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Went to the doctors this morning, they said it looks like I've torn/ruptured something. They've given me some painkillers, told me to take it easy, and if it still hurts after 2 weeks go back and see them again.


Still hurts a bit, it seems to just slightly ache when I'm not doing anything, but if I move it a certain way it hurts quite a lot - yet sometimes if I move it it doesn't really hurt.


Even if the main pain has gone after a couple of weeks I still need it looked into properly as it's been dodgy for a while - the other day it started really hurting just from running on the treadmill for 10 minutes!

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Went to the doctors this morning, they said it looks like I've torn/ruptured something. They've given me some painkillers, told me to take it easy, and if it still hurts after 2 weeks go back and see them again.


Still hurts a bit, it seems to just slightly ache when I'm not doing anything, but if I move it a certain way it hurts quite a lot - yet sometimes if I move it it doesn't really hurt.


Even if the main pain has gone after a couple of weeks I still need it looked into properly as it's been dodgy for a while - the other day it started really hurting just from running on the treadmill for 10 minutes!


Sounds very similar to mine. In my experience of doctors and ligament injuries resting and going back in a few weeks if it still hurts is a very standard response! If it's still sore then request an appointment with the physio!

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Went to the doctors this morning, they said it looks like I've torn/ruptured something. They've given me some painkillers, told me to take it easy, and if it still hurts after 2 weeks go back and see them again.


Still hurts a bit, it seems to just slightly ache when I'm not doing anything, but if I move it a certain way it hurts quite a lot - yet sometimes if I move it it doesn't really hurt.


Even if the main pain has gone after a couple of weeks I still need it looked into properly as it's been dodgy for a while - the other day it started really hurting just from running on the treadmill for 10 minutes!


Is it a constant ache? Sounds similar to my mates and that turned out to be a torn Rotator Cuff. He was told 4 months of not putting any stress on it. If it's not healed, he'll need surgery. Apparently there isn't a lot of blood flow there, so it takes a lot longer to heal and sometimes does't the intervention of a surgeon.

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I've had a really out of whack week so far...just tired all of the time and feeling morbidly depressed... My days are consisting of bed>work>dinner (sometimes)>hospital>bed.... rinse and repeat...


It's horrible seeing my dad in there... it doesn't feel right. Visiting is a pain because you're only supposed to have 2 people to a bed and visiting hours are short enough as it is :( so I end up sitting out in the hallway for most of the time anyway!


Having an internal battle with myself as to whether i should seek some kind of help mentally as I fear that the depression is starting to take over a bit more than it had been. I hate the idea of talking about that stuff face to face with someone who is essentially a stranger. My arthritis is also going bonkers, and i'm coming out in insane ulcerated psoriasis because of the stress :(


My dad is hopefully being shifted to the RVH to get a dye/scan test done... got everything crossed that its the best outcome possible. I'm sure he'll be home for christmas but I'm hoping the ordeal is over and no pending ops to worry about next year.. (like bypasses n such)

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Had a call about a job yesterday and I'm not all that interested. The company looks great, it's just not something I'm really interested in and have a lot of experience in. I didn't email the bloke back thinking it would be the end. He called me back today asking me what I thought and my attempts to play it down failed.. Now I either play the don't send an email reply and hope he never calls back for the second time or man the fuck up. And I'm struggling with the latter.

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Or how about doing the job? It's not a forever-thing. It's a job. Do it, give yourself a week to settle in and if you don't like it then quit. That's the worst-case scenario.


You'll learnsomething new, and you'll feel that jobs are actually possible. I say accept it!

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Or how about doing the job? It's not a forever-thing. It's a job. Do it, give yourself a week to settle in and if you don't like it then quit. That's the worst-case scenario.


You'll learnsomething new, and you'll feel that jobs are actually possible. I say accept it!


I don't want to be wasting their time or mine by taking a job I don't want just to quit a week or so down the line. I'm not unemployed at the minute just looking for a career in something I'll enjoy. So I don't want to jack in my current work just to fuck about a week later.


I think I'll drop the bloke an email later explaining the situation.

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Hrmph. My sister is a bit annoying. She owed me £1100 for the Florida holiday, as I paid mostly for her last October. October 2010. She has paid me back approximately £130 ish, since then. She just text me saying we're getting some money from my mum's estate or whatever, and that its £80 and she will just give me her half share and knock it off what she owes - fine. I said "Any idea when I might next get a payment from you?" (because it would be helpful for my moving out fund, so that...you know...my life can actually BEGIN) and she said "Okay, I'll round it up to £50 and send it in a few weeks".






Taking the piss a little bit.


Luckily though she has only just got engaged so marriages don't tend to be expensive. Never gonna see that money. :/

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Hrmph. My sister is a bit annoying. She owed me £1100 for the Florida holiday, as I paid mostly for her last October. October 2010. She has paid me back approximately £130 ish, since then. She just text me saying we're getting some money from my mum's estate or whatever, and that its £80 and she will just give me her half share and knock it off what she owes - fine. I said "Any idea when I might next get a payment from you?" (because it would be helpful for my moving out fund, so that...you know...my life can actually BEGIN) and she said "Okay, I'll round it up to £50 and send it in a few weeks".






Taking the piss a little bit.


Luckily though she has only just got engaged so marriages don't tend to be expensive. Never gonna see that money. :/


You're a mug for paying for her. :hmm:

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Well at the time I had the money, and she is my sister, and I had no idea the payments would be as irregular as they have been. I'll have a word with her about it soon I think.
Does she work?... because you should just agree to you getting 5% of her wages each month or something, then atleast you will be getting some money back!
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Hrmph. My sister is a bit annoying. She owed me £1100 for the Florida holiday, as I paid mostly for her last October. October 2010. She has paid me back approximately £130 ish, since then. She just text me saying we're getting some money from my mum's estate or whatever, and that its £80 and she will just give me her half share and knock it off what she owes - fine. I said "Any idea when I might next get a payment from you?" (because it would be helpful for my moving out fund, so that...you know...my life can actually BEGIN) and she said "Okay, I'll round it up to £50 and send it in a few weeks".






Taking the piss a little bit.


Luckily though she has only just got engaged so marriages don't tend to be expensive. Never gonna see that money. :/

I know how that is...I helped my sister out with deposits for two of her flats and have yet to be paid back. Now she has a kid, I'm not really expecting it back until my nephew is out in the job world

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