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  Dyson said:
Spot on, 100%. You've nailed it with that post.


What can we do to change it?


Oh love, don't get too down! Honestly, the last couple of months, I've been the same way, but it does happen!


I got taken on for this job and I never thought it would happen, sure it's not based on my portfolio and it's not 3d modelling work, but it's getting there, just get your butt out and apply :).


Supergrunch - thankyou very much, a friend who used to live here rallied her friends to help me out and someone is giving me a tour saturday, I'm slowly getting there. I might feel better when I'm in a team at work as that'll help to get to know everyone.

  Ganepark32 said:
Internet connection is absolutely shocking at the moment. So much for Virgin Media upgrading the cables not so long ago. Getting constant 'Server Not Found' errors when I go onto a new page. Fun times. Makes trying to sort things out, like internet banking, a nightmare.


Virgin Media has been shit for me too. Had no internet at all over the weekend. Good job I got L.A. Noire or else I may have actually had to leave the house. Scary thought.


i feel like utter shit.


crap crap crap crap.


despite having a really good day, i'm just so down about weightwatchers today. I worked my ass off calculating and recalculating points, taking everything down.. and i put on weight. My hip has been in agony for most of the week and i'm not been able to exercise... but i've been strict with my food... as i always am.


Just... meh.


Come in from a good night with buddies and movies, go on Skype and do my usual joke-related greeting to a friend up at uni and get an unexpected reply.. one of our friends that came to our university on an exchange trip from Japan a year ago had died last week =(


I've never had a situation where death just comes out of the blue, there's always been a build up like 'an accident has happened and so and so is in the hospital being treated' or a relatively getting a very bad illness.. for it to come out of no where I just have no experience with, I feel so bad that I haven't kept in touch with them recently and to call bullshit on my friend who was informing me.


I feel so incredibly shit.


Just had my last exam. Despite getting a 70 in the coursework which is worth 50% of the module, I'd be lucky to get 50%, getting a 2.1 would be a miracle. Probably the worst exam I've ever sat.


Shit way to end the year.


Put a festival ticket (bought for 150€) on ebay, 'cause I can't go.


17 hours left. Still only 1 bid at 1€. What the hell? If I don't get at least 100€ for it I'll be pissed.

  dr4hkon said:
Put a festival ticket (bought for 150€) on ebay, 'cause I can't go.


17 hours left. Still only 1 bid at 1€. What the hell? If I don't get at least 100€ for it I'll be pissed.


The vast majority of ebay action happens in the dying minutes, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Agree with Odders. I know I wait til the end, because it saves the bidding racking up to unaffordable levels.


so it'll stay at 99p all week, then an hour beforehand skyrockets to 80 quid! Damn them! *shakes fist*


Ah boo at deaths and ticket sales. :(


Mostly just things today, I've got to do a 5 day training bit with Jagex that is usually 2 weeks +, I'm ok for now, but it's just all stress and I won't get told I'm staying or going until the last week I'm here, which will make finding somewhere awful if I'm staying.


It's just continuous stress. As much as I love the job <3 :(


Gah, my laptop has never had the best core temperature, but today (or maybe earlier, but I didn't notice it before today) it just seems to have skyrocketed. Now it can reach a core temperature of 75 degrees while I'm just surfing the web! I talked to an HP tech assistant earlier, and he recommended that I install a BIOS update that's supposed to increase fan speed, and then he'd call again tomorrow. So far it doesn't seem to have worked, and the core temperature still goes up and down. At present it's where it normally is, at about 55 degrees, but according the nice tech guy that's actually still too high for this model. Now I just hope he can help me tomorrow.


If I'm suddenly gone, it's 'cause my laptop is either in the process of overheating or already completely fried. :heh:


Virgin Media isn't working.... No TV or Internet till Tuesday as that's the only time they can fix it.


just as-well we're going away this weekend.


BAD = Customers thinking they get double the discount when it says nothing of the sort.


As some may be aware Tesco have begun another round of 5p off a litre of petrol coupons. Which brag that if you fill up with Super Unleaded (which by definition is Super and will obviously cost more), and use the voucher it will cost the same as normal unleaded.


Now people seem to translate this as "Buy Super Unleaded and it will cost the same as normal Unleaded with discount, meaning you're getting 10p off a litre, thus screwing everyone else over because they bought normal unleaded or diesel because they didn't have your shrewd reading skillz."


"Receipt says I paying 1.38 a litre."

"Yes but it says lower down you've had [X] taken off by the voucher."

"But it says here I paying 1.38 a litre."

"Yes, but after the discount is applied here you're paying the same as normal unleaded."

"But when is taking the 5p off the litre?"

"It already has."

"So it's not taking 5p off the unleaded?"

"No, it's taken 5p off the Super unleaded so you're paying normal unleaded price for Super unleaded."

"Oh... right."


God damn it, now I have to send my laptop in to get repaired, meaning I'll be without it for up to two weeks. I don't need this shit right now.


Would you advise that I remove any files from it that I'm not interested in other people seeing before sending it in?


Also, the Wii Lens Cleaner didn't solve the issue of the lagging Guitar Hero games. Fuck.


Not a good day for technology.

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
God damn it, now I have to send my laptop in to get repaired, meaning I'll be without it for up to two weeks. I don't need this shit right now.


Would you advise that I remove any files from it that I'm not interested in other people seeing before sending it in?


Also, the Wii Lens Cleaner didn't solve the issue of the lagging Guitar Hero games. Fuck.


Not a good day for technology.


I would imagine that most tech support people would gladly watch those sort of videos. :)




I guess maybe no one outside of China cared, but it was a pretty significant scandal in terms of the entertainment industry. Basically this guy is a singer/actor, and he sent his laptop into a computer shop for repairs. The employees discovered highly NSFW photos featuring many famous singers and actresses. Of course they got leaked, and his career went bust for a while. Think he's been trying to make a comeback recently.


So yeah...get rid of any home sex videos you have :p


At my old workplace, one of the office workers left and handed in his company laptop. They found his homemade porn on it. Fool. Didn't hear if his lady friend was attractive or not. Could have been a right monster mash for all I know.

  EddieColeslaw said:


I guess maybe no one outside of China cared, but it was a pretty significant scandal in terms of the entertainment industry. Basically this guy is a singer/actor, and he sent his laptop into a computer shop for repairs. The employees discovered highly NSFW photos featuring many famous singers and actresses. Of course they got leaked, and his career went bust for a while. Think he's been trying to make a comeback recently.


So yeah...get rid of any home sex videos you have :p


Meh, it's not like I'm famous. :p

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