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bad stuff thread.


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You're lucky. My village has one bus out at 7:25 and one bus back at 5pm Mon-Sat, nothing Sunday. If I want to go anywhere during the day I have to walk to the next village.


That must seriously suck.


A village 5 minutes away from me up until about 5 years ago didn't have a bus service. It then got one; they had one bus on the first Saturday of every month.

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A tiny bit insensitive considering some of the posts above yours.


Sorry to hear about the stuff you're going through Wolfy and Serebii.


Sorry, this phone puts me at the bottom of the page, so didn't see the above.


Firstly, apologies for that. Sorry to here about everything wilful and seribii. Had a similar experience when I saw my grandad in the care home. Except be had no memory and was near enough brain dead when I saw him. I only remember the great times these days, try not to think about the bad.


Secondly, back on the Sunday

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To be fair, it's always a bit difficult to post something "trivial" in here after a death or something equally bad has happened.


I guess it tends to be - for me at least, I'll say my condolences and then continue writing, I'm pretty sure no one was offended. :)

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Yeah, Sheikah, I once again agree with Charlie's point (eurgh). You chose to work on Sunday, you could not have the job because you want to rest, it is your choice to get the pay. I think I'm just holding a grudge because none of my jobs ever had time and a half =[

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To be fair, it's always a bit difficult to post something "trivial" in here after a death or something equally bad has happened.

It's true, we can't keep "beating" each others events by only posting in a chain of worsening events.


But here's one I think will beat all. Titled: Toilet Shenanigans.




Sort yourself out man.

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I really do get wound up too easily. Got my nan staying with us at the moment after she hurt her leg and weve just been talking about the moon landing. She saw one tv show once which said it was fake and now its all she will believe. Her only reason that it was fake was "well they obviously didnt go". I get really wound up with ignorance. She will believe some conspiracy theorist on tv but will ignore all data, scientists and proof that they did. She even refuses to believe they went there 6 times overall because "well I never heard about it".


I had to just walk away in the end. Probably shouldnt have ended it though with "Sorry, ive got to leave, I just cant handle stupid people"

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So following on from my post last week regarding my 'turn' at Alton Towers i went to my doctors yesterday... and it seems all is well!


Sounds like i made myself worse, as i got off the ride i felt sick and dizzy so i started breathing deeply thinking i was making myself better BUT in fact i was making myself worse. According to my GP i should have just breathed normally but by breathing deeply (and properly quickly as i was trying to not make myself sick) i actually caused myself to hyperventilate!! Too much Oxygen, not enough carbon dioxide (this is why people use plastic bags over there mouth if they are hyperventilating and the like as that forces the Carbon Dioxide back in to balance it out) and tingling over the body and cramps etc are all side effects of that! He also said my heart rate and blood pressure were fine yesterday.


Just to be safe he has sent me to have some blood tests (which i have had today) checking my glucose (i couldn't eat for 14 hours before) and other bits and has booked me in to have my heart rate checked over a longer time.


But he sounded confident that i will be a ok!

Edited by Mike1988uk
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Few weeks ago i was supposed to meet a friend for lunch. She didn't turn up, didn't phone, didn't answer my call, was just left stood up! Now yesterday another friend cancelled a dinner plan, as she couldn't make it. She's just had two weeks off work and "couldn't make it" during all that time either. We've been talking about having a meal for months... never happens! She never has time.


It's not as if i'm forcing myself on these people, was actually their idea! But i was really looking forward to it.


Didn't realise doing something as basic as going out for a meal with someone was so difficult! Obviously they aren't much fussed and have better things to do. *offended*


Scatterbrained flakey mooses.


Why do i bother?? :nono:

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^^ That sucks. Some people are just lazy/downright assholes/not interested and its a bit pathetic. Its easy to say no I guess, just...quite said. Eventually they'll regret it/they're not worth your effort if they're gonna be like that.


I have a friend who I know would do something similar to people. Well has done. Literally so many examples;


Some friends of mine had a small gathering/small "party" and texted him to see where he was. "On my way right now, nearly there". *Doesn't turn up*.


The best man at his wedding moved out of his parents house about a year ago.......he still hasn't been round to see him. :/


He is also a compulsive liar. Like. Literally compulsive. Its a bit awkward because he is someone who I kind of need to remain friendly with and need to talk with on a regular basis, but he said something the other day about a friend of mine (with special needs) that simply wasn't true, and I could tell...from...A) The fact that I know my friend and what he would do and say, B) The fact that it was an absolutely ridiculous occurence and C) That you can tell when he is lying. Basically he said my friend posted a comment on every single one of his facebook pictures....he said EVERY SINGLE one....and one was "Your mum is fit, I'd fuck her" and that it took him three days to delete them all.


I partly think some of it was some kind of adult-mature-bravado or something in front of other people but I basically said "Yeah I don't think he said that" and left it at that so as not to create a bad atmosphere or more awkward relationship....I don't need to start shit. But I certainly didn't appreciate that. And like...he has got 200 photos, both - can't see him commenting that much, and can't see it taking so long to delete, can't see me not having seen any comments etc etc etc. It was just so blatant.


And he just lies....so much I don't even understand it. Like "New Spider-Man was revealed at comic con" *watched every shred of news from the show* "Oh right, who is it?" (I asked knowing the response would be a lie) "Ben Reilly". Right.


Just. Ugh. And INCONSEQUENTIAL stuff. "Did you read this?" "Yes" but then when you ask him what he liked, he either gets really unspecific or he says "Yeah I liked X" "That wasn't this issue" "Oh, maybe I didn't read it then". I don't understand.






I've been meaning to say this post for two weeks now;


Bad stuff - On my first week at work, on the Tuesday night/Wednesday morning I woke up (at about 2-3am or whatever) with a bloody fucking mother fucking fuck migraine! I couldn't bloody believe it. It was dreadful, spent some (oh...as I've said other times, my migraines are epic with gradual build up of epic pain, culminating in vomiting, absolutely no head pain whatsoever for 5-20 seconds, then rinse and repeat) anyway, spent some time in the upstairs loo. Then back to bed, then didn't want to keep Claire up so I migrated (lol migra) to downstairs loo and spent some time in there. Vomit was taking ages to come this time so I tried to sleep a bit there, positioning dressing gown in pillow-like positions....and I must have caught a (albeit very tiny) amount of sleep...the position I was in was not good, huddle on the floor (downstairs loo is unfathomably small) with head on gown on loo (seat down/cover down too), anyway then I had a bit of neck ache for about 10 days, which has pretty much gone now.


But yeah basically I felt like uber uber uber shit, but luckily migraine had basically finished by getting up/normal morning time and there was no way I was calling in sick on my god damn 3rd day (I hope I don't have to at all for at least a year, I want to have an epic sick record at this job....didn't care at HBOS) and so went to work and it sucked for the majority, but I did it.




Finally - (Grunch) Why are some ice cubes white? I was out with (Molly) and others the other night and at one point the conversation turned to semen ice cubes. Anyway, Claire just bought me a drink with ice in (weather is hot), and one of the ice cubes is white. Why is one of the ice cubes white? I assume it isn't semen.

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Accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet, yay.


Have done the required battery removal etc. and drying and it now seems to be mostly working, but not entirely. A replacement battery might work, but else I hope insurance will cover a new handset.


As for white ice cubes, I expect several factors affect it, but basically it results from irregularites and bubbles in the crystal structure. Getting a totally transparent crystal requires purer (i.e. semen-free) water, cleaner surfaces, and probably a more even freezing process.

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As for white ice cubes, I expect several factors affect it, but basically it results from irregularites and bubbles in the crystal structure. Getting a totally transparent crystal requires purer (i.e. semen-free) water, cleaner surfaces, and probably a more even freezing process.


I love you.

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^^ That sucks. Some people are just lazy/downright assholes/not interested and its a bit pathetic. Its easy to say no I guess, just...quite said. Eventually they'll regret it/they're not worth your effort if they're gonna be like that.


I have a friend who I know would do something similar to people. Well has done. Literally so many examples;


Some friends of mine had a small gathering/small "party" and texted him to see where he was. "On my way right now, nearly there". *Doesn't turn up*.


The best man at his wedding moved out of his parents house about a year ago.......he still hasn't been round to see him. :/


He is also a compulsive liar. Like. Literally compulsive. Its a bit awkward because he is someone who I kind of need to remain friendly with and need to talk with on a regular basis, but he said something the other day about a friend of mine (with special needs) that simply wasn't true, and I could tell...from...A) The fact that I know my friend and what he would do and say, B) The fact that it was an absolutely ridiculous occurence and C) That you can tell when he is lying. Basically he said my friend posted a comment on every single one of his facebook pictures....he said EVERY SINGLE one....and one was "Your mum is fit, I'd fuck her" and that it took him three days to delete them all.


I partly think some of it was some kind of adult-mature-bravado or something in front of other people but I basically said "Yeah I don't think he said that" and left it at that so as not to create a bad atmosphere or more awkward relationship....I don't need to start shit. But I certainly didn't appreciate that. And like...he has got 200 photos, both - can't see him commenting that much, and can't see it taking so long to delete, can't see me not having seen any comments etc etc etc. It was just so blatant.


And he just lies....so much I don't even understand it. Like "New Spider-Man was revealed at comic con" *watched every shred of news from the show* "Oh right, who is it?" (I asked knowing the response would be a lie) "Ben Reilly". Right.


Just. Ugh. And INCONSEQUENTIAL stuff. "Did you read this?" "Yes" but then when you ask him what he liked, he either gets really unspecific or he says "Yeah I liked X" "That wasn't this issue" "Oh, maybe I didn't read it then". I don't understand.




Thanks! Glad not everyone sees this as reasonable behaviour, i often wonder. Happens so often. And wow, texting you are "almost there" and then never turning up is a ridiculous extreme of this flakey bullshit. Just... wow.


People... ohhhhhh.... people.




Bad stuff - On my first week at work, on the Tuesday night/Wednesday morning I woke up (at about 2-3am or whatever) with a bloody fucking mother fucking fuck migraine! I couldn't bloody believe it. It was dreadful, spent some (oh...as I've said other times, my migraines are epic with gradual build up of epic pain, culminating in vomiting, absolutely no head pain whatsoever for 5-20 seconds, then rinse and repeat) anyway, spent some time in the upstairs loo. Then back to bed, then didn't want to keep Claire up so I migrated (lol migra) to downstairs loo and spent some time in there. Vomit was taking ages to come this time so I tried to sleep a bit there, positioning dressing gown in pillow-like positions....and I must have caught a (albeit very tiny) amount of sleep...the position I was in was not good, huddle on the floor (downstairs loo is unfathomably small) with head on gown on loo (seat down/cover down too), anyway then I had a bit of neck ache for about 10 days, which has pretty much gone now.


But yeah basically I felt like uber uber uber shit, but luckily migraine had basically finished by getting up/normal morning time and there was no way I was calling in sick on my god damn 3rd day (I hope I don't have to at all for at least a year, I want to have an epic sick record at this job....didn't care at HBOS) and so went to work and it sucked for the majority, but I did it.


That's bastardy timing for a migraine. Stupid life. I'd be heading straight for my beloved Panadol. But i guess that's only for regular headaches, not Headaches of Doom like migraines.

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So this summer, my gym has closed, my brother has been in hospital, my Nan has died, my TV broke, the two lecturers at my Uni responsible for the entirety of my course (them being the only ones capable of teaching the most important subjects) have quit and the only girl I've really like in the last 10 months has kicked me out of her life for some other guy.


I really can't recall a time of so many crap things happening to me in such a short space. I'm almost ready to write off 2011 now...

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So this summer, my gym has closed, my brother has been in hospital, my Nan has died, my TV broke, the two lecturers at my Uni responsible for the entirety of my course (them being the only ones capable of teaching the most important subjects) have quit and the only girl I've really like in the last 10 months has kicked me out of her life for some other guy.


I really can't recall a time of so many crap things happening to me in such a short space. I'm almost ready to write off 2011 now...


Unfortunately that sounds like my 2009/2010, it's slightly carried into this year too.


I really hope things look up for you CF. :hug:

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