other day :(


Shame as well because it's the first phone I've lost and it was actually quite nice unlike most of the others I've owned. Samsung Omnia 7, I was really quite fond of the Windows Phone malark. Didn't have insurance either because it was going to virtually double the price of the contract.


On the plus side, I didn't use it all that much as a smartphone. It's annoying that I've lost it but it's not catastrophic for me like it would be for a lot of other people I know. I guess I'll just have to go back to using a brick until I can save up and get a decent phone again, then I'll get some insurance on that one.

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Just read the news that a Belgian bus with children had an accident in Switserland. 28 got killed, most of those 12 year olds. And the parents don't even know yet if their child is dead or not...


This makes me feel really shit. =(

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Just read the news that a Belgian bus with children had an accident in Switserland. 28 got killed, most of those 12 year olds. And the parents don't even know yet if their child is dead or not...


This makes me feel really shit. =(


I was reading/watching about this, this morning. Sigh, what a mess :(, poor families!

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Argh, i was driving home after a lovely dinner with my wee sister, and some wanker nearly caused an accident...


We were both going the same way off a roundabout, it was a turn of way more than 180degree (meaning you go on the INSIDE of the roundabout) and I went on the inside lane, she went on the outside.... Had the FUCKING cheek to toot at me, so I slammed the brake, and tooted the fuck out of my car back.... Pure fucking class wanker.

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Swivel chair + desk near window + the crash that comes after drinking ridiculous amounts of coffee = zero work getting done. My own fault really considering the work I need to do is due tomorrow. Oh well... :zzz:


Also the realisation that the amount of effort put into a friendship only to have them act like an asshole and throw it back in your face isn't helping with my mood and is seriously making me consider cutting all ties :(. Only residual feelings of fancy making me hold on to what little is there.

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Argh, i was driving home after a lovely dinner with my wee sister, and some wanker nearly caused an accident...


We were both going the same way off a roundabout, it was a turn of way more than 180degree (meaning you go on the INSIDE of the roundabout) and I went on the inside lane, she went on the outside.... Had the FUCKING cheek to toot at me, so I slammed the brake, and tooted the fuck out of my car back.... Pure fucking class wanker.


There's a roundabout just before my house like this, a lot of people go on the outside as it's straight over, but as it's not quite (it's about the 4th pull off) you're supposed to be in the inside lane.


But then fuckers are crazy round here!

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