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bad stuff thread.


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I always giggle when people say, "to be frank" on this




When I meet someone new:


Me: "Hi, Iun Hockley, generally handsome guy and sexual magnet."


Them: "Hi, I'm Will."


Me: "You poor, poor bastard..."


Them: "Excuse me?"


Me: "You're forever getting shot at."


Them: "What?"


Me: "You know...'FIRE AT WILL!'"


Them: "Oh... no, I never see that as being about me."


Me: "That's what the last Will I met said... then they shot him... it'll be your turn soon."

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Hmmm.... i come into work today and find that my laptop is dead.


I noticed when i picked it up this morning that it had been unplugged. No problem i say! (Internally of course) I'll just plug it in and recharge the battery! But no, the light still does not come on.


Remembering that previously this happened once, and you had to remove the battery and power it directly from the wall, i did so, but nope!


Not sure what to do now...i'm thinking it might be the power adapter, but i don't have a spare one of those, and i don't want to buy one if it isn't needed. Luckily all my work is backed up on Dropbox, but i can't do any actual work on my lab computer (what i'm typing on now).


This is a bad day.

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Thank you for your recent purchase on Google Play. Due to overwhelming demand, your Nexus 4 is on backorder and is expected to ship within three weeks. We’ll send you a notification when your order has shipped and will credit the shipping charges.




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Cacking up green stuff seems to be the plans for my weekend. My lungs feel like they've had needles stabbed into them a couple o hundred times... I really wanted to do a fucking spin class tomorrow god damn it!!!!! I'm hardly in any fit state to go on a bike for 5 minutes let alone an hour :(


I never thought I'd be huffing about not getting to the gym, guess that's a positive? Normally I'd be like fucking happy days a chance to be lazy but I'm displacing my addictive behaviour onto the gym.... It's probably gonna bite me in the ass sooner or later..

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I had the worst interview in my life today, I almost died on the way home and I've got a sneaking suspicion the lump on my back (that's been there for quite a while now) is going to be bad news.


I also think I have slight mania because the only way I process shit stuff happening is by smiling or laughing or whatever...and if I don't have slight mania I'm a hypochondriac.

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So some vocal minority on campus has somehow made it be put to vote to ban BAE from recruiting students on campus. wtf. It's in a bill to ban some music channels from the union bars and to ban lads mags. Why the union even has the power to ban companies on campus I don't know.

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So some vocal minority on campus has somehow made it be put to vote to ban BAE from recruiting students on campus. wtf. It's in a bill to ban some music channels from the union bars and to ban lads mags. Why the union even has the power to ban companies on campus I don't know.


They tried to do this at Strathclyde Uni once too. It was pointed out to them that BAE make massive donations/payments to the university and without these payments loads of staff would have to be made redundant and there would be far less students in the world renowned engineering department.

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