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I fucked up one of my modules at uni. Handed in everything that needed to be, but I ran out of time and so apart from the final outcome itself it was shit. None of my development work was annotated and my design report was shit, I am really pissed off with myself right now and can't believe that the graphic design module is gonna be the worse marks out of the three!


The girl on the course I like was in the same situation and she's thinking of dropping out, which would just make it even worse!

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@Eddage Don't give yourself too much of a hard time... it's a two year course... is the first year as stongly weighted as the second? Also it'll all be averaged out... and you've been storming other modeuls right, so you've got some % to play around with.




Feeling a bit rubbish today, I think the effects from the crazy lack of sleep I've had over the last few days to meet my deadline are gonna be around for a few days. Didn't get as much catch-up sleep as I would have wanted to last night.

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Ugh, just became innocent bystander collateral damage in a friend's breakup.

His girlfriend tells me about it and I listen. Then the next day I hear from him that she's "calmed down now" and that she said we'd talked, and asked if I had anything to say to him. I said meeting up is the only option for a conversation like that. He rages, I block, and then she gets in touch and says to ignore everything she said.


So it was never any of my damn business and now I have to deal with this guy tomorrow even though I have nothing to do with their breakup!

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My car died yesterday :(


Was just pulling out of the car park at work to go home for lunch when the steering suddenly went loose. I didn't have a clue what had happened but it was making a horrible grinding noise. I got out and the front left wheel was facing inwards - it had pretty much snapped off and hydraulic fluid was leaking onto the floor.


It would cost about £200 to repair, but it needs a few other things doing to it to get it through its MOT on top of that, and seeing that past the summer I will probably be in London full time, it's not really worth the cost.


I'm so sad because it was my first car - the only one I have ever driven - it did me well for 4 years. It cost us £800 and we're getting £135 for it to be collected and scrapped, so not too bad I suppose.


Still, I am so grateful I was only going a couple of miles per hour out of a car park - if I had actually been driving anywhere it's likely I would have had a major accident.




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Fuel Genie/All Star/etc cards are a fucking pain. Slightly referenced in my Facebook, these cards are given to company employees to cover the cost for their petrol. But some pricks think they can get away with using incorrect cards.


I had one chap try use a card which I had to ring up for authorisation and turned out it been cancelled as his boss reported it missing, which could be considered an honest mistake, although throughout the course of the day his knowledge on this increased and decreased at will, implying to me he knew the case, he was just trying to be a sneaky fuck. At one point:

"Yes mate they're sending you a replacement"

"That is the replacement"

"It expires in a month"




Then tried using a "spare" card which was assigned to someone who didn't even work for the company anymore. And wasn't even signed on the back. The fucking strip is there for a reason. I humoured him and rang the card company again, shock horror, he couldn't use it.


So he decides to ring his boss who started whining at me over the phone saying he could authorise any card over the phone. I almost caved but I still wasn't convinced, I asked who's signature was on the back of his card and he confirmed it was his. I asked who would sign for it and he claimed the employee with me would. I explained that wasn't how it worked. Cue more bullshit ranting and saying he's on his way. I ring the card company again just to make sure I didn't just land myself in the shit. Turns out I was right, phew. Boss turns up, pays using his card with complimentary whining, saying he's just rang the card company and said he was right, basically saying he's the exception to every rule we've been told regarding these cards.


The simple fact is, you aint getting shit if you're not playing straight. It's the same principle as me taking one of your bank cards and using my signature to get money. It doesn't matter if it's from the same account, if the details don't match = No.

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What company do you use?


Also, some of the cards we have focus only on reg, which is easier since anyone can use it, provided it goes into the vehicle.


We use Fuel Card Services Ltd. We only have one card and it's been signed by someone who no longer works with it. When I phoned to check if we could still use it, it was fine.

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car troubles here


Oh snap.


So yesterday I decided to go home to see the parents, I'm also heading to Sheffield tomorrow.


Half way up the a14, a pretty dangerous and busy road out of Cambridge, my gears become really difficult to use - fuck, so it goes away again for all of 5 minutes and I suddenly get a very loud noise every time I put my car in gear, almost like when you miss the gear but louder.


So I get my car towed to a garage and I get my Dad to pick me up from Cambridge.


My brum brum needs a new gearbox, now for anybody that knows cars, gearboxes aint cheap, luckily they've given me a re-condition one as it's better/cheaper. So there's about 700-800quid with the new clutch and labour. Apart from the springs it's never broken, so really it's not worth getting rid of just yet.


Sigh, what an ass, I'm thanking my lucky stars however that this didn't happen on the m6...oh my days.


So yes, on top of that and tuesday's news AND my phone with orange being cocked up. I'm not a happy bunny.


Bye bye wages.

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@Eddage Don't give yourself too much of a hard time... it's a two year course... is the first year as stongly weighted as the second? Also it'll all be averaged out... and you've been storming other modeuls right, so you've got some % to play around with.



Yeah, I reckon I've got a distinction in multimedia and hopefully a merit in visual culture. I'm just annoyed at myself since graphic design should be my main module - it's what I've actually gone to study!


Feeling a bit rubbish today, I think the effects from the crazy lack of sleep I've had over the last few days to meet my deadline are gonna be around for a few days. Didn't get as much catch-up sleep as I would have wanted to last night.


Same, was at work today and just felt really tired/crap/sick, thankfully I don't have anymore work/uni until the 30th so I've got enough time to recover :heh:

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My razer copperhead mouse has been double clicking and i've done a "repair" to it, but it requires the thing to dry. So I'm stuck on a mid range £30 logitech mouse.... here's me thinking I wouldn't know the difference... blow me down its the most sluggish and awful thing ever. :( And i've got glue all over my hands...lol.


Still feeling like freakin crap. Work is so stressful at the moment and it just keeps getting worse and worse. I'm so paranoid when the boss looks over my shoulder (hes got to learn how the office functions and how to take calls so he has to observe) and its just doin my cracker in. We seem to get more and more abuse thrown our way and its just woeful =( It's affecting my health as well. I just go home and vegetate on the sofa, then go to bed.... not living at all.


Also on another sidenote... I'm really pissed off by a man... I've been well and truly friendzoned.. he doesn't give two toots about my feelings but when he's after something i'm expected to just... do it. Argh. :(

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