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bad stuff thread.


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I ran for the first time in a few months yesterday (but not properly, more like gamboling or jaunting) across a field, and now I've got a twisted/sore-in-the-joint knee. Cringe.


I walk loads (really fast) though, so it can't just be like sudden exercise shock.


Also I was led on by someone I now discover is in a relationship (I'm just like *eyebrow*, that wasn't the tune you were singing the other night) and is taunting me as though I knew and initiated the whole thing (Please. It's called alcohol) but I'm over it cause I'm dragging this horse around/gonna bury this horse in the ground. [/cross-over event with the Lonely Hearts thread]

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I've been on holiday for half term (just staying with in-laws in the wilds of Northumberland/chilling in Alnwick) and now I'm back at work it's like I was never away. Stress levels are immediately back up, and I'm counting down to Christmas. I have a slacker job too - it would be well worse if I actually had to work at full steam all the time.

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I've been on holiday for half term (just staying with in-laws in the wilds of Northumberland/chilling in Alnwick) and now I'm back at work it's like I was never away. Stress levels are immediately back up, and I'm counting down to Christmas. I have a slacker job too - it would be well worse if I actually had to work at full steam all the time.


You think you got it bad,I'm in charge of my own department and I have staff members forced on me by the Board that failed the Arse/Elbow Differentiation (Beginner) Course.


And now I have to clean up their mess.

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my work is really really shit at the moment... :( We're constantly under pressure about getting targets done and it just seems like EVERY freaking day theres more and more responsibility piled on us.


Someone rang regarding a man with a catheter...(pipe inserted to do the job of someone peeing)... and it was blocked. Now if you have a blocked catheter all the urine goes back on up through bladder and basically causes considerable discomfort/pain and can eventually poison you.. So this woman was like need a nurse to look at it asap.. thats fair enough...


could I get in contact with a nurse anywhere to deal with this patient?? no! Took me 3 hours to get someone whilst trying to tell this STUPID person on the phone that the only contact I had with the nurses was the same tel number as they had... but they expect you to work freakin miracles... i swear to god...


and we seem to be getting the blame for everyone elses mistakes... if the nurses don't do something, its gotta be our fault. If the referrers dont ring something through, of course its our fault.


Then you get these poor fucking bastards on the phone who are really upset about stuff and/or dying, and its would seriously crack you up... all for a pathetic low level clerical payscale... fucks sake. :(


another patient i had on the phone, a wee elderly lady, was ringing up about a mttress that had been ordered. She said in her words, that this mattress was not suitable, she felt under pressure to get it, she didnt like it because it smelt plasticy, and it was horrible to sleep on, and that she was so upset that she was nearly crying over the whole thing. As we do quite often in our line of work; we filter this kind of stuff. I put on that the patient was upset and requested a nurse to contact re cancellation and perhaps suggesting an alternative, as she felt it wasn't suitable... apparently i put on too much information...lol. They felt offended by the fact the patient was "upset" (when she clearly was) and that we're just to put on a basic message like please call re mattress, thats it, now surely it would be wise to be like forewarned if a patient is upset... because saying the wrong thing unintentionally could escalate something that could've been dealt with, giving the lady a bit of reassurance or something? Some kind words to prevent any more upset! but nah apparently they dont care.. X(

Edited by Raining_again
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Talking of car parks, some wanker parked so close to me that I had to go through the passenger door. The car park lights weren't even on and a gear stick poking my arse as I climb in is not something I want to experience again.


What pisses me off, when I parked where I did I ensured the cars next to me had plenty of room to get in. Why can't people show the same consideration. Tossers.

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... Yeah I was going to complain about my job, too :P


Was told when I applied for the job that it was a 3-month minimum deal. Got told it was a 3-week minimum job. On teh friday of the 3rd week I god told we'd have monday/tuesday. At 11am on tuesday, I got told that the campaign is over... and to go downstairs and do this other job until friday.


I work in a telemarketing/whatever place which as we're told to believe is not sales. It's business to business, which means you're theoretically only hassling people with at least a passing interest in whatever. The new campaign I'm placed on is to try and get 'local' business to attend a free business boost seminar (with guest speakers being CEOs for massive, massive companies) however the seminar is on monday, so it's short notice for most, and the data is a list of 2500 companies and they've all been called in the last 3 weeks so we're trying to get through voicemails and no-name-policies and it's a waste of time BUT IT'S MONEY so I will go as long as they pay me.


Not really massive bad news, just general complaining about having a shit job.

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Recently on our holiday to the isle of wight, me and my girlfriend were eating lunch in the car in a carpark. This guy parked next to us WHACKED our door as he got in to his car, and muttered something about rubbish parkers getting what they deserve, or whatever -- he noticed we were actually IN the car and totes let his shameface loose.


In an entirely related incident, I totally accidentally whacked teh very next car that parked, when I got out. Actual accident. Man, fuck car paint.


I'd say man fuck car paint until you have to pay for a car to be re-painted.


Luckily I've not had any accidents and most of my car is superfacial scratches, but I imagine at some point it'll bug me so much i'll get it sprayed.

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Seems like London was a bit rough on me. Throughout yesterday I developed a very sore throat, though I didn't really notice it until it had got bad, and this morning I started having small coughing fits as well.


Yup, definitely sick. I feel much worse now than I did this morning. :(


Having coughing fits so intense it feels like I'm going to puke. Ugh, it's been a while since I've been this sick.

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Bad things..


I have one! :idea:


The girl I like has a boyfriend.





The thing is I've liked her for a while now and we've had quite a few conversations and somehow it's never ever came up. I found out from someone else that she has been taken for a while and this isn't a recent thing. I sort of thought she did have a boyfriend but when it got to so many conversations without any mention of it, or even a hint or an implication of relationship status...I just sort of assumed single. This exact bloody thing keeps happening to me at uni....



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Returned to my mother's yesterday to find, amongst others, two letters: one was a £200 cheque from HMRC and another was the student loan company telling me I racked up £190 in interest on my loan in the last year.


Excuse me for my ignorance but I've just started paying back my student loan, currently £42 a month. That's £516 a year, which would take me 43 years to pay back as it is. If the interest is going to rack up that much each year I think I'll still be paying it back after I die :heh:

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Returned to my mother's yesterday to find, amongst others, two letters: one was a £200 cheque from HMRC and another was the student loan company telling me I racked up £190 in interest on my loan in the last year.


Excuse me for my ignorance but I've just started paying back my student loan, currently £42 a month. That's £516 a year, which would take me 43 years to pay back as it is. If the interest is going to rack up that much each year I think I'll still be paying it back after I die :heh:


It gets cancelled after a certain amount of time, but you're wage should also increase over time so it'll be paid off before you know it!

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could I get in contact with a nurse anywhere to deal with this patient?? no! Took me 3 hours to get someone whilst trying to tell this STUPID person on the phone that the only contact I had with the nurses was the same tel number as they had... but they expect you to work freakin miracles... i swear to god...


and we seem to be getting the blame for everyone elses mistakes... if the nurses don't do something, its gotta be our fault. If the referrers dont ring something through, of course its our fault.

I had someone at work with a similar attitude. He uses a Tesco credit card which... I think gives 1 extra point for every £4 spent. Last time I spoke to him he said he's been and asked 2-3 times (at the petrol station) and we should know what the problem is just because we have one of those foam mat things you can write on at the counter... it's the first time I've heard about it and this bloke has clearly had ample time to phone up and ask the Tesco bank themselves, but no... We've got to pull Clubcard points out of our arses.

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wee betty, one of our cats, has been super poorly lately. the vet thinks she got in a scrap and got an injury on her back. Gave her antibiotics and a muscle relaxant. She was on awful form, with a temperature and just not at all like herself :(


She was taken to the vet yesterday and seems to be on better form today... hopefully just a minor thing! Cats do end up being part of the family and you nearly worry as much when they get sick as you do your own human family.. lol

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I ran for the first time in a few months yesterday (but not properly, more like gamboling or jaunting) across a field, and now I've got a twisted/sore-in-the-joint knee. Cringe.


I walk loads (really fast) though, so it can't just be like sudden exercise shock.


Also I was led on by someone I now discover is in a relationship (I'm just like *eyebrow*, that wasn't the tune you were singing the other night) and is taunting me as though I knew and initiated the whole thing (Please. It's called alcohol) but I'm over it cause I'm dragging this horse around/gonna bury this horse in the ground. [/cross-over event with the Lonely Hearts thread]


There's a vast difference in effects on the muscles and bones in your legs when running compared to walking.

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