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Work keep dragging out this project and now they asked me when this second shorter video is going to be ready. This wasn't part of the project when I originally signed on and I've kind of put my foot down.


I haven't got a response yet to the email I sent. I'm kind of worried. I dunno. I know I did the right thing (I set a flat fee for the original project, I'm not going to be taken advantage of) but I don't want them to perceive it as me being difficult. Which they might.


This is really annoying.

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Work keep dragging out this project and now they asked me when this second shorter video is going to be ready. This wasn't part of the project when I originally signed on and I've kind of put my foot down.


I haven't got a response yet to the email I sent. I'm kind of worried. I dunno. I know I did the right thing (I set a flat fee for the original project, I'm not going to be taken advantage of) but I don't want them to perceive it as me being difficult. Which they might.


This is really annoying.


It's either stressing for no extra cash or putting your foot down.


I would have gone for the second.

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All my work websites have been down since around 9PM last night. Trying to get a straight answer to the hosting but no answer.


I've checked and all the files are intact, and the database is intact. One site isn't loading at all and two more (both Joomla) load, but shows no content - just the header and the "Copyright".


Edit: And now their technical support aren't answering their phones.

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It's either stressing for no extra cash or putting your foot down.


I would have gone for the second.


Well I've put my foot down but have indicated (hopefully) that if they want me to do more than was originally agreed they can pay me more.


Dunno, how much of that got across. Either way I have a new project starting on Wednesday so I'm not being tricky, I have time pressures.

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OK. The sites aren't down or broken.


They've been hacked.


Edit: Hack originates from Wordpress, which we don't use. Seems likely that another site on our "shared server" has caused this.

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The shower at my place (only been here 6 weeks) has a leak and a damp stain has come through the ceiling in the front room. Nothing too bad... until the plumber takes out the shower and a few of the tiles on the wall surrounding it only to find that the shower cubicle was never erected properly.


It had no vertical supports and wasn't fixed against the wall correctly so over time (since before I got into the property) the cubicle has moved, pulling the tiles ever so slightly away from the actual wall itself. This has caused the leak to get into the gap and rot away pretty much the whole fucking wall.


What seemed like a two day job is now roughly a weeks work. The big piss take is that the plumber doesn't have the free time to work on it until January now!


Oh shit me a fucking brick, the landlady best get someone out to fix it sharpish, I'm mightily pissed off!

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In the house I was sharing at uni, we had some issues with damp/the boiler/the shower. One of my housemates had some sort of legalese connection, and essentially if the landlord does not attend to an issue you have informed them of within 30 days, you can withold rent until the situation has been properly seen to.


Not that I know how true this is, but it certainly shocked our landlord into sorting shit out quick!

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It's so damn cold in Cambridge at the moment... and it doesn't help that the heating in my house turns off at 11pm or something, and there's nothing I can do about it. And even when it's on I need regular hot water bottles to warm my feet...


It is indeed quite cold.


Although I would love to be back in Sheffield right now.

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I don't recall it being bad at all in Sheffield. We didn't have the heating on much at all either.


I guess it depends purely how much you react to cold, it used to really get me mostly because it's a pretty windy place, but here it doesn't feel that way at all.


Here if anything the only time I'm cold is in the office, because they keep putting the damn air con on.

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Sent off my dissertation materials to be checked by my supervisor after doing exactly as he told me, making the necessary changes, pretty much copy and pasting the sentences/fragments into the current lists as, and I quote, "You already have the lists" and he came back to me earlier today, after 2 days, asking for unrotated and rotated masterfiles because they're easier to check to make sure everything is fine, even though I hadn't made them because that's not how I was told to do it.


So, fine, I set about getting them sorted. 2 hours later I send them to him so he can check things over. He gets back to me half an hour ago basically telling me that all the changes I made weren't necessary as he's changed his mind and wants them to stay as they were. He also thinks I should rewrite my masterfiles in Excel to make it even easier for him to check over, even though I've not been told or shown how to do this, and because I can put all the code in so it runs in DmDX (I sent him my experimental lists with all the code in them already). And then he tells me not to make the lists because he has to check that they work in the program (I've already told him that I've tested them and they work perfectly).


Ridiculous. Keeps changing his mind on things and I don't have time to keep changing/re-doing everything because I have to test in January. He's really preventing me from getting on with my dissertation. Think I'm going to put in a formal complaint. Shame it's too late to change supervisors.

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It seems I either have to start from scratch with the websites (which would require finding all the extensions and making all the changes again), or download it all and remove all the code.


Not fun.


You could look at it as a silver lining kind of thing, to redo it and make it even better than it was before, implement everything you missed last time! Though as a coder, I'm aware of how horrible such a job can be :( Good luck!

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You could look at it as a silver lining kind of thing, to redo it and make it even better than it was before, implement everything you missed last time! Though as a coder, I'm aware of how horrible such a job can be :( Good luck!


It's (mostly) sorted (it's the securing of the site to stop it happening again that will be harder). It was much simpler than I thought as it was one line of code repeated in many places, once I downloaded the files, thanks to the wonder that is Notepad++


Step 1: Find in Files [HackCode]

Step 2: Replace [HackCode] with [blank] in All opened files.

Step 3: Bung them on the server, set to "Overwrite if different file size".

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I've had bad vibes all day, emanating out of the possibility of a positive relationship potentially soured.


I hate texts. We read so much into them. Or overlay our own feelings on top.


I've not really ever felt like this before. Hmm.


I'd rather know for sure than let my mind/ own anxieties run wild.


I know - no one's going to show me everything.


*plays guitar and perches on end of bed, hair tucked behind ears, expression unclear, but eyes squinted as though searching the horizon for something*



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