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Me need to vent...


Brother in Law in the Philippines crashed his motorbike yesterday, pretty bad state, lots of broken bones, likely lots of blood loss too, and pretty close to death.


Not really helped by the hospital system in the Philippines either, as there are no government funded hospitals Doctors will, can and did refuse to do anything until they had a downpayment and assurances that the total cost would be covered which was a shockingly high qoute. And Joys family do not have much of any money and needed help (ie: from me) to pay for the downpayment so that the doctors would do something. Because of the time difference we couldn't send money over till this morning and for like 12 hours prolly the doctors just left him on a bed and wouldn't even give him painkillers as "they cost money". :mad:


So long and short is me and Joy are left saving his life and footing a bill that will go into a fair few thousand euro (sent over 2 this morning likely more will be needed) that is coming out of my lifesavings that I was saving for a mortgage deposit and a new car and the wifes planned visit home next year, none of which is likely to be happening anytime soon now. *cough*And my WiiU *cough*


Is it bad of me to think that paying for a funeral and sending the wife over for a short trip to attend that would have cost me less?


Oh and I forgot to mention that he was bloody drunk when he got on the motorbike, he didn't hit another vehicle (which I guess is a positive) he just crashed...and it's not the first time something like this happened either, though last time he didn't get injured but ended up in jail for damaging property I paid his bail (in comparision a lot less than the costs for this accident only 400 then) and he told me he wouldn't drink and drive again... yeah thanks. which is why I said the above last bit... but I couldn't say that to my wife of course :heh:


So pretty much we're gonna save his life and the next time I get over there (which lucky for him I guess will be a long time now) I'm gonna take it back with my own hands :mad:

Edited by Mokong
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That is awful. But seriously, kudos to you for how you handled it. You absolutely did the right thing.




I feel for you, man. Especially as the guys said he wouldn't do it again. I hope, for the sake of your wife, that he recovers and reforms. However, about six months down the road you need to sit her down and tell her in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that the bank is now closed for that boy and you expect that every penny will be paid back. yes, I know the average wage in the Phils is about 100 GBP a month, but if he can afford to drink, he can afford to pay you a few quid a month.


It's harsh and she will squeal and cry over it, but seriously, you cannot bankroll her family: you can send them money every month that they should put by for a rainy day and that is it.

Edited by Iun
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That is awful. But seriously, kudos to you for how you handled it. You absolutely did the right thing.




I feel for you, man. Especially as the guys said he wouldn't do it again. I hope, for the sake of your wife, that he recovers and reforms. However, about six months down the road you need to sit her down and tell her in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that the bank is now closed for that boy and you expect that every penny will be paid back. yes, I know the average wage in the Phils is about 100 GBP a month, but if he can afford to drink, he can afford to pay you a few quid a month.


It's harsh and she will squeal and cry over it, but seriously, you cannot bankroll her family: you can send them money every month that they should put by for a rainy day and that is it.



Oh I intend to do that for sure, actually the first time I told her if he ends up in jail again I am not bailing him out anymore and she agreed.... though of course this time it was a choice of let him die or save his life which made things a little bit different. :heh:

If I could have made the choice myself I prolly would have left him but I couldn't do that to my wife....this time

He's had a few ops on his limbs and jaw yesterday with some metal braces put in. I guess he's no longer in "critical" state anymore.... part of me thought (maybe even hoped) he wouldn't of made it... especially given those first 12 hours where doctors did nothing :heh:

[/evil Mokong]


I have no problem with her sending money over which she does, but that is usually to cover food and her younger sisters school mostly which I am fine with. But yeah obviously this is unexpected and shouldn't have happened if the bastard had a bit of cop on about himself which he doesn't

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I have a member of staff from the Phils, and she is a tremendously hard worker. Constantly sends about half her money home as her dad died and mum has poor health. She has the opportunity and she takes it, and kudos for her, but I do get the feeling from what she says that it encourages a little laziness and a slightly slapdash approach to finances by her family "oh, Aileen will send us more money if we need it, so just get whatever you want".


It's her choice, and I respect it, but there'd be strings attached if it were me i.e. spend half and save half, not spend double and save less because now you have more.

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@Mokong X\-C

I can understand you being frustrated with the dude, I definitely would be if I were in your situation as well. It's very good of you to do this for him but I do agree with Iun in what he says. I hate private health care!

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My relationship of nearly three years and engagement of just over a year has just come to an end so I'm sat here alone drinking vodka... :blank:


*raises glass*


Here's to being single again... I guess. ::shrug:






What the fuck am I doing? :(

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My relationship of nearly three years and engagement of just over a year has just come to an end so I'm sat here alone drinking vodka... :blank:


*raises glass*


Here's to being single again... I guess. ::shrug:






What the fuck am I doing? :(



Dude, man hugs! Tell us all about it? What the fuck happened? WHO DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL?!

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Dude, man hugs! Tell us all about it? What the fuck happened? WHO DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL?!


I can't really go into it right now but let's just say 'it was for the best' even though it doesn't feel like it right now... :hmm:


Anyway thank you for your concern, no killing is necessary... I had a talk with @Supergrunch though in the chatroom which has helped put things into perspective, right now though I need to sleep as I feel both physically and emotionally exhausted. :(

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I can't really go into it right now but let's just say 'it was for the best' even though it doesn't feel like it right now... :hmm:


Anyway thank you for your concern, no killing is necessary... I had a talk with @Supergrunch though in the chatroom which has helped put things into perspective, right now though I need to sleep as I feel both physically and emotionally exhausted. :(


Alright, well, maybe not "kill" how about I do two maimings instead? Four GBHs?


Sixteen saying something off colours in the middle of the high street?

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Thanks for the support guys, it means a lot.


SCG, did it come out of nowhere? Was it slowly building up? Moar details. :(


Slowly building up, I don't really have much time to explain right now but the long and short of it is... long distance relationship, neither me or her could commit to moving to either country permanently, we both haven't been truly 'happy' for a while...


It's ok though as we will remain friends - I know for some that's the worst idea but not in this instance - which I honestly think will work out better for everyone... it just kind of sucks right now is all. :hmm:


Anyway, I'll be fine in time I'm sure.

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Apologies for the long post but I need to get it all off my chest.


I was mugged yesterday. That's a first for me.




Sorry to hear Zell-


I know the Pershore road well, since I live pretty close (I'm just off the 5 way roundabout myself)


It's shocking how much streetcrime can take place in both broad daylight and busy locations.


I remember a few years ago I was doing an extra job for the council (Canvassing) and while walking on broad street at around 7/8pm ish some guy just came up and punched me clean in the face.


For a while afterwards I was super extra careful, when listenining to music in broad daylight while walking. I did a lot of one earpiece in and one out to still be away of my surrounding.


I was always really neverous around shifty looking black guys who looked moody/scary/odd -which is terrible to label all black people as danagerous (Since the guy who punched me was black) and one of my best friends is black and the nicest guy you could ever meet- go figure...


Anyway time is a great healer, and now I listen to music full blast with full abandon while walking around.


I'm sure you will be careful for a fixed periol of time, then bit by bit slip back into a comfort zone of how you used to be while walking home.

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This is my father and I am very ashamed of him right now. He souldn't drink so much, also he's a big jerk because my mother thought he was having a stroke so she called an ambulance. He'll be sorry when he wakes up in hospital tomorrow morning :P

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So I just found out my creative director blamed me the other day for a pitch going wrong. I've been told that last week in the meeting he was all for making me permanent but since he fucked up this pitch so bad, despite my quite frankly brilliant efforts under he abysmal direction to save it, he told everyone I'm not very good, just so he covered his arse.


Now while I'm annoyed for the obvious reasons (you know, the blatant lying) what really gets me is that everyone who knows me, basically most the people in the company, know that I always do a bang up job - I don't fucking things up, ever - I'm pretty well regarded - but the people higher up who I don't really talk to are just going to take his side.


I don't really know what to think, tbh. If I were an utter hack I'd have done the same thing, I guess.


It's just a load of bullshit. He made so many mistakes with this pitch that I kept pointing out, and he kept ignoring me - he didn't understand the brand, the budget or the brief's history, he contributed nothing and this is how I'm treated.


I don't know where this leaves me. The vibe I got was that people picked up on his bullshit (because I'm bloody good at my job), but the peeps who make the decisions wouldn't and ultimately he is the creative director - he pretty much gets the final call.


I just want him to get what's coming to him.

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This is my father and I am very ashamed of him right now. He souldn't drink so much, also he's a big jerk because my mother thought he was having a stroke so she called an ambulance. He'll be sorry when he wakes up in hospital tomorrow morning :P


So ashamed you posted a picture of him on the internet?

Tell your mother I said hi and that she's a saint for putting up with you lot.

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This is my father and I am very ashamed of him right now. He souldn't drink so much, also he's a big jerk because my mother thought he was having a stroke so she called an ambulance. He'll be sorry when he wakes up in hospital tomorrow morning :P


That is quite possibly the hottest dressing gown I have seen this side of Coronation Street.


I didn't read the rest, mesmerised by the hotness. Something aout stroking a guy in an ambulance?

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So I just found out my creative director blamed me the other day for a pitch going wrong. I've been told that last week in the meeting he was all for making me permanent but since he fucked up this pitch so bad, despite my quite frankly brilliant efforts under he abysmal direction to save it, he told everyone I'm not very good, just so he covered his arse.


Now while I'm annoyed for the obvious reasons (you know, the blatant lying) what really gets me is that everyone who knows me, basically most the people in the company, know that I always do a bang up job - I don't fucking things up, ever - I'm pretty well regarded - but the people higher up who I don't really talk to are just going to take his side.


I don't really know what to think, tbh. If I were an utter hack I'd have done the same thing, I guess.


It's just a load of bullshit. He made so many mistakes with this pitch that I kept pointing out, and he kept ignoring me - he didn't understand the brand, the budget or the brief's history, he contributed nothing and this is how I'm treated.


I don't know where this leaves me. The vibe I got was that people picked up on his bullshit (because I'm bloody good at my job), but the peeps who make the decisions wouldn't and ultimately he is the creative director - he pretty much gets the final call.


I just want him to get what's coming to him.


I've been on the receiving end of this kind of thing a few times. Sounds like you need to get the fuck out of there.

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