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Meh since being told of redundancy ive just been in a state of cant be arsed. Ive cancelled the gym, cant be arsed with running, cant be arsed with going out and also cant be arsed with gaming. I put the Wii U on and have a ton of games to play but just cant be arsed to game.


I had my interview though last Monday and got invited to a second interview this coming Monday. Ive applied for a few more jobs aswell but have yet to hear back.


I had an interview a couple of weeks back for a role and received a letter just saying we are still interviewing. I wish they just confirm the rejection rather than dragging it on unnecessarily.

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I really want to smack the lecturers at the University of Sunderland in the teeth. Hard. Repeatedly. With a metal bar.


They are the most slapdash, unprofessional, arrogant and lazy teachers I have ever come across. They ask us to learn about different learning and teaching styles, but they only have one approach to teaching: "Piss off and read something."


I'm studying my PGCE via distance with these people, and it's costing me 6000 quid. They don't supply any books, I cannot use the online library resources because of my eyesight and there has not been a single set article to read for the entirety of this recent module. They lecturers only post weblinks when they are asked. And even then, grudgingly.


Assholes, absolute assholes. If I didn't need this qualification to progress in my career, I'd be demanding my money back right now.

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Wassa wrong with your eyesight that you cannae read those things?



For my bad thing: took off every key on keyboard to clean underneath. Put keys back in. Now keys don't seem to respond at times, mainly when I'm trying to do some legal secretary work and trying to bang out as many words per minute as I can. Invested in new keyboard. Boo.

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Wassa wrong with your eyesight that you cannae read those things?



I'm partially sighted, and the eye that works properly has about a 10-minute tolerance for reading pdf files on any kind of screen. And that is WITH my glasses. The Library only supplies books as pdf files that you can download, but not print, or read online and print one-page-at-a-very-slow-time. I have bought most of the books and printed out what pdf files I can.


This is costing me 6K for a year, my MA cost me 1.5k per year and they supplied us with absolutely everything that they referred to in our assignments and weekly tasks. These guys don't even supply direct links to the National Curriculum sections that we are studying, just the main homepage of the website, and then you have to find the downloads yourself.

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What the fuck? What did they do/say? (Obviously if it's not something you want to talk about...)


They are a good friend, so I'll keep this short.


As N-E knows, I'm a young woman who, has for as long as she can remember, been childfree (or CF). It's something that I've battled with, as it goes against 'nature', but realistically, mentality I'm just not able to commit to a child. So that life isn't going to happen for me. Ever.


That is something my parents, my friends know of. Until my new friend recently.


I understand the thought process, it is different, especially for a 23 year old female to be so against children. I have never once in my life felt any reason or need or feelings towards any child or felt the need to have one. (I won't get into detail here, I'd rather not offend or upset anyone).


But I for the most part, have never felt like a freak. But now I understand why there's such a need to defend your 'choice'. Sometimes, it isn't a choice and I felt sad that I had to argue that with a friend.


Eh, can't win everything. I feel better now, but it still upset me. :hug:

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Wait until they have kids and then spend the following 8 years reminding them incessantly that you could go out drinking heavily every night and still finish the week with more sleep and money than them.

Edited by gaggle64
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They are a good friend, so I'll keep this short.


As N-E knows, I'm a young woman who, has for as long as she can remember, been childfree (or CF). It's something that I've battled with, as it goes against 'nature', but realistically, mentality I'm just not able to commit to a child. So that life isn't going to happen for me. Ever.


That is something my parents, my friends know of. Until my new friend recently.


I understand the thought process, it is different, especially for a 23 year old female to be so against children. I have never once in my life felt any reason or need or feelings towards any child or felt the need to have one. (I won't get into detail here, I'd rather not offend or upset anyone).


But I for the most part, have never felt like a freak. But now I understand why there's such a need to defend your 'choice'. Sometimes, it isn't a choice and I felt sad that I had to argue that with a friend.


Eh, can't win everything. I feel better now, but it still upset me. :hug:


Not being funny, but if you're only 23 you may well change your mind in time, or mellow toward the issue. This could also be affected by finding a partner who wanted children or made you want to settle down and possibly start a family!


It might never change, but what people want at 23 when they're single may be very different to what you want at 33 when you're in a loving relationship!


I would like you to go into more detail as to why you feel this way though, as I'm curious...

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Not being funny, but if you're only 23 you may well change your mind in time, or mellow toward the issue. This could also be affected by finding a partner who wanted children or made you want to settle down and possibly start a family!


It might never change, but what people want at 23 when they're single may be very different to what you want at 33 when you're in a loving relationship!


I would like you to go into more detail as to why you feel this way though, as I'm curious...




The issue here, as I've mentioned quite a few times here, is not simply down to a choice of going:


'I don't want children'.


This isn't simply a choice I've made, like I don't want cereal for breakfast.

I can only hope you are assured when I tell you that to have my own children, to be able to be able to say 'yes I could love this child'. I would need therapy.


Yes I'm only 23 and I will more than likely always have these comments, well into my 40s, regardless of my stance, my mentality, even the way my body copes. Without people thinking for a second how this may make me feel or act.


I do understand however, that if things were different, if it simply was a case of a choice I had made, that I just didn't want kids. That I could and potentially with the right person change my mind.


Let's be honest Zech, I feel odd most days. My mind/body go against everything I'm designed to do as a woman. Do I really want that? No of course not, I'd love to be able to say that I could change my mind and that my issues will go away in time.


But as I know and have been told, the chances of that are slim. I haven't, as my step-mother didn't, rule out adoption or being with someone with children. I just could never have my own.


I hope this answers your question a bit more, I'm sorry for being so vague over issues, its not something I want to post about here, but it might give you a bit more insight. :(

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Nightwolf, do you not like children in general, or do you just not want your own?


Not being funny, but if you're only 23 you may well change your mind in time, or mellow toward the issue. This could also be affected by finding a partner who wanted children or made you want to settle down and possibly start a family!


It might never change, but what people want at 23 when they're single may be very different to what you want at 33 when you're in a loving relationship!


I would like you to go into more detail as to why you feel this way though, as I'm curious...


Even if that were the case, why does it matter? nightwolf is saying she doesn't want children, whether that changes in the future is irrelevant, because right now that's the case.


Why do you (and others) feel the need to tell her (and other [women]) that they might change their mind on this issue? If you're in a restaurant and somebody says "I don't want dessert", do you say, "Well you don't want dessert now, but next week you might want dessert, so let's not be too hasty".


Obviously not a serious analogy, but the point still stands. Any other life choice and people are happy to accept it. But children, "you're just confused". So what if there's the possibility that nightwolf might want kids in the future? Right now she doesn't, and can't foresee herself wanting them.


When somebody says they do want kids, do you turn round to them and say, "you might want kids now, but you're only young, in 10 years you'll probably change your mind".

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Even if that were the case, why does it matter? nightwolf is saying she doesn't want children, whether that changes in the future is irrelevant, because right now that's the case.


Why do you (and others) feel the need to tell her (and other [women]) that they might change their mind on this issue? If you're in a restaurant and somebody says "I don't want dessert", do you say, "Well you don't want dessert now, but next week you might want dessert, so let's not be too hasty".


Obviously not a serious analogy, but the point still stands. Any other life choice and people are happy to accept it. But children, "you're just confused". So what if there's the possibility that nightwolf might want kids in the future? Right now she doesn't, and can't foresee herself wanting them.


When somebody says they do want kids, do you turn round to them and say, "you might want kids now, but you're only young, in 10 years you'll probably change your mind".


Of course it isn't irrelevant.


People have different goals, desires and needs at different points in their lives.


At the age of 23 a hell of a lot of people don't want children. But that changes for most people as they get older. It might not change for Nightwolf, and if that's the case then it is fine!


I would tell anyone - women or men - when they make a sweeping statement on life at a young age that opinions often change over time.


I love your internet white knighting though, it's awesome and has brought a smile to my face!

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I would tell anyone - women or men - when they make a sweeping statement on life at a young age that opinions often change over time.


I'd imagine that people who decide to not have kids due to medical reasons are much less likely to change their mind.

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Of course it isn't irrelevant.


People have different goals, desires and needs at different points in their lives.


At the age of 23 a hell of a lot of people don't want children. But that changes for most people as they get older. It might not change for Nightwolf, and if that's the case then it is fine!


I would tell anyone - women or men - when they make a sweeping statement on life at a young age that opinions often change over time.


I love your internet white knighting though, it's awesome and has brought a smile to my face!


You're failing to understand that Nightwolf isn't simply making a sweeping statement. It's obviously not something she's decided on a whim. People know their own minds and when they feel (or don't feel) so strongly about something they know they won't change their minds. I have never tried drugs and I have no urge to. I am 25 and this won't change. Would you tell me I might change my mind in 30 years? Why do you think people give a shit what you think about their lives?


If Nightwolf doesn't want kids now or ever why can't you just accept that's what she wants? Why do you feel the need to point out she might change her mind? This is the bad stuff thread dude, she's come in here hurt that one of her friends has made her feel like a freak and you decide to side with them? What the hell is wrong with you.


Oh and belittling Moogle for not being a cunt? Nice internet black knighting mate.

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